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YUTA woke up with a pained groan, feeling his body ache from being in a same position for so long. His eyes barely opened, and he realized he was on the ground. He opened them all the way, and sat up stiffly. Moving his head he gave a hiss as he felt a sharp pain go through it. He lifted a hand to caress the said spot, and then looked around to see where he was.

The cafe. He then thought back to last nights memories. He panicked for a split second before looking around to see if anyone was there. Nobody. The sky was full of colors from a rising sun, and he finally gets himself up on his legs. He felt wobbly for a second, but gained his balance as he shook his head into sense.

He slowly walks to his car, feeling almost strange for doing so. He felt off, but couldn't place his hand on how and where. He just did, and it was freaking him out.

Yuta got into his car, and started it as he started driving home. He felt his hands shake sometimes, and he felt sorta hot for some reason. He shrugged it off though, realizing he just stayed a whole night away from his lover without any communication.

'Sicheng must be going crazy.' Yuta thought as he pulled into the driveway of their house.

He got out and rushed to the front door as he unlocked it and walked in. He heard footsteps almost immediately.

"Yuta!" A voice called, and a boy with blonde hair and a worried face turned the corner. Yuta recognizes the tear stained face.

"Oh my god!" Sicheng cries as he runs over to the other, enveloping him in a hug. Yuta hugs right back, and his senses almost kick in immediately.

Sicheng scent fills his nostrils and it's almost addicting as he leans in. He tightens his hold on the smaller the slightest. He swore he feels himself slipping away, but is snapped back into reality when Sicheng pulls away. The scent still lingering.

"I thought you were dead." Sicheng's voice goes soft as he cups his lovers face in his cold hands, and he feels it burn his hands. Yuta's skin was hot to the touch.

"Your burning up." Sicheng whispers as he touches Yuta's cheek with the back of his hand.

"I'm fine." Yuta whispers, and takes hold of the others hand in his.

"Yuta what happened last night? Where did you go?" Sicheng asks softly, eyes filled with concern. Yuta felt his throat go dry, and his mind deciding he wouldn't tell his lover what actually happened last night.

"I just slept at the cafe, it was getting late and I didn't want to drive at night." Yuta lies, and feels guilt pool in his stomach.

"Well you could've called." Sicheng gave a sigh as he turned around and went to the kitchen. Retrieving a glass of water for the heated boy.

Yuta then reached a hand in his pocket, and that's when he felt his phone. It was rough though, and he pulled it out to see it cracked. He tried turning it on, but no anvil. It was broken.

"How'd that happen?" Sicheng eyes went wide at the broken phone, and huffed once he saw it didn't work. He then handed the glass to Yuta and took the phone to examine it.

"I must've slept on it." Yuta lies again, taking the glass from Sicheng and downing the cool water. He could feel it run through his upper body.

"Yuta, are you sure nothing else happened last night? You look pretty rough." Sicheng whispered. "You can tell me anything, I won't be mad." He said in a soft voice, looking up at the other while putting the phone down on the counter near them.

That soft voice of Sicheng pained him, and he cursed at himself for lying. Sicheng couldn't know though, he'd be to worried and Yuta didn't want to put that burden on him.

"Nothing else happened love." Yuta whispered, stepping forward as he cupped the others cheek on his hand. He saw the other lean into the touch, and stare at him with those innocent brown orbs.

"Promise?" The other whispered.

"Promise." Yuta's voice was small, and painful to say a lie. Instead he brushed it off, and leaned in as he kissed the others forehead gently.

Sicheng was curled up asleep that night, feeling tired after he and Yuta went out and had a small date. Yuta did this to get Sicheng's mind off of last nights events.

Yuta sits in his chair at a desk, watching the others small body lift up and down from breaths. Thinking about last night. He felt weird again, and his body seemed to heat up. He then sighs as he stops, and stretches his arms behind his head before standing to his feet. He then goes and steps into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once in the shower he started to look down at his body, his arms seems veiner, his body seemed more tone than usual. He hasn't been to the gym lately, so why is he gaining muscle?

He brushed the thoughts away, thinking he's going crazy; blaming it for the night before. He then gets out and dries off as he changes into fresh clothes.

Yuta crawls onto the bed where the other is sleeping, almost carefully as he didn't want him to wake up. He snuck himself under the covers silently, and wrapped his arms around the others petite frame gently. Holding him close, he smelled that familiar scent again. It was a scent of lavender, mixed with vanilla of some sort. He loved it.

"Goodnight love." Yuta whispered.

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