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Harrys POV

Its been four hours since they took Mia out of the room.

Jen's in rough shape too, just stressed out of her mind.

The doctor cama in and sat at the foot of Jens bed and sighed.

'Shes okay right'?, Jen asked and just started crying.

'We don't know yet. She's almost done with her surgery but we don't know how she'll recover bcause shes so small. She's 4.3 pounds. She has to be on a ventilator to breathe for her because her lungs are underdeveloped'.

'I need to see her', Jen said, wiping her eyes.

'You are not in very good shape yourself. You can't walk', The doctor said.

'Put me in a fucking wheelchair then!! I'll crawl if I have to!!', she yelled, then just broke down. 'Shes my baby and shes supposed to be inside me rightnow, not having open heart surgery. She has to be so stressed and scared.. she needs me and I have to see her'.

'Ok.', he said. He knew he was beat and she was gonna fight until he said yes so he wrote down the room number and said we could see her in 15 minutes.

'Jennifer I love you. You're so strong and you did so good', I said and hugged her.

She pulled back and kissed my lips then looked me in the eye.

'Harry, shes so sick... whats gonna happen?'

'Jenny, baby, we need to have faith and just love her and if its gods will, she'll get better'.

She just sniffled and looked down.

'Lets get you in this wheelchair', I said.

I helped her sit up.

'Ow ow ow!', she gasped.

'Easy now Lopez', I grinned, making her laugh.

It took a few minutes but  I got her seated and halfway comfortable.



'You're staring again', she smiled.

'Baby, even after all this pain and stress, you are just gorgeous and i'm trying to figure out how', I said.

We walked down the hallways and I pushed her along until we found the NICU and walked in.

We went past rooms with babies hooked up to tubes and wires and it was really sad to see.

'Harry stop', Jen sobbed.

I did and knelt in front of her.

'Whats wrong mami'?

'I can't do it. Do you see all these poor babies? My Mia is like that too. My poor little princess, I can't do it, I'll lose my mind Harry! If I were just fucking normal she wouldn't be sick', she cried.

'Oh Jennifer no. No way, this isn't your fault. Honey we have to see her. She needs her mother. Just like you said. We have to be strong for her'.

She swallowed hard and wiped her eyes, 'I know.. ok', she said.

We walked up to the room Mia was in and I stopped.

'Just go in', Jen said.

We went in and I wheeled Jen up to the side of the little incubator Mia was in.

She gasped then let out a shaking breath, with both hands on her head.

'Oh baby', she whispered and I could tell she was overwhelmed and in shock.

Mia was inside the incubator with tubes coming out of her tiny chest and going down her nose, there were wires attached to her head and chest. Her chest was bandaged and she had 3 IV drips in her tiny arm.

Just a heartwrenching sight.

I got Jen moved to a chair by Mia's incubator and I sat next to her.

She leaned in closer and opened the side with a trembling hand.

'Do you want me to leave you alone with her'? I asked.

'No, shes yours too', she replied.

She rested her chin on her arm, looking in at Mia.

'Oh princess', she whispered and reached in, delicately stroking her arm with the tip of her fingers.

Mia moved her head tword Jens voice.

Jennifer had tears streaming down her face.

The doctor came in to check Mia.

'Hey what are you doing Jennifer? Since you came in, her heart rate is more normal', he said, smiling.

He left and Jen was softly rubbing Mia's head.

'Oh my Mia, look what you do to mommy. I love you so much. If I could I would hold you to me, kiss you and heal your every pain and problem. I'm so sorry. I promise i'll be right here', Jen whispered.

Now i'm crying.

'Harry, i'm not leaving her. No one including you can make me unless i'm dead', she said.

She said it calmly because she was still by Mia.

I kissed her shoulder.

'Jenny no one would dare separate the two of you'...

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