Neo poisonous demigod

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Name: Neo Alison

Age : 19 (during the seven year skip)

Hight: 6 foot

Wight: 187 pounds

Weapons: spiked brass knuckles

Description: Neo is a younger man with white natus like hair, he wears thin classes over his dark yellow eyes with bidding narrow pupils. Neo wears a black hooded overcoat with a blood red interior and build in magic repelling armor. Neo wears nothing under his overcoat he just leaves it open reviling his rugged chest covered in battle scars. He wears black blood stained pants and black red souled boots.

Neo's overcoat has a tattered at the black from pervious battles. Neo's nails are long narrow black nails that are sharp enough to cut someone with little effort. On the left side on Neo's face , hidden behind is long white hair, are burn marks that have scared that side of his face forever.

Personally: Neo is alway calm and relaxed. He spends his days reading and relaxing in front of a lake enjoying the little things in life

Magic: Neo's magic is one not to be messed with. Poison god slayer magic, which can paralyze his pray for a short while, draining they're magic power little by little every time his toxic nails make contact with them.

Neo's magic is a very powerful type because once he poisons his pray... He can drain the poison from their corpse or body if their still alive and use it to regain his energy. He can do this because his magic loses it's power after entering the body turning into normal poison.

His poison like all god slayer magic , is covered in a black mist , well that's exactly what the god slayer poison looks like... Black mist eating away at people and buildings alike. No one should be caught in the path of this mans demonic god killing poison.

Attack based Spells -

Howl of the poisonous god - Neo howls loudly at the target , sending a wave of black mist towards them eating away at anything that falls in it's path.

Fangs of the serpent - Neo's hands cover in his poison and then he slashes the target

God slayer secret art: unholy killer.

Neo gathers massive amounts of poison into his hands then slams them together sending a tsunami sized wave of corroding poison at the target.

- no other spells needed -

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