"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause" - Padmé Amidala
Landing the ship on Mustafar was like descending into the heart of a living volcano. The ship's thrusters coughed and sputtered, throwing up a plume of ash and dust as it touched down on the scorched surface. Rain's heart raced as she peered through the viewport, her breath fogging up the glass. The landscape outside was a fiery wasteland of molten lava and jagged rock formations, the sky perpetually choked with thick, black smoke.
The oppressive heat seeped through the ship's hull, a constant reminder of the dire situation she found herself in. Her fingers trembled as she gripped the controls, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of meeting Anakin. She scanned the barren horizon, seeking out any sign of the man she loved.
Miri, who had insisted on accompanying Rain, sat beside her, her expression a mixture of determination and concern. "Rain, are you sure about this?" Miri asked, her voice barely audible over the rumbling of the planet.
Rain nodded, though her resolve was wavering. "I have to be. I need to understand why he did this, and if there's any chance... any chance at all to bring him back, I have to try."
Miri placed a comforting hand on Rain's arm, squeezing gently. "I'm with you, Rain. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."
Rain offered a small, grateful smile before focusing her attention back on the viewport. Amidst the swirling ash, a solitary figure emerged from the gloom. Dressed in flowing black robes with a hood shadowing his face, the figure moved with an unnatural grace. Rain's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the familiar shape. It was Anakin.
With a mix of hope and trepidation, Rain extended her senses, reaching out to him through the Force. A chilling, disembodied sensation answered her call, the feeling both intimate and alien.
"Rain," the voice echoed softly in her mind, laden with a dark, hypnotic quality. It was Anakin's voice, but it resonated with a new, almost eerie authority. The mental touch sent shivers down her spine, a stark contrast to the warm, reassuring presence she had once known.
"Yes, my love," the voice continued, smoother yet more commanding, "This is one of my many new abilities. I can now bridge our thoughts, share emotions, and guide you through the Force. I am more powerful than ever before."
The unnerving nature of his telepathic communication unsettled Rain. It felt as though Anakin was reaching into her very soul, and the sense of intrusion left her shivering. Despite her discomfort, she steeled herself and exited the ship, her resolve to confront him as firm as her steps. Miri followed close behind, her eyes scanning the horizon, her hand resting on the hilt of her lightsaber, ready for anything.
* * *
Anakin waited for them in the tumultuous landscape, the lava flows casting an ominous glow on his figure. As they approached, Rain's emotions wavered between hope and dread. She wanted to believe in the man she loved, but the changes in him were profound and disturbing.
When they finally stood face to face, the distance between them felt like an insurmountable chasm. Anakin's eyes, once warm and reassuring, now glowed with a cold, yellow light. Rain searched his face for any sign of the man she once knew.
Miri stood slightly behind Rain, her eyes darting between Anakin and the surrounding environment, tense and ready to defend her friend at a moment's notice. "Rain, be careful," she whispered, her voice filled with concern.

Bittersweet Devotion [Star Wars x Anakin Skywalker]
FanfictionWhat if it was not a senator who Anakin Skywalker loved, but one of his own: a Jedi? And what if that Jedi chose to side with evil rather than lose him forever? [This is a completely new take on Anakin's story. It begins in Attack of the Clones and...