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Poppy was on the end of the ship, looking out for land of any sort. Him and Percy had been on the lookout for a couple days now, with no luck finding Milo or Janice. Not even on their own island. The ship was cold, scary and wet. They were constantly crashing against waves, rocking back and forth. The sea was like a big, dark, scary, void, surrounding them completely.
Percy was feeling awful. He had been dizzy and sick for the past few days. He would be having panic attacks and would be vomiting off the side of the ship. Poppy didn't care. Poppy wanted him to be looking for Milo and Janice. But for the first time, Percy's vision focused on something. Something that wasn't the sea. It was still and calm, breaking Percy's terrible thoughts.
"Poppy! Poppy!" Percy cried. His voice was weak, but he wailed.
Poppy heard the boy and looked ahead. He turned the ship harsh towards what he'd found. He saw two figures on the island, one much smaller than the other. They were waving and jumping up and down. Poppy knew they'd found what they were looking for.
Milo had his hand in the air, waving back and forth toward the ship. "Over here!" He yelled. "We're here!" Even though he knew they couldn't hear him. Under his other arm was Janice, gripping onto him and jumping up to see the ship. "Poppy! Percy!" She cried. She hoped and hoped as she saw the ship come closer.
Both of them were sunburnt and tired. Waiting on an island alone wasn't the best place to be. Of course, they knew Poppy and Percy probably weren't in much better condition. However, at this point in time, they just wanted to be reunited.  Poppy and Percy's eyes were locked on the island, Milo and Janice's on the ship.

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