interview with Valentina

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interview with Miss Valentina Everly (as interviewed by officer Ellen Cody)

At a first glance, Miss Everly is obviously in a drunken state - whether that has to do with Miss Fulton's disappearance is another matter. She also gave short and (or) in concise answers, but however her alibi was confirmed by many at Richmond's boarding school and the investigation team have seem the photos online and location was confirmed to be Octavia Leighton's house and the time was in the time frame, so for now she isn't a person of interest.

EC: Miss Everly-

V: Strange isn't it? Saying my surname. It almost seems like I'm married. [Awkward laugh]

EC: Let's get to the point. Where were you from 9:30pm to midnight?

V: At Octavia's house; getting ready. The photos were all over my social media. All the Richmond girls can back me up on that.

EC: We will check that out to prove it. How well do you know Miss Fulton?

V:  Very well. We're best friends after all. [shrugs]

EC:  And did she ever mention anything about running away? Anyone she might have met up with?

V: Aurelia wouldn't do that. She hasn't been with anyone, since Josh and that was last year.

EC: Josh who?

V: Josh Chester. St James boarding school.

EC: You didn't answer my question, did she mention anything about running away?

V:  No. And as I already said, Aurelia wouldn't do that. Not that kind of girl.

EC: [loud beep] that concludes the end of our interview. Thank you for your time Miss Everly.

V: [shrugs]

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