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Wan Huang scrutinized her surroundings for the presence of the two horned rhino.

She heard from Xiufeng that, the two horned rhino could be seen in areas, rich in soul clearing grass.

These herbs were their fundamental diet. The soul clearing grass could absorb the spiritual energy from deep ground. While it was of not much use to humans, it benefitted the herbivores demonic beasts greatly.

A short herb with three thin leaves clustered at a stalk and a tiny white flower, the soul clearing grass grew for a vast stretch on the ground where she stood.

She walked forward and saw a low level ground, surrounded by big, strong trees whose thick roots ran above the ground, forming a natural ground level fence over a large space.

Numerous small colourful flowers was seen around this fence. Wan Huang took a closer look and she found that these colourful flowers were actually toadstools.

Realisation hit upon her.

She was standing near the nest of the two horned rhinos. And where her teammates were resting,  was the back side of this nest.

There was not a single beast in the nest. They might have gone hunting for food. But Xiufeng warned her, there ought to be two or three of them  standing guard near the nest.

She released her spiritual energy, probing for the presence of the beast.  She found one, in the direction where her team was. She rushed back,  but found nothing.

She cautiously looked everywhere and her sights locked onto the rock upon which Lu Bai sat.

Lu Bai was comfortably sitting on the smooth rock beneath him. The rock was wide enough for him to lie down.

Wan Huang opened her mouth to warn him but before any word could escape, the rock moved.

A low grunt was heard. Lu Bai was confused as to why the rock beneath him was shaking and making noises.

He felt something wrong. He saw the panicked expressions of his teammates .

Shocked, Lu Bai rolled off from the rock. The 'rock' stood up, it's towering size almost double the size of four of them stacked one upon other.

He took out his sword with trembling hands. Chills ran up his body when he thought of how near to death he was, sitting atop a demonic beast, twice their size. He cursed himself for his carelessness.

He reminded others to be alert and careful, while he himself went to knock on the door of death. He should have been muddle headed to think he was safe and relaxed, while they were in the territory of the two horned rhino, an intermediate ranked demonic beast.

They gasped at the size of the beast, inwardly wondering how they could take it down. Charging towards its individually meant suicide, but attacking as a group, showed hope.

Also, they had to take it down as quickly as possible, before its herd noticed something wrong. Else, if the previous situation repeated again, they won't even have the chance, to wait for burnt joss papers and offerings.

Wan Huang's mind was planning the action course to subdue it, trying to find out weak points.

Trusting Wan Huang because of her actions in previous battle, they subconsciously followed her commands.

Four of them spread out , maintaining a distance from the beast for defense yet not too far to attack.

The demonic beast was having a good nap. He was tasked to guard the rear of their nest. He was diligently doing his duty, when he spot a large patch of soul clearing grass.

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