Chapter 38

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Lauren's pov.

I found Camila back in the leaving room and told her that I'm meeting Lucy in half an hour. She seemed genuinely happy that I'm trying to help her and I wonder what would I do without her support sometimes. We had to eat our breakfast in rush but we exchanged so many kisses and gentle touches that I didn't really mind. I quickly got ready and said my goodbyes to Camila, promising that I'll call her later today.

Five minutes later I pulled up to small coffee shop and parked my car. I went inside and the smell of coffee and muffins filled my nose. I inhaled and smiled softly. I looked around and saw that Lucy is still not here so I went to place my order.

With flat white in my hands I grabbed a seat in the corner and waited. I was thinking about past few months with Camila and how wonderful they've been. I never met anyone who could make me as happy as her. About five minutes later the bell rang and I spotted Lucy coming in. She looked around the small Cafe and I gave her a small wave. She came up to me with unsteady steps and her head down. I stood up and waited for her to meet my eyes.

"Hey Lucy, long time no see." I said gently.

After what felt like a lifetime she finally looked up and I saw how pale she is and how dark circles under her eyes are. I also noticed few scratches on her forehead. They must be from some time ago but still not fully healed. I frowned at her and she gave me unsure look.

"Come here." I sighed and pulled her into me. She squeezed me so hard as if her life depended on it and I did the same. I heard her breathing starting to get more heavy and then first sob filled my ears.

I started to caress her back softly cause that was the only thing that always calmed her down. After few more minutes and some sympathetic looks from the waitress she finally calmed down.

I sat down in front of her and let out a long breath.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after uncomfortable silence.

"For what?" I said confused.

"Well for starters I want to say sorry for what I did in the bar. I'm sorry for kissing you and acting like a bitch. I'm sorry that I pushed you away, that I pushed everyone away. And I'm sorry for not fighting for myself. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to reach for you earlier. I felt like I was downing and with every day I was taking less breaths and the water was coming up higher. But I'm done with that lifestyle. I just want to wake up tomorrow and act like nothing happened. Like I'm not a total bitch and a fuck up. But I'm. That's why I need you, Laur. I don't want to be that Lucy anymore. So...Will you help me?"

I frowned at everything she said. It's so weird to see a person who taught you how to love yourself breaking down in front of you saying she wasn't strong enough.

"I will. Just tell me what can I do. And I promise I'll get you out of it." I said confidently.

"Okay." She said with relief in her voice. "I might need a new place to live. Let's say that the neighborhood that I live in it's not really friendly." She said chuckling.

"That's fine Ill figure something out. You can even move in with me if you want. I'm bearly there and the house is huge."

She shook her head. "I don't think your girlfriend will approve of that." she said in serious tone.

"If you're not comfortable with that I'll find something else but Camila won't be upset about I promise. She's rooting for you too."

"Thank you but I think that it'll be better if I'll just stay in a hotel till I'll find someting." She said gently.

"Sure I'll figure something out. So what else-" I said started but she interrupted me.

"I'm so stupid." She said devastated.

"Hey no you're not. What is that about." I said grabbing her hand.

"I kissed you when you had a girlfriend. I fucking forced myself on you. What kind of friend does that." She said pulling her hand away. "I'm such a fuck up."

"Stop that. You're not a fuck up. Everyone makes mistakes. We're only humans, Luce. Dont forget that I was in that place too so don't act like I'm so pure and innocent. It's in the past now and I forgive you for that if that's what you want. I just- I need my friend back, Lucy. " I said and didnt realize that my eyes were getting watery. She gently grabbed my hands then.

"I'll get better Laur, I promise. For you."

"No." I shook my head. "Don't you dare saying that you're doing that for me. You have to do it for you. You're important, Lucy. Don't try to bring yourself down. You asked for help and that's a big step. I'll get you out of this but you have to promise me that you'll do it for yourself. Not me, not your parents. You're what matters the most."

She was quiet for few seconds and I was starting to get worried. But when she finally nodded her head I couldn't help but smile.

"I promise."

"Okay let's go get your things and find you a hotel. Oh and definitely shopping or at least laundry, no offense." I said looking down at her  dirty black hoodie and brown trousers.

"I have all my things in that bag, I don't want to go back there anymore." She said quietly.

"Okay then. Let's get going though. We have a lot of things to do today, my friend." I said happily, standing up.

She grabbed her bag and followed me to my car. I could see small smile on her face already but she was trying to hide it. And it was only the beginning.

AN. Sorry I was MIA but I was enjoying my holibops 🥀🥰😍 I promise I'll be updating more often. I didn't even realized it's been 2 weeks. Ooop 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ take care of yourselfs 🖤

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