Chapter 45

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Lauren's pov.

Waking up next to Camila was always the best feeling ever. Having my dream girl next to me sleeping soundly felt like I'm finally complete. She is bringing the best of me and I've never in my life felt like that. Loving someone and being loved by them is something you have to be patient with but once you experience that you'll never be the same. I sighed contently and smiled to myself. I really can't wait for our future together.

"What got you all smiley?" I heard Camila's husky voice and looked down at her. Her head was on my chest, her arm wrapped tightly around my waist and our legs tangled together. I must've been so deep in thought I didn't realise that she woke up.

"You." I answered truthfully and she ducked her face, blushing. I loved the effect I still have on her.

"Lauren." She whined. "It's too early for you to be cute." She said and buried her face in my neck.

"Well I can't help it." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her a bit tighter.

"You really are something else Lauren Jauregui." She said looking at me with so much adoration in her eyes that I could explode.

"I love this." I said after kissing her cheek gently.

"What?" She asked cutely.

"That. Waking up next to you everyday. I can get used to this." I said when she snuggled to me again.

"Babe I'm practically leaving here." She said with a chuckle.

"Well why don't we make it official then. Will you move in with me, Camz?" I said looking down at her. Her head shot up and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she is right now.

"What? Laur are you sure?"

"Like you said. You've been practically leaving here already. I love having you here, falling asleep and waking up next to you. I want that everyday. For the rest of my life." I said genuinely, hoping that didn't scare her.

"Oh my God, Lauren I would love to." She said with beaming smile. "You make me so happy." She sighed and I pecked her lips softly.

"You make me the happiest I've ever been. I can't wait for our forever, Camz."


2 months later.

I was lying on the couch sipping my coffee and reading a book. Camila was out doing some interviews while I was trying to find myself something to do. She was a bit busy this past month after her album came out but we always find time to have a dinner together at home or go out for a date.

After "Romance" came out it was instantly a number 1 album. Our old harmonizers freaked out when they noticed there's one more song that wasn't on original track list. "There's no way" became the most streamed song in almost every country. Camila and I did a few interviews together and of course the most common question was if camren is real. Well I guess we were back to the good old days. But this time we weren't trying to hide our relationship. We were being as affectionate as we want whenever and wherever. And it felt great.

After Camila officially moved in she instantly made the place more cosy adding few bits and pieces here and there. There was a part of both of us in that apartment and it finally felt like home. There were pictures of us on almost every wall, Camila's guitars were hanging in the leaving room and my old paintings were adding the final touch.

I've never imagined my life like that. When Camila showed up on my porch 9 months ago I would never think we would end up here. Living together and being so domestic still felt surreal to me sometimes but I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend my life with. Being with Camila was so easy. It felt so natural for both of us. I know she was always the one for me. But this time I won't let her go. Ever.

I heard the front door opening and I immediately smiled knowing Camila is home.

"Baby?" I called sitting up and throwing my book on the table.

She came in to the leaving room wearing a jean shorts, white tank top and one of my shirts. I didn't see her this morning since she left pretty early so I smiled instantly and she did the same. I stretched my arms, silently asking her to come closer.

"I missed you." She said coming my way and straddling my lap. My hands went to rest on her waist while Camila's flew around my neck.

"I missed you too, Camz." I said kissing her lips.

It started off slowly but our kisses instantly became more passionate. I started softly caressing Camila's back under her t-shirt while our tongues were fighting for dominance.

"I really like the outfit, baby." I husked moving my kisses down to her neck.

"Yeah?" She said breathlessly. "I might've steal one of your shirts." She said close to my ear that I felt her hot breath on my skin and shivered.

"Mmm I can see that but I think you'll look better without it." I said smirking and taking off the shirt, throwing it on the floor.

I started kissing her collarbones and moving down to her breasts since they were pretty exposed at the moment. I moved her tank top lower revealing white, lacy bra. I bit her skin gently trying not to leave a mark and her hands tangled in my hair. She pushed them to one side and started kissing from my ear to my jaw and I moaned at the sensation. I moved my hand to squezze her breast and my other hand went to rest on her round backside. She pulled my face to her and started kissing me so deeply that my head was spinning.

I put my hand in her jean pocket and pushed her into me even more. She started grinding her hips and I pinched her nipple through her bra. She moaned in my mouth and I bit her lip, knowing she loves when I do that.

"Fuck you're so hot." She whimpered and I went to suck on her sweet spot under her ear.

Our moment was interrupted when I heard Camila's phone ringing. I ignored it at first and didn't stop my actions but Camila put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me back a bit. I looked at her flustered and she gave me a sweet peck. I frowned when she got up and started looking for her phone.

"Hello? No way! Are you serious? Yes! I mean, yeah I'll ask her. Okay. Yeah. Thanks Roger, see you tomorrow." She ended the call and looked at me excitedly going back to sit on my lap.

"Oh my god, Lauren." She hugged me tightly and sighed contently.

"What? What is it? Is everything okay?" I asked confused and she pulled away shaking her head.

"Roger just called me. They want us to perform on the AMAs!" She almost shouted grabbing my face with her hands.

"W-what? Us? You mean like-?"

"They want us to sing "There's no way"! And we're nominated for the song of the year!" She said putting her forehead against mine and I widened my eyes.

"Fuck baby this is crazy! Oh my God I cant believe it!" I said pecking her face all over and she started giggling.

"I know, Laur. Are we going to do it?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

"Of course we'll do it! I can't fucking wait baby." I said eagerly.

She laughed throwing her head back and I smiled at her lovingly.

"It's so unreal." She whispered and hugged me again.

"It's gonna be perfect baby. That's my second best day ever!" I said and she pulled away smiling.

"What's the first one?"

"The day you came back to my life." I said and leaned in slowly capturing her lips in mine.

AN. Okay guys there's only one more chapter left and then the epiloque. I'm sad this story is coming the an end but I hope you'll like the next one I'm working on. It'll probably take me a bit longer to write the next chapter since I have a lot planned for it so please be patient with me 🖤

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