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As I walked into the library, the first thing I noticed was the size of the ceilings. They looked like they could go on. Not only that but I stood gazing upon rows and rows of literature and reserch books. Most of them looked old but the schools architecture covering around them made it look as if they were important, priceless pieces. It was mind blowing.
I slowly walked out away from the opened crowded area at which I once stood and into a more secluded region in the very corner. Not many people were in this side of the Library so it seemed peaceful, quiet, comfortable. I set my stuff beside me and unpacked notes together with my cell phone. I sighed and looked at the clock at the side of wall. And mumble under my breath.
"God Damn it Johnny.."
I took my phone searching through Instagram softly smiling at cute animal videos.
A notification popped up on my phone from an unknown ID.
I than click the notification remembering that I had given my number to my New friend Lisa.

Mark's POV:

It was a normal day, alike any other. I walked throughout the school casually ignoring the morning freezy around my locker. Always the same, everyone gawking at me. "Mark, will you go out with me?!" Or "Yo Mark, Im having a party tomorrow night you should come!!" Give me a break. Even thought it was the same today as always, seemed off. I coincidentally kept running into some new girl who obviously wasnt raise on money like the rest of us. I coukd just here my best friends voice, knowing Johnny if he was with me, he'd tell me, "look at her Mark, seems like your type! Maybe shes easy." Thinking of him saying something like that made me smirk during the lecture this morning. I wonder. I wonder if she is that way, from the way she looked at me as she bumped into me, seemed so.
As much as I despised this kind of behavior, maybe it will be fun.
Maybe Ill go ahead and play the role everyone wants me to be. I can just play her simply until she falls in love with me. Than Ill drop her once im done. Why not just bask in my misfortune and just be who my family and everyone else in this damned school has created me to be.
First, I'll need more information on this Y/n girl. And I know exactly where to get it-.
"Chenle!" I call out running over to him.
He turns around with wide eyes as I aproched him laying an arm over his shoulder.
"Where are you going bro?"
"Uh home, as usual..why?"
"I was just wondering is all.. Hey-" I pause stopping him and taking my arm off him.
"I need a favor Chenle."
"What is it this time?"

Back to Y/n POV:

As i look at the screen a simple
'Hey y/n' was pasted in the left hand bubble. And so I happily replied
Me: Hey Girl!"
???: How rude to assume that I am a girl Mrs. L/n.
Me: Who the hell is this than?!
??: Guess
Me: Chenle..?
???: Nope.
Me: Johnny!? Are you pranking me agian!? God damn it! You know I hate your stupid pranks! You better watch your back.
???: Wrong agian, but you know Johnny?!
Me: I may or may not. Thats none of your business. Now who the hell are you?
???: Oof. Your so salty Y/n. Its Mark. You know the guy in your Literature class, that you like to stare at."
Me: I dont stare!? How did you get my number!?
Mark: I have my ways.
Me: Please delete it.
Mark: Woow, that hurt! I just want to he your friend. Besides im sorry for calling you a dumbass earlier. Lets start over! Please? Ill treat you to Lunch tomorrow:)
Me: No, Leave me alone.
I set my phone down and didn't bother with his next text. Where did he get my number!? Ive only given it to Lisa. Thought Im sure Chenle got it from Lisa. But who could of possibly given Mark my number. I sigh really loud.
Buzz. buzzz. buzz.
Im going to kill him if he keeps blowing up my phone.. I look back on my phone and see 2 other conversations appear.
???: Hey y/n! Its your boy Felix! 😜
I smile and text back.
Me: Hey Lix! Who gave you my number?"
Felix: Lisa, since shes the only one who had your number of course..
Me: I see.. Did you happen to have given it to someone else than me?
Felix: Not that I know of. I think she gave it to Chenle tho. Why do you not like to text?
Me: No its not that. Its nothing I was just curious is all.
I click onto the other conversation that appeared in my notifications.
Me: WTF LeLe!?  Why did you give him my number!?
Chenle: Mark has a thing called a contract with my family and that normally turns into a little something known as Blackmail. Im not in the position to say no atm.
Me: Whatever, Ill just block him and hope for the best.
Chenle: Yeah like blocking him is going to do you any good. Trust me. When he has a will, he'll have his way. If you ignore or block he'll probably just harrass you in person. Im sorry Y/n..😭.
I click off my phone.
So thats how HE got my number.
Great, the first day here and I already have a fuckboy after me. Fun. I lay my head down and groan out of frustration.
"Aww! My poor baby Sister is tired!!"
I jump up to see Johnny smiling at me.
"Leavve me alone!!" I whine.
He laughs softly.
"You ready to leave Y/n?"
"Yess Pleasee. Oh wait, It seems you got out early."
"Just a little earlier. I wanted to make sure my baby sister wasn't hurt or crying somewhere."
I hit his arm as he laughs.
"Stop being so violent! We gotta get home before you know who."
I nod and pack all of my things togeather.
We walk outside to his sports car in silence. As we get settled in he begins to speak.
"How was your first day?"
"No one was rude or flirty with you? Did you see Jaehyun agian? I will hurt him for you if he does, I will hurt anyone for you."
I laugh and shake my head.
"No one did anything. Im good John. Really."
He puts his hands up in defeat, "Just checking!" Johnny turns the key and drives off to are 'humble' home.
"We are hoomee!!~" Johnny calls out making a big echo through out the big mansion in which we resided. Honestly it wasnt amazing just high ceilings and white walls. To me it felt more like a prison than a place to call home.
And like clockwork. Footsteps are than heard seconds after Johnny's loud call.
Here we go, here comes the evil witch.
"Johnny!! My baby boy!" My step-mother hugs him with a bright smile.
"How was your day my boy?"
"It was normal. But it seems y/n enjoyed it." As he looks to me my stepmother frowns.
"Ooh y/n. Can you please clean up before you do chores, you look filthy." She rolls her eyes and walks away. I speak in a hushed voice.
"So good to be home..yay.."
Johnny gives me a soft smile before I walk upstairs to shower.
As finished up with a my shower, I check my phone briefly looking at the various memes Felix sent, not to mention the gossip and chatter from Lisa. She mostly talked about all the places would could check this weekend and such.
Quickly I head down stairs to clean and cook. As I am done setting the table for dinner, my father walks in.
"Hello sweetie."
"Hey dad."
He sits at his usual spot looking up at me with a soft smile.
"H-how was your day?"
"Good as it gets with a whole new school and anxiety." I roll my eyes.
"Im sorry.. your brother was very excited to have you there though. And we are lucky to have eyes on you for your safety. Just know you will be safe at that school with Johnny your better off now."
I nod and walk back into the kitchen to set down the food. As im walking back in my brother step-mom and dad all sit chatting waiting on noone other than me. My step-mother begins to speak to me as I lay the food on the table.
"So Y/n, how was the honor of going to such an elite school?"
" All right I guess, its only my first day soo I cant say much"
"Excuse me, you guess? You should be thrilled! Our dear boy Johnny begged for you to be in his school. Because we love him so, I had a talk with your father and let you in. So this school should be more than alright for your drabby self."
I sit down across from Johnny not saying a word as she continues.
" Maybe you can know first hand to be more responsible, respectful, and maybe even become more relevant to the family if you attended such a school. I mean look at John! He is the perfect son!" She takes a bite and quickly swallows looking at my father. "Isnt that right my love!"
As always my father nods, agreeing to every word blindly.
I start to eat as well not speaking a word, not wanting to say a word. But hell If I could I would have said a couple of choice words that arent very pleasant to the ear.
"Mother." Johnny calls to her.
"Yes." This weekend, Is it okay if I have the boys over?"
"Yes of course my son, you know you dont have to ask me! You can do as you please. "
When Johnny has friends over, I get the message and always stay in my room. Im not really allowed to go out. Step-mother thinks im an eyesore and that his other rich boy friends will leave him if they were to see me. Plus Johnny never seems to talk about then around me. Thats the reasons why I've never seen ethier Mark, Jaehyun or this Haechan guy in my life.
"Good job with the dinner tonight y/n." I look up from my thoughts to see my dad smiling.
"Thank you."
My step mother smirks.
"Yes, it was good.. I guess, but I thought it was a little bland tonight. Your not improving at all. I think having the maids cook agian is better for our palate. Dont you think?."
My dad scratches his neck.
"Well, I guess it was a little  on the bland side.. We should probably start to use them agian. I aplogize for her cooking skills tonight my love."
I look down at my plate in disappointment.
She got him whipped. My dad is always a fool for her. He is just so naive and blind! The man even went against me. His own daughter. Just to please his new wife.
"Im going to sleep, my appetite is a bit ruined. Im going to order somethingmore refreshing later. Johnny dear, let me know if you need anything." She than leaves and my father follows behind leaving me avoiding me. They both leave me and Johnny at the the dirtied table. Yet, he stays behind and continues to eat.
"Your not gunna tell me its bad?."
He rolls hes eyes.
"Im not going to. Because that would be a lie. I dont ever want lie to you y/n. I think its good."
I look up at him and give a soft fake smile.
"Thank you John."
Watch as he finishes his plate.
I thought to myself as he sets his sliverware down.  'Would he ever really lie to me?. '
He smiles at me and gets up from the table. "Lets hurry up and clean this before she gets back, ok?."
I nod and Johnny begins helping me clean the table and the dishes.
"Thank you Johnny.."
"Aye, thats what brothers are for. Your my baby sister and I will always be there for you. Now go get some rest for school tommrow." Smiling I run upstairs to my room. Shutting the door, I jump onto my small bed in my small room.
As i lay down I think of all the things that had happened today
The notorious, Mark Lee the school badboy who so happened to pry Chenle of my number. The fact he texted me was so out of the blue. I didnt expect him of all people to try to talk to me. The way he looked at me and my friends was more like he disliked me if anything. Like he was disgusted. Not only that but the possibility of Johnny really being a bad person? It seemed unreal. Ive know John for a while and
I never thought he'd be a cruel person. He was soo nice to me at least. I slowly fell asleep with the day in mind wondering what was to come in the future that next morning. Wondering if this something in the air was good or if it was bad. A simple person really is shaping my outlook on this 'elite' school. How ridiculous. I dont care what he trys to pull. All I know is that me and him were not friends. He can try and make me be whateverhe wants, but he will be nothing more than an enemy.

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