Chapter 8

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Michael and Luke were back in their room, sitting on Michael’s bed, hands intertwined. It was silent, just how Luke likes it. He was able to just sit there, feeling the warmth from Michael’s hand heat up his whole body. He could feel the roughness of Michael’s palm against his own smooth one, making him wonder what made Michael’s hands to calloused.


Luke heard Michael take a deep breath, as if he was about to say something incredibly important. Luke tensed, sensing what was about to happen.


“Why didn’t you tell me about your family?” Luke sighed, frowning and looking down at his lap. He felt Michael squeeze his hand. “I want to know about your past Luke, I want to know what scared you so bad you stopped talking. Please tell me.” Luke, who was a bit scared that Michael would blow up if he didn’t speak, spoke.


“It never came up,” he mumbled softly. Michael sighed.


“Well, its up now. Tell me Luke.” Luke closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall.


“My parents used to hit me. Every time I did something wrong, forgot to do something, spoke without being spoken too, I was beat until I couldn’t breath. It was so horrible Michael, you have no idea. They both did it to me, they didn’t care how hurt I was or how much I screamed. So I stopped talking altogether. I hid in my room, never spoke at all. My parents resented that at first, hitting me until I would scream at them to stop, but eventually they realized they liked the silence. They didn’t like me talking, so me not talking was the next best thing. I was about twelve then. And that’s without the kids at school. They would hit me, tease me, anything they could to abuse me, make me feel weak. I guess this all turned me off to people, which is why I’m scared of being near others, of getting touched. I’m always scared they are going to hurt me.” At this point, there were tears streaming down Luke’s face, but his eyes were still closed. Michael’s eyes were wet too, and both of his hands were gripping Luke’s tightly.


“I’m so sorry Luke, you didn’t deserve that. You don’t deserve that. I promise to keep you safe Lukey, I’m never going to hurt you.” Luke knew that was a big promise. Michael can’t control his anger, he can’t promise not to hurt Luke, even just emotionally. But Luke tried to believe it was possible, because that’s all the wanted. To believe Michael wouldn’t hurt him, would keep him safe. Luke wanted that so bad, he wanted someone to be his rock. Luke had never been around someone who truly never wanted to hurt him.


“I know Michael.” Michael rested his head on Luke’s shoulder. He brought Luke’s hand to his lips. pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. Luke’s eyes were still closed. “Michael.” Michael looked up, and Luke opened his eyes. Michael’s eyes were soft and such a beautiful green, Luke’s heart physically hurt.


“What?” Michael whispered. Luke was nervous, but this felt right. He really liked Michael, and even though he sometimes lashes out, he feels more safe with Michael than with anyone else in his life. So, he asked the question he hadn’t realized he’d been dying to ask until then.


“Will you kiss me?” Michael smiled, which helped reassure Luke that this was okay.


“I’d be honored to. Come here.” Michael scooted back, and Luke was suddenly pulled over so he was straddling Michael’s waist. Michael rested his hands on Luke’s thighs, squeezing softly. Michael’s back was against the wall, chest pressed to Luke’s. Luke’s cheeks were flushed, lips parted and eyes wide. Now he was beyond nervous, his eyes flickering down to Michael’s pink lips, then up to his eyes. Michael did the same, brushing his nose against Luke’s. “This okay?”


“Yeah,” Luke promised, his hands resting on Michael’s neck. Luke needed this so badly all of a sudden, so he surprised Michael by making the first move. He boldly pressed his lips to Michael’s, softly yet firmly. Michael was shocked at first, but then began to move his lips against Luke’s, hands sliding up to hold Luke’s waist. And wow did it feel good. Luke almost let out an embarrassing moan at how amazing it felt. Michael’s lips were actually really soft, and felt oh so good against Luke’s own.


Luke finally pulled away when his lungs started screaming for air. Both boys took long, deep breaths, desperate for oxygen. When they were satisfied with that, they met eyes, both smiling.


“How was that?” Michael asked tenderly, stroking Luke’s hips. Luke let out a breathy laugh, resting his head in the crook of Michael’s neck.


“Amazing.” Michael chuckled, kissing Luke’s hair.


“I’m so sorry for everything Luke. I’m gonna try to be better, to keep you happy. To keep you safe. I promise.” Luke blinked back tears, pressing a soft kiss to Michael’s neck.

“Just be yourself Mikey, that’s what makes me happy.” Michael wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist, holding him tightly. Luke didn’t want him to ever let go.

So super short fluffy filler this week, sorry about that. But hey, Michael and Luke kissed! Isn't that exciting? Yeah anyway, love you guys, and it would be awesome if you voted and commented. Talk to ya'll next week :)

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