The last phoenix slayer

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It all began in 774X, that's when the Phoenix returned.

I stood around a bright orange flame as the dark night sky lit up with beautiful white stars.

- Dad! When can master Phoenix slayer magic ? - I asked with a smile right across my little childish face

- When your old enough Rey - I looked up at my dad as he spoke those words patting my head smiling

- You'll learn sooner or later Rey - my mother looked at me bring marshmallows and a few sticks

Phoenix slayers, a legendary form of magic that rivals dragon slayer magic, but has been forgotten for the past few centuries.

My father and mother were both Phoenix slayers, they're 2ed generation which much like 2ed generation dragon slayers have lacuma, or in this case Phoenix feathers implanted in their body.

But in the case of Phoenix slayer, the power can pass though parent to child which is makes the child a second gen Phoenix slayer as well

- How much longer? I mean I can do this! - I shouted as I put my hands out and generated a small white orb

- Rey ! Stop! - my mother yelled at me to stop slapping my hands down

- Rey we told you, it's dangerous to use Phoenix slayer magic in the opened like this - my father looked at me worried

- But... But I ... I just wanted to impress you - my eyes started to tear up , I was feeling so discouraged

- sighs - my father sighed as he put his hand on my back and pointed his left hand towards the fire and the light of the flame slowly began to disappear

- Come on Rey, we told you why Phoenix slayers aren't around any more - my mother put her arm around me and lead me towards out little log cabin

Phoenix slayers are no longer around any more because they were all wiped out, no one remembers why but my parents say that if someone sees us using Phoenix slayer magic, we won't live to tomorrow

As we entered out log cabin , the inside was clean at everything was set nice and perfectly. On the right side of the doorway , there's a stair case leading to the upstairs wear all the bedrooms could be found.

- Come on Rey, let's get to sleep , it's late - my mother said almost pushing me up the stair case

Little did I know , my father was waiting outside standing guard, knowing someone was watching

- mom, please ... I'm sorry I didn't mean to ... - my mother finally pushed me in my room and closed the door behind

I lied in my bed looking at the dark night sky on the other side of my window

My mother left the house to meet my father standing guard

- Do you see anyone? -

My mother ask father rising her left fist in front of her face

- No, not yet -

My father answered narrowing his eyes , focusing on the near by forest

My father slightly opened his fist , as he did so a white light emerged from his palm

- Im ready -

My mothers fist ignited in a bright blue flame as she looked towards my father

Soon , they both seen it , a par of bright red eyes, then a more pars began to approach one after another

- their here -

My father muttered as the white light grow must brighter

My mothers flames grow much larger as she prepared herself

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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