Samantha, the puppeteer

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Real Name: unknown

Alias/Slave names: Samantha, little Sammy

Age: 21

Hight: 5,6

Wight: 139 pounds

Weapons: no weapons needed

Description: Samantha is a younger woman with scars on her right cheek, lower body and legs.

Samantha is unusually thin, you can almost see her bones though her skin. Her eyes a dark brown with short , yet quite thick black hair , but it's cut evenly and very messy.

She has dark blue bruises around her neck, with wrists that seem to have been from some short of rope or ring that has been around her neck and or wrist for long periods of time.

She wears a purple bully top that was torn near the bottom which is original how the bully top was made. She also wears a black vest, and gray bagging shorts and never wears shoes.

Personally: Samantha is a dark, brooding woman, she doesn't trust anyone and is very difficult to make smile. She hates taking orders from men

Magic: soul infuse magic

Using this magic the caster can transform their body into a sprit and then infuse it with an object - rocks, metal, plants, and other things like those, the only downfall is that the caster can not in body the body of humans or animals.

Once infused in to a group of rock for example, the rocks fuse together and transform into an armor or monstrous body, similar to puppet magic only the user doesn't create monsters to fight for them, instead the create a soulless monster like body, then infuse their sprit like body within it.

In sprit form the caster can pass though walls and other such barriers that block them. If the caster remains in sprit form for long periods of time, they risk having their sprit shredded and destroyed.

The longer they remain in sprit or monster body form the more of their memories are erased but only personal memories , like their name, age, birthday and friends.

Memories like what happened to them when they were 10 for example would remain just they wouldn't remember the feelings that SHOULD arise from calling these memories . It would be like only having the memories of someone else.

This magic has no attack or defense based spells , only the body to summon monster body's and inhabit them

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