Chapter 7

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It had been a few days since Michael and Luke admitted their feelings for each other, and it was the day of their second day of group therapy. Luke was sitting next to Michael on his bed, knees brought to his chest and one arm wrapped around them, the other laying on the bed, entwined with Michael’s. This was as far as they had gone; holding hands when they were alone. It was nice though, Luke wasn’t used to having any sort of physical contact with anyone, so holding Michael’s hand was a new experience for him, and he liked it.


“You ready for today?” Michael asked softly, squeezing Luke’s hand. Luke nodded, resting his head on his knees.


“Yeah.” Michael smiled, leaning over into Luke.


“Are you ever going to tell anyone you’ve been talking?” Luke shrugged, picking at a thread in his jeans.


“Maybe. I’m scared though. I like just talking to you.” Michael smiled again and lifted his head so his nose was touching Luke’s cheek.


“Can I kiss your cheek Luke?” Luke’s cheeks turned red.


“Y-Yeah, I guess.” Michael smiled, and pressed his lips to Luke’s cheek softly. Luke’s heart fluttered, his entire body tingling, and the spot Michael kissed warm.


The door opened then, and the boys came apart, but their hands were still entwined. Alexis walked in, smiling when she saw the two boys on the bed.


“C’mon guys, its time to go.” Michael and Luke stood up, their hands separating as they followed Alexis out of their room and to the group therapy.


They were sitting in the same circle as before, everyone sitting in the same chairs. Dr. Johnson took his seat, smiling at everyone around him.


“Hello everyone! Its good to see you. I hope you’ve had a good week with your partner. Anyway, today we are going to be sharing our stories. We are going to be talking about maybe how we got our disorder, or what it has been like to live with it. I know this will be hard for some of you, but now one here will judge you, we are all going through something. Now, Jessica, we’ll begin with you.” Dr. Johnson smiled at Jessica, who nodded her head.


“It started for me in middle school. I got teased a lot about my weight, so I stopped eating. And when I did, I made myself throw it back up. It was awful; my throat always hurt, I got cramps all the time, it was horrible. Absolutely horrible.” Jessica stopped then, folding her arms over her stomach.


Dr. Johnson smiled softly, and nodded his head.


“Thank you Jessica. Calum?” Calum sat up from his slouched position, running a hand through his dark, fluffy hair.


“Yeah, right, so, I’m not totally sure when the amnesia thing all started, because I don’t remember being younger than ten. But it sucked growing up like that, hearing people talk about their childhoods and not being able to remember my own. I used to get really frustrated, I’d sit up at night trying so hard to remember, but I couldn’t bring any memories back no matter how hard I tried.” Calum slouched down again, looking over at Dr. Johnson.


“Savannah, you’re up next.” Savannah, took a deep breath, avoiding everyone’s eyes as she spoke in a small voice.


“Ever since I was a kid, I was bullied. Always, people picking on me, pushing me around, doing whatever they could to hurt me. I started to cut my wrists to get away from the pain, and a couple years ago I tried to overdose and kill myself. It didn’t work though, and now I’m here.” Dr. Johnson smiled kindly, looking over to the next person.


“Charlotte?”Charlotte smiled, sitting up straight in her chair.


“I’ve pretty much always been like this. In school, I thought I was better than everyone. Still do, to be honest. I haven’t been here all that long.” She giggled, then continued on with her story. “People thought I was a bitch, but I didn’t care. I was pretty, popular, perfect. I never noticed my own imperfections. And I realized that I needed to get over that, so I’m here.” Dr. Johnson nodded.


“Thank you Charlotte. Ashton’s turn now.” Ashton, who was already sitting up as well, focused his eyes on the group, since before he had been staring intently at some random inspirational poster.


“Before I start, can I fix that poster? I can’t handle it, it’s crooked.” Dr. Johnson sighed, but nodded his head. Ashton stood, fixed the corner of the poster only the slightest (Luke didn’t see how it was crooked at all) then sat back down. “Right, so, when I reached the age of about eleven or twelve, I started to need everything to be perfect. Everything to be organized, clean, even, perfect. I’d spend hours straightening and cleaning everything in my room. I thought I was fine, but then my family had an intervention, told me I needed help. So I came here.” Dr. Johnson smiled, of course. Luke didn’t get how he could be so happy all the freaking time.


“Thank you Ashton. Saray?” Saray nodded.


“I’ve had multiple-personality disorder my whole life. I have two other personalities; Becca, who is a five year old who is always sad and requires any sort of attention, and Trisha, a stuck-up sixteen year old who thinks she’s the queen of the world. When I was a kid, they would show up at random times; I couldn’t control when they did. And everyone thought I was pretending, looking for attention. But my mom took me to a doctor, who diagnosed me. Since I came here, Becca and Trisha haven’t shown up unless I ask them too, which I’m thankful for.” Dr. Johnson thanked her, then turned to Michael. Luke looked over as well, watching the side of Michael’s face. Michael turned to smile at Luke, then took a deep breath, looking back at the group.


“Its always been here, for as long as I can remember. I’ve always gotten angry at the stupidest things. I got in trouble a lot at school for it. The voices have been here forever too. I didn’t get what it was when I was a kid, it scared me a lot more than. As I got older, I realized they were just voices and weren’t gonna hurt me, though they did get louder over time. The voices are only there when I’m alone though, so as long as someone else is in the room, I’m fine. Unless they piss me off.” Calum and a couple other people chuckled.


“Thank you Michael. Nurse Alexis, can you share with us anything about Luke’s past.” Luke looked at the ground, playing with his fingers in his lap.


“Yes, I can. He’s shared a little through writing. What I know is he was bullied a lot as a kid, and his parents were abusive, so he would shut himself in his room. He stopped talking to anyone, and began to grow nervous around people.” Luke looked over at Michael, who had his eyes closed.

“Thank you Alexis, and Luke. Now, that’s all for this week. Keep talking with your partner, getting to know each other. I’ll see you next week!”

So. . . how was that? I feel like this chapter totally sucked, sorry :/ Anyway, I kinda wanted to give the group some backstories, so I did this? What did you guys think? Love you all!

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