Reyden, the phoenix king

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Name:Reyden Talonair


Hight: roughly 5,11

Wight: 180 pounds

Weapons: spilt katana swords

Description: Rey is a young man with short black hair and blue eyes, he wares a black leather over coat with a built in belt in the shape of a cross. At the bottom of his over coat are small golden orbs with attached birds feathers. Underneath , he wares a gray tee shirt with a bird like picture on the front of it , he also wares black sweat pants and black boots with metal soles.

His sword is located at the back of his wast held in place by another belt. His spilt katanas are built to be one sword with two blades instead of one, but with the added effect of being able to split apart in to two separate swords. At the bottom of the swords hilts are red ropes ties together with a bright blue feather at the knot.

Personality: Rey is a kind hearted man who cares very much for those he loves. Rey is stubborn beyond belief, he will not give in to anyone or anything.

Magic: Rey's magic is one of the fabled lost magics... Phoenix slayer magic , which is quite similar to dragon or god slayer magic. One can learn this magic by being trained by a Phoenix , much like dragon slayer magic. But can't be completely eaten , similar to god slayer magic, Phoenix slayer magic is very pure so only 50% of it can be eaten by another slayer type. When Rey absorbs his element his wounds heal little by little the more magic he consumes.

Rey's magic is known as , heavenly Phoenix slayer magic. Using the power of the heavenly light , Rey can consume sun light and light based magic spells just by touching it. If needed , Rey can multiply his speed by 500% (5X) his normal speed and incase his body in a ball of bright almost blinding light.

Attack based Spells:

Heavenly Phoenix screech - Rey projects a beam of raw blinding light at a target wounding them and leaving a temporary blindness

Heavenly Phoenix wing storm - Rey aggressively back hands the target as wings of light from on his arms

Heavenly Phoenix talon impact - Rey's nails glow bright and he rushes at the target palm striking it, the moment the attack makes contact a flash of light covers the surround area

Heavenly Phoenix talon burst - Rey kicks the target spinning around hitting them with his heel as burst of light flash with each kick

Heavenly feather storm - Rey's favorite move because despite the heavenly Phoenix screech being his strongest attack , this one holds some sentimental value to him. Rey smashes is hands together sending a wave of feathers made of pure light and explode on contact.

Heavenly Phoenix secret art:

Divine wingbeat

Rey possesses no defense based spells leaving him open to multiple attacks, but being able to blind your target each time your attack hits makes up for this set back

A/n Ok I think that's about it , now for the next OC , btw sorry it was so long , it's just there's so much more stuff I could write but I think I'll put those in the short stories instead , I know it's long and boring but please finish the OC bios before started the short stories

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