Chapter 5: Step Forward To The Tower.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Challenge has been accepted, the Grim Reaper was prepared to reach the top and fight whatever obstacle that dare stop him and the Brotherhood

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The Challenge has been accepted, the Grim Reaper was prepared to reach the top and fight whatever obstacle that dare stop him and the Brotherhood.

-Crow Father.

After Oropo and Adamai left you and the others alone, you looked up at the tower, seeing it's massive structure before you as you gritted your teeth.

(y/n): I refuse to back out if they think these challenges will stop me. Damn Adamai, I'll be sure to rip his last horn out of it's socket.

You said before you began to walk towards the tower after you unsheathed your War Pick. The others looked down to see you making your way as they quickly ran to catch up with you as Yugo walked beside you.

Yugo: Papa, are you ok?

(y/n): Yes, Yugo. I'm fine.

You simply replied, continuing your walk towards the tower as Percedel catches up and wrapped an arm around your neck as he smiles.

Percedel: Looks like it's going to be like old time, huh Partner?

You looked at Percedel from the corner of your eyes before swatting his arm off you and pointed your War Pick at him and spoke with a cruel tone.

(y/n): Don't refer to me as your "Partner," Tristepin De Percedel.

You glared at Percedel in the eyes as he was confused by your actions and words, but also slightly hurt as you sheathed your War Pick and turned your back on him and continued your way to the tower.

Percedel: (y-y/n)?

You only ignored him as you gritted your teeth, clenching your fists as the others weren't sure what to say or reaction to what happened.

Elely: Hey, Dad?

Percedel looks down at her Iop daughter as she asked.

Elely: Didn't you say that you and him are friends?

Percedel: Yes, of course we are.

Elely: Then... Why is he being a meanie?

Percedel: I... I don't know...

Percedel looks towards you as you continued to walk as Percedel continued speaking.

Percedel: It's kind of like Adamai... He's changed. Physically and ment... Men... And mind... I... I hope that's not the case. No, I'm sure he just woke up grumpy today.

[Timeskip with (y/n) sitting on the ground, in front of a glowing flower in front of him as his picks up the flower... And just stares at the glowing flower.]

(y/n): What... The hell is this?

Yugo: Looks like a door.

(y/n): With a clock? What kind of fashion is that? Who would put a clock on their door?

You complained, standing before the entrance to the tower as the entrance was a massive closed door with a clock attached to the door.

(y/n): I don't see a door knob so I'm guessing it has to done with-

Percedel: Smashing it open!

(y/n): No, solving some riddles.

Percedel: Oh... Of course! Ribbles!

(y/n): It's RiDDles not RiBBLES.

Perccedel: I knew that.

You rolled your eyes before Ruel made his way towards the door as he spoke.

Ruel: (y/n)'s right, there must be some puzzle or a riddle to get this thing open.

Ruel stood before the door as he take a close look at it...





Ruel shouted as he began to rub the door with his bare hands... Clearly wanting the silver door as your eye twitches before deciding to wait patiently as you crossed your legs and arms before floating in the air.

(y/n): Looks like Ruel is still Ruel.

Amalia: Here, let me try it!

Amalia pushes Ruel out of the way as she begins to move the arms on the clock, you weren't paying attention to the two small gears with the number one and two, hanging on the side like a necklace as Amalia used this and attempt to solve the puzzle... And when she was done, she smiles.

Amalia: What would you do without your intellectual Princess?

However, the ground began to shake as the ceiling came down above Amalia as Yugo shouted.

Yugo: Amalia!

Yugo managed to tackle Amalia out of the way... However they didn't hear the crash as the two turn to see you holding up the trap ceiling.

(y/n): D-Damn Yugo... Your pretty fast...

Yugo: Papa!

Percedel: Partner!

Percedel ran towards you as his new Rubilax Arm grew two time it's size as he was just about to help you... However a glow was seen from your hand and blasted the trap ceiling into pieces... Leaving steam in your hands as your looked at Percedel from the corner of your eyes before turning towards the door.

(y/n): Damn door, if we can't solve the riddle then I might as well use this.

You lifted your cloak, revealing your chest as Yugo and Amalia's eyes widen... The skin on your chest was... Completely transparent, and inside your chest was like looking at the galaxy... You took your left hand and reach into your chest, phasing through and pulled out what appears to be...

Yugo: The.. The Eliacube?

You held a Eliacube in your hand as you took a few steps towards the door and lifted the Eliacube up, it begins to twist and spin as it lights up, giving Wakfu into the door as the clock begins to move and open as everyone were stunned to see a Eliacube in your hand.

Amalia: Uh... (y/n)? Why do you have a Eliacube in your hand?

(y/n): Do you remember what I said? That some THING is keeping me alive?

You then turn towards Amalia and finished as you held the Eliacube in your hand.

(y/n): This Eliacube is what's keeping me alive now.

And with that said, everything fades to black as the title "Wakfu" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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