Lugia , the destroyer of kingdoms

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Name: lugia Ariosto

Age: unknown

Hight: 5,10

Wight: 163 pounds

Weapons: dragon hunter - a large wide black steel sword with a 200% effectiveness on dragons, dragon slayer and lizard like beings.

The sword is roughly 5,6 and wights 20 pounds, the hilt is four claw like spikes shooting up. The blade has a blood red dragon like pattern moving up the body of the blade.

Description: lugia is a young looking male with short black hair, light skin colure and red eyes.

Lugia wears a black sleeveless sweater with built in muffler that covers the lower part of his face. Underneath he wears metal shoulder padding with black straps moving down his arms.

The black straps connect to his black fingerless cloves. Lugia also wears dark blue jeans and dark gray runners.

Lugia carries his dragon hunter sword on the right side of his back, the sword is held in position by a thick white rope rapping around his body, starting from his right shoulder going down to his lower left side.

All along lugia's right arm, there is close to, if not more then a dozen cuts/scars on his wrists and forearm.

Personality: despite looking like a emo/goth , lugia is really a fun loving child at heart kind of guy who always like to make people smile and never thinks of himself...

But in reality it's a form to cope with all the cult constantly weighting down on his shoulders

Magic: destruction/anima magic

Using this unknown form of magic, lugia can harness the power of earth land itself.

This magic allows the user to constantly drain magic from their surroundings, draining the magic from plant life , soil and in lesser amounts , animals and wizards too.

One of the many downfalls is that if the user stays in one place too long he or she with eventually kill the plant life around them and/or exhaust any wizard around.

Another weakness is that the user is constantly absorbing magic energy around them, this includes attack based spells, making the caster a magnet for all magic attacks.

The casters body is surrounded in a black mist and red lightning, this aura can expand to roughly 30 feet in diameter with the caster at its center.

Absorbing any magic within this area much faster and also expanding the reach of magic energy it can pull in , including attacks , but magic based attacks have 25% of their magic absorb by this magic.

Attack based spells-

Distortion wave : lugia waves his arms sending a semi-transparent wave of black energy infused with red lightning at his target , exploding on contact .

Chaos seekers : lugia swings his arms apart sending three dozen black orbs covered in crimson lightning at the target. The orbs will seek out the target and explode on contacted but are easy to destroy.

Hellish downpour: lugia sends one thousand black orbs the size of marbles into the sky which then rain down in the general aria of his target making Harding to avoid. Each orb explodes on instead and can produce enough power to topple a building

Anima vortex : lugia generates a massive dome of black energy around his body , this dome gathers immense amounts of magic from the surroundings and then discharges it all at once in every destruction

(can be used at a defensive spell in the case of a tag team match, by bringing an attack targeting your partner towards the caster instead)

Hope you guys like lugia, he's pretty cool in my opinion because I made him after my friend , and his magic after the anima project in the edolis arc.

And if your wondering, no his magic is not lost magic , it's of unknown origin - to earthlanders . Oops I've said to much 🙊

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