Chapter 12

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Boyfriend? Why the hell did Luke think of Michael as his boyfriend? Michael’s just a friend, who he happens to quite enjoy kissing that one time. But he wasn’t his boyfriend.

However, Luke couldn’t help but wonder if Michael would want Luke to be his boyfriend. Luke thinks he’d like that. He’d never been close to anyone like that, and if it were to happen with anyone, Luke definitely wanted it to be Michael.

“Luke? How are you feeling?” Luke snapped out of his thoughts, his eyes settling on his therapist, Dr. Belfair. He pursed his lips and turned away, curling into a ball on the soft arm chair in her office. Dr. Belfair sighed, setting down her clipboard. “Nurse Alexis told me you’re talking to her. And Michael. You don’t have to talk to me Luke, but I’m so proud of you. And if you want to talk, about anything, I’m right here for you, always.” Luke felt tears in his eyes as he looked up at his doctor.

Dr. Belfair had always been the sweetest and kindest person Luke had ever met. She was always there when Luke needed someone to help him calm down when he was scared or upset, and she would talk to him when he felt lonely. even though he never talked back. Luke would forever be grateful for that.

Luke sat up straight, keeping his eyes on his lap. “I think I love him,” Luke whispered.

“Love who Luke? Michael?” Luke nodded, finally meeting Dr. Belfair’s eyes. “That’s wonderful Luke. Tell me more about him.” Luke took a deep breath.

“He’s amazing. Most of the time he’s so sweet and caring. I know he’d do anything to protect me. He holds me so close sometimes, and it makes me feel wanted, like I actually mean something.” Luke’s eyes sparkled with the happiness he was feeling talking about his roommate. “Even when he yells at me, he calms down so quickly, and won’t shut up about how sorry he is. It gets annoying sometimes.” Luke chuckled softly, along with Dr. Belfair. “He told me he’d wait for me, he’d wait until I was ready to be closer to him. He was so gentle and kind when he kissed me, it was the best moment of my life. When I told him about my past, he comforted me. He was so soft, and I know he’ll always take care of me. I love him so much Dr. Belfair. More than anything.” Dr. Belfair smiled.

“I’m so happy for you Luke. I honestly thought it would be years before you felt close enough to someone to love them. But I can tell, you really care about this boy. And from what you said, he really cares about you.” Luke nodded, smiling to himself as he stood up.

“I have to go do something. Thank you so much Dr. Belfair, for always being here for me.” The lady nodded, smiling a knowing grin as Luke ran out of the office.

Luke got back to his room, panting from the run as he burst in the door. His heart shattered at what he saw. Michael was curled up on Luke’s bed, his cheeks and eyes red and wet from tears. He looked up upon Luke’s entrance, wiping his face and standing up. He bounded over to Luke, engulfing him in a giant hug.

“Oh Lukey baby, I’m so sorry. I hate it when I blow up at you, I didn’t mean it. I know you have a problem being close to people, and I should’ve repected that. I’m so sorry baby.” Luke pulled away to grab Michael’s face, locking their eyes.

“Michael, are . . . am I your boyfriend? Are, are we boyfriends?” Luke whispered the last part. Michael smiled, leaning forward so their noses were touching.

“Lukey, will you be my boyfriend?” Luke giggled, nodding his head.

“I love you Mikey.” Michael’s eyes widened,  but he soon smiled.

“I love you too baby.” Luke grinned, and Michael pressed his lips to Luke’s.

I'm dying of feels right now that was really cute *sigh* Anyway, there's only two chapters left *tear* There will be a sequel though, so don't you worry! What did you all think though? Your comments make me happy, so make sure to do that. Voting would be awesome too. Love you guys xx

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