Story concept - part 2

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So look like I got more ideas for this concept.

TBH I noticed that I got more ideas for the second book of this concept, which take place during the "forsaken AU", so I decide to make a second part I hope you will like it! ^^


-When he get his memory back, Michael promised himself to be a better person and in particuliary a better brother to his siblings but he will still got struggles about his past-self.

-At the end of the journey, Longma the white dragon horse decide to go with Michael to his world and as a dog becoming a ̎ white dragon dog ̎ .

-Longma's dog apparence look like a white wolf with a blue mane, this apparence confuse a lot of people from Michael's world when meeting Longma for the first time, mortals, demons and Mike's siblings alike, and are even more confused by his nearly anthropomorphic behavior since in this world non-anthro wolfs or dogs don't look or behave like this.

-Longma will be an emotional support for Michael during the ̎ Forsaken event ̎.

-Some times after going back to his world Michael, with Longma, will find a very young angel with black wings named Castiel, who was hiding into the woods of Inkwell Isle One completly scared .

-Castiel has been created one year before ̎ forsaken AU ̎ events,when asked what was his meaning for heaven, God just answered ̎ it's a secret you will see when he will be old enough ̎. In fact God created Castiel as a future replacement of Michael because although he knew where Michael is , can bring him back and fix his amnesia he was like ̎ Meh why bother ? I will just create a replacement ! ̎. But over the year of his new creation's birth, he quickly become disinterested of him and decide to just kill him along with all the others angels.(Yes in this story God is a big jerk !)

-Since he was new Castiel wasn't in the ̎ be obedient to God ̎ mentality yet so when his creator begin to destroy Heaven and killing his creations, the young angel has done the first thing his instincs tell him to do : flying away from here.

-Castiel is a very curious child but is rather insecure, very shy and is scared to ask questions fearing to be punished because one day Raziel surprised him asking questions and threatened him with ̎ rehabilitation ̎ if he keep doing this because ̎ a good angel listen and obey, questioning things is not tolerated ̎.

-Michael will take Castiel under his wing(no puns attented), but although he will try his best it will be a bit akward because he is not used to kids but he will eventually bond with him.

-Longma will become protective of Castiel and will be threatening at anyone who may threaten to hurt the young angel.

-Since Michael is still missing at the start of the ̎ Forsaken AU ̎, Phanuel will be the one who will save the others archangels thinking that what Michael would want and would do.

-When the demon from the ̎ journey to the west ̎ world will get to Michael's world to get his revenge on him, he will meet Raziel and will manipulate him to get all the remaning archangels in a isolated place by making Raziel believe he will ̎ help him ̎ to provoque faster a war between both side when in reality he will capture him along with all his siblings and used them as a bait to lead Michael into a trap.

-Longma will be the one who will go find Sun-Wukong to ask him help to fight the demon because now he know Michael's world's location he can travel between this world and his home world thank to his powers.

-During their sequestration the others archangels will learn the truth about Raziel's intentions and will be very pissed off at him and when they will be saved by Michael and Sun-Wukong, Raziel will not only got a ̎ discussion ̎ with them but also with a very angry Michael. At first he thought Michael will kill him but since Michael stick to his ̎ no killing unless it's the only option ̎ oath, Michael punished Raziel by putting him in a kind of ̎ house arrest ̎ with Gabriel's group and with Ariel keeping a VERY close eye on him.

-Both Archangels survivors's groups will reconcile, after a long talk with Michael and longma as the peacekeepers, but Gabriel's group will still prefer not staying at the Casino because it would be to akward for them.

-After helping Michael with the demon, Sun-Wukong will stay a bit, wanting to know more about Michael's world.

-He will bond with little Castiel by telling him stories about him's and Michael's adventures.(I kinda imagine Sun-Wunkong bieng good with kids, I mean when you think about it he was like a dad to his monkeys!)

-Sometimes one or some of the archangels will try to eavesdrop Sun-Wukong's story because they are interested to know about what Michael lived in this other world during those last fourteen years. But Sun-Wukong will bust them quickly and will say with a smirk like ̎ You know, there's no need to hide, if you want to hear my story you can just come here ! ̎ and the archangels would come and listen, embarassed to had been busted.

-After he saw the way both Michael and Sun-Wukong were fighting against the demon during him's and his siblings's rescue, Zadkiel will be in total admiration and some time after he will ask both of them with sparkly eyes ̎ Teach me please ? ̎.

-Lucifer will, despite himself, be jealous of Michael's and Sun-Wukong's brotherly relationship but he don't want to admit it. Unfortunatly others like King Dice or the other siblings will notice it and every time they tell him about it Lucifer will be like ̎ I'm not JEALOUS ! ̎ but they will not believe him, heck, even Sun-Wukong will notice his jealousy.

-Sun-Wukong still call Michael ̎ Hào ̎ but it's more like a nickname.

-When Sun-Wukong will officially meet Michael's siblings after their rescue he will look at Barachiel and be like ̎ hey Hào his apparence is the same than the form you ta- ̎ but will be roughly interupted by Michael who will take the Monkey King aside and whispering to him ̎ Sun-Wukong ̎ dear eldest brother ̎ don't forget we made the promise to not talk about, you know what, ever again ! ̎ but the damage was done and Barachiel will be like ̎ Michael ? What does he mean by a ̎ form which got the same apparence than mine ̎ ? Michael ? Mike ? Come on can you just tell me what is he talking about ? Hey ! Where are you going ? Get back there and explain what is this all about ! MICHAEL ! ̎.

-The archangels and demons will be disturbed by Michael's change in attitude, for example, after he and Sun-Wukong saved the Archangels, the latter will be choked to see Michael back, Raphael will instinctively go hug him happy to see his oldest brother back and whisppering while crying "you're back, you're back, you're really back" before remember Mike don't like hugs but will be surprised by Michael returning the hug and comforting him with a sad SMILE while saying " there there it's alright Raph I'm back, it's gonna be okay I promised!" which will absolutely chocked everyone, except Wukong, Longma and Castiel, and they will be like "What? who? when? how? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!" and they will had to learn to accept the fact that Michael changed.

-King Dice will find the hairpin given by the female soldier from women's land to Michael and the conversation will be like :

̎ Soooo why is this in your belongings ? ̎

̎ None of your business ̎

̎ ̎Well I find it rather surprising that you have something like this, considering that your hair are not long enough to use it. Or maybe it's something special like a love gift from a lady ?

̎Again none. of. Your. BUSINESS ! ̎

̎ Oh so this is a love gift from a lady ! My my the archangel Michael falling in love during his adventures in another world what a twist ! So what is the lucky lad's name ? She must be someone very patient to put up with you considering your cold attitude ! ̎


Lil' Lucifer AU/Forsaken AU: Amnesiac Michael(Journey to the West crossover)Where stories live. Discover now