Story concept

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So Michael is send to fight a group of demons, during the fight Michael get badly injured including a bad head wound and by some weird black magic mojo used by the demons a rift in the space time continuum is created and send Michael to another world.

This new world is the world of "journey to the west" and take place after Sun-Wukong's exile and his return into Sanzang's group, they found a strange winged being badly wounded and inconcious and Sanzang being the kind hearted monk he is decide to help him.

Unfortunatly when he wake up, the mysterious being doesn't remember anything about who or what he is, where he came from or even his own name, the group want to help him but doesn't know how, this is when the Bodhisattva Guanying appear and reveal to them the amnesiac being is a celestial from another realm due to his holy energy but doesn't know from what realm and so to send him back home he must get his memory back.

To accomplish this there is in the thunderclap monastery, where Sanzang and his disciples must go for their quest, a magical scroll with a great healing power which can heal the celestial's amnesia and so Guanying offer a deal : the amnesiac celestial(Michael) will come with the group and help to protect Sanzang during the journey to the Thunderclap monastery and in return he will get the scroll that will heal his amnesia and be send back where he come from.

Sanzang is reluctant because it make him feel like they profit from the celestial's amnesia for the benefits of the journey but Guanying convince him there is no other way.

And so the celestial join the group and is named ̎ Hào ̎ as an temporary name and from here is the start of a long quest where ̎ Hào ̎ will live a true in-depth journey about who he is and through the few memories he will get back during the journey confront his darkest inner demons.

Idea details :

-God know where Michael is and is aware of his ̎ amnesia situation ̎ but does nothing about it because to him this is an opportunity to see how Heaven will doing without Michael around.

-In Heaven the angels are very distraught about Michael's disappearance, he just disappear like that and they don't know how to deal with it.(Yes even Raziel)

-Hào(Michael) during the journey get elements of his memory back because of things and people who triggered them. Exemple:Sun Wukong trigger Hào's memories of Lucifer whe he was younger because the two of them share a resemblance in personnality since both are prideful and mischievous and both of them tried to win a war against their respective Heaven but failed and get punished for it.

-Hào will had diffferent kinds of relationships with Sanzang's group : with Sanzang it's a tipical master/disciple relationship Sanzang consider him as one of his best disciples since he actually try to not get in trouble and make sure his others ̎ brothers ̎ don't get in trouble either. He get along quite well with Wujin/Sandy because of his calm and kind personnality. He is very annoyed by Baji/Pigsy's shenanigans and keep often an eye on him, thus his perverted attitude will not get the group in trouble. But the one he get along the most in the group is Sun Wukong due to the fact his personnality remind him someone who he was very close to(Lucifer) but can't tell who due to his amnesia.

-During his adventure, Hào will experience many emotions exceptially companionship and will bond with Sanzang and the others disciples.

-Hào is often called ̎ youngest brother ̎ by the others dicliples since he is last one to join the group.

-He will follow Sanzang's ̎ not killing ̎ motto, he will fight demons who try to kidnap his master but will kill only in last resort much to Sun Wukong's dismay.

-A few of the memories Hào will get back will not show his past-self in a good light and with him adopting Sanzang's ̎ kill is bad whatever the reason is ̎ logic, Hào will become afraid of who he was and see his past-self as a monster. With the help of his ̎ master ̎ and ̎ brothers ̎ he will had to learn to face his doubts and fears about his forgotten past.

-Some demons will try to use Hào's fears against him to get their claws on Sanzang.

-While fighting demons Hào will use a Guandao, which is a traditionnal chinese weapon which consist of an heavy blade with a spike at the back and which is more used for defence than attack.

-During the ̎ women's land ̎ arc he will get close with a woman soldier who will fall in love with him and will profit from the queen's desire to marry Sanzang to try to marry Hào but will eventually let him go in the end when she realise Hào need to finish the journey and also because he is an immortal their love is impossible. She will kiss him as a ̎ farewell ̎ and give him one of her hairpins so he will always remember her.

-This story idea set in two ̎ books ̎ : the first one follow ̎ Hào ̎'s adventure in Journey to the West and the second one follow Michael after he get his memory back and get back to his world as an ̎ changed man ̎ but will see his world changed too and not in a good way as the story will setting in the ̎ Forsaken AU ̎.

-In the second book Michael, will had to deal with his home destroyed, what rest of his sinblings being devided and to had the courage to face and had a heart to heart with Lucifer.

-During thoses events Michael will be very pissed off at God for trying to kill all his family when they were nothing but loyal to him and will even scream a big ̎ the reason why you suck ̎ speech in his rage against his father.

-Michael decide to stay undercover until the right moment to reveal himself at his siblings come.

-Lucifer wasn't aware of Michael's disappearance until the beginning of "forsaken au" and he is not pleased with that, under the pretext he wanted to be the one to "kick Michael's butt" but in reality the sudden disappearance of a powerful angel like Michael worry him. What if it's happen to demons or even himself? But deep inside he may be a little worried about Michael's safety, not like he will admit it or something.

-A demon which Michael fought in the Journey to the West world hold a huge grudge against him for the humiliation of his defeat and will find a way to go where Michael is to get his revenge.

-Sun Wukong will appear to give a helping hand at Michael to defeat the demon.

Lil' Lucifer AU/Forsaken AU: Amnesiac Michael(Journey to the West crossover)Where stories live. Discover now