My Dilemma

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What a beautiful new day at my lovely school. The sun was out with a couple of clouds here and there, even a slight breeze would come through making it a perfect day. Birds flew out and about making peaceful flight through a pretty blue sky. Maybe it was fit perfect beach or park weather. Everything was simply bliss, but here I was in class forcefully partnered up with a certain black haired fuckboy.

"Im going to drown myself goodbye." I attempt to walk away. But yet agian as always he pulls me right back. Grabbing my wrist, he forces me to sit back down.
"Lee I-"
"Y/n, come back, you have to help me. I need you.."
I sigh looking at him, I adding my remark. "Why do I have to help you of all people? I know I signed up to help people with the subject but I didnt expect you."
He smirks.
"Maybe its just fate. We were meant to be. Plus, I promise Ill be good." He chuckles softly.
"Your just full of it arent you?"
I look around the semi empty class room. Unfortunately, Chenle, and Lisa already left for the day to take care of some business and im sitting here conversing with him of all people. I get up walking down the stairs towards the professor.
"Yes?" He looks up from his glasses at me.
"May I ask why you have partnered me with Mark to tutor him? Couldn't have I tutored someone else, I know I signed up for it but-"
My Professor sighs.
"Listen-" he pauses and lowers his voice to a whisper," Just do it. If you tutor him, no matter what grade he gets, you get a 100 on your next test. Plus, your the one who signed up, its your fault. You volunteer, you get what you get. Now go or Ill have to report you for discrimination."
I stare at him shook. He is for real!? I am so pissed. I look back towards Mark whose sitting there with his hand on his chin ever so slightly smiling at my attempt to rid him. I turn around to the professor and he speaks agian.
"Please, help and support Mr. Lee to the best of your ability."
I nod, though my head was filled with thoughts of regret. Is this really what going to happen? Im I really doomed to always find a way to be around him. This boy is up to something. Oh God I can feel it. I regret everything.
Sighing I turn around to see Mark walking down the stairs with my bag in his hand.
"Shall we get started in the Library?"
Forcefully, I grab my bag from him and start walking out.
"Come on Lee.."
And with that he happily follows me out the doors into the library. Walking in to the buliding with Mark I place myself in my safe corner and sit down. Mark follows suit sitting besides me. He grabs his textbook and places it in front of him.
"So, page 4419 is based on-" I continued to get deeper into the topic on the chapter. Surprisingly he paid attention. In fact, he didn't interrupt me, not even to flirt or joke around. We went over the subject and even some practice questions. It was so unusually casual it was scary.
"Alright that about does it. Happy now Lee?"
"Not really.. I didnt get a reward for getting that question right yet.." He pouts cutely placing his head on the table.
"What reward?" He looks up at me and replies, "I want a kiss." Mark wiggles his eyebrows.
"Oh hell no!"
Mark softly whines, "Come on! Your saying you dont want to kiss me?" He inches closer to me.
"Thats exactly what im saying. Now leave we are done here fuckboy. You got your session!"
I attempt to push him away as he gets closer into my face. He than stops as he is only inches away, he sits just blankly staring. My heart starts beating out of my chest.
"Mark?" He places one hand on my cheek and the other on my thigh. Mark tilts his head slightly to the side leaning in even closer.
"Oof.. Im i interrupting something?"
We both turn our head to the side to see Jaehyun brightly smiling at us.
"Jaehyun!? What are you doing here?" As Jaehyun catches me off guard Mark quickly plants a soft kiss on the side of my mouth.
"Got you!"
Jae sits down in front of us.
"Just thought I stop by, and I just so happen to see you two love birds.. Isnt against the rules to be doing NSFW stuff in the Library?"
"WHAT!?-"  I say.
Mark chuckles and adds more fuel to the fire.
"We cant help it.." He smirks putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Please dont touch me.. NSFW is not happening over my dead body!" I hit his arm away.
"You say that now but your blushed so much over it."
I didn't say anything due to my embarrassment. Yeah, I was blushing! Who wouldn't blush at something like that? Gosh he makes me soo mad. But to be completely honest ever since that night, every small cute gesture he made brought something within me. Something I hated but couldn't help to like all at once. It was difficult to find out what really was going on. In the matter of seconds I feel disgusted the next in awe. Its his playboy demeanor agian pulling me in. I cant dare to trust him..but what if?. I shake my head at what Ifs not daring to go farther into them for fear of him pulling me in.
"I-I wasnt."
"Your stuttering, how cute. So I take it I won and your crushing, Yeah?"
"In your dreams Lee..."
Jaehyun laughs.
"Than why didnt you simply push him away earlier when I walked in? You could have pushed him, but you didn't. You just let him get really close to you like that." Jaehyun asks.
I cross my arms and look away from both of them.
"Just let me be.." I put my head down.
Jaehyun speaks agian.
"So I take it that you do like Mark?"
"I didn't say that." I look back up.
Mark raises a brow looking me.
"Oh really now?" Jaehyun asks in disbelief.
"Your not denying your crush on me is what am hearing princess. I think its safe to say you have caught feelings." Mark says brightly smiling.
"Wow your really dense, did it look I said that!?
"You didnt have to.."
"Aww. Your so adorable!" Jaehyun adds.
"Shh, Your secret is safe with me. No need to say anything.. " Mark says patting my shoulder and cutting me off smiling like a child.
"Im so done with you two.. Anyway Im heading off. I dont want be seen around Jae or you when Johnny shows up."
I grab my bag and things before getting up. As I start to walking away towards the exit someone bumps into me.
"Oh I'm sorry!" The strange boy exclaimed looking down.
"Its ok, I wasnt looking at where I was going."
The boy looks at me up and down than smirks.
"Hey! How are you!?"
" Good, Why are you at the Library?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same.. I saw you talking to Mark and Jaehyun.."
"Dont think anything of it. The professor forced it on me to help him study. What about you."
"Reserch for a presentation."
"That explains it.. anyway, I was just headed out.. Johnny is supposed to come get me any minute now."
"I was just walking out to! Let me walk you over."
I nod and we walk out the door.
We fall silent for a moment as we walk down the sidewalk of the schools buliding.
"What do you think about Mark?"
"Honestly, I hate him. Him, Jaehyun, your brother. They all are the same. They have no respect for others just because they have money to throw around. My mother never raised me to be selfish like that.. I know better. Not to mention the whole girl thing he has going on.. disgusting.."
I look down in thought.
"Besides all that, you going to Chenle's party this weekend mate?" Felix adds bumping softly into my shoulder with his.
"Of course, I'm sure Chenle would kill me if I didnt."
We stop just simply looking at each other peacefully. He then gets closer to me.
"You know if your really worried about it and Mark makes you feel uncomfortable, let me know. Im here if you need me. Yeah?"
Nodding I give him a bright smile.
"Y/n!" Johnny yells.
Me and Felix turn quickly to see My brother smiling from inside his car. Which was kinda scary considering he normally flips when im talking to boys.
"Im coming!" I yell back. Looking at Felix i begin to speak.
"Bye Lix."
"You free on Friday?"
"I believe so.. why?"
"Do you want to hang out with just me? I mean only if you want to.. I understand if not."
"Sure I'm down."
"Great, so ill pick you up at your house since theres no school on Friday?"
"Sounds great, Bye!"
I wave by as I head into the car. But before we could leave Jeahyun calls at Johnny from a small distance away. He runs up but before he gets to the car he gives a wave at Lix who just continues walking the opposite direction. Mark walks behind Jae at a slow pace.
"Jae! What are you doing?"
"Nothing me and Mark were at the Library hangin around."
"Library? You guys hang there? Since when..?"
I chuckle and mumble, "what a bunch of nerds."
"You didnt so happen to be hanging with these 'nerds' ?" Johnny asks.
"Nope, I was helping someone to study because I was assigned to do so. Nothing more.."
With out anymore questions he takes my word for it and continues to talk to them. But the whole time I could tell that Mark kept staring at me as I rolled through my Instagram feed.
A notification from Mark popped up. I take a glance at Mark and of course he is looking at me smiling like a kid.

Mark: Hey
Me: What do you want?
Mark: Nothing.
Me: Your a liar
Mark: so you and Felix?
Me: obviously, we are just friends. Well, I mean hes cute and all but why the hell do you even care?
Mark: Im just wondering. He seems like he has a thing for you.
Me: im sure he is just being nice or whatever
Mark: Yeah just being nice..
Mark: Have I ever told you how genuinely beautiful you are?
Me: No. Lol your so funny, and a great liar at that.
Mark: I just thought I say it. You really are its kinda crazy I'm being honest really when I say that.. God you really are beautiful.

I set my phone on my lap and Give him a glance. He stood looking at his phone with a childish grin and in an instant he looks back up at me. Than he looks back at his phone.
Buzz. A message.
I check it on my lockscreen.

Mark: Your blushing. Your too cute.

I click my phone off trying not to give in and smile at his attempt at me. With a roll of my eyes I tried not to show how cute the whoke situation was even if it was just a show. Faintly I hear him chuckle from behind Jaehyun. Jae looks at me and shakes his head.
" Whats got you all smiley for?" Jae teased.
"Nothing." I say clearing my throat trying to hold in a smile at while I highly failed to do.
Johnny comments adding into our conversation.
"Must be that Aussie boy, what his name Felix? Saw you talking to him just a bit agi. Is that why your looking at your phone smiling?"
"No!" I lose my smile and frown a bit.
Mark trys to hold in a laugh than mumbles something under his breath. Johnny raises a brow looking to him than to me.
"No.. I wasn't smiling."
"Yes you were y/n. Your looked so love sick.." Jae states pressing it.
"Uh, Can we go now.." I blush getting highly embarrased.
"Alright..miss. We are leaving. Ill see you guys see later. I think we've embarrassed her enoughfor one day.."
"You guys be safe." Jaehyun tells us.
Johnny starts up the car and I roll up the window. They wave bye as we drive off. I crossed my arms, I was irritated that even Johnny joined in to tease me not knowing what actually was going on.
Mark that idiot. Texting me like that. I dont think he was serious. Oh not at all. Hes always joking around so carelessly. Why did I let myself smile and get flustered over that!? Get yourself together y/n! Dont let him win so easily as hard as it is.. Damn it all, I think Im developing a crush already.

Mark Pov:

We watched and waved as they left the campus in silence. I couldnt help but smile at her reactions. Shes so cute. I hope I can see that side of her more. That side was absolutely precious and pure..
"Ive called you several times- wait your smiling.. Are you ok.. what happened?"
"N-nothing! Dont worry bout it."
I start to walk away. Damn, Im losing it. Im I really thinking this way agian? Wasnt I suppose to be the one taking control? Loosing my mind over a girl. Im supposed to be better than this. What is going on? Im supposed to play my part. Im absolutely failing. I even almost lost my cool in the Library and actually was about to kiss her..
"Mark!! Dont tell me your falling for Johnnys little sister!?"
Jaehyun follows after me.
"Im not falling for her.."
"Your a liar. You have never truly smiled or stared at a girl that much since you know-"
"Yeah I know." I turn around and look at Jaehyun seriously, "Listen, you know exactly why I dont date. Besides she doesnt like me like that anyway.."
"Wow, your really crushing hard. Go collect her already. I saw you being sneaky earlier with almost kissing her and than texting her across from each other."
"S-shut up!"
Jaehyun laughs.
"You better hurry thought. Ethier Ill take her or maybe someone else will attempt to win her before you Lee."
Jae looks behind me, and when I turn around I can see Felix sitting and chatting with 8 other guys.
I look at him and his bright smile. While I stared in thought, he locks eyes with me and loses his smile quickly. Lifting my hand I give a quick wave, he gives me a disappointed look before looking away.
"Pftt, your too much Jae." Nudging his shoulder with my hand I walk away towards my ride.
"You say that but we both know im right.."
Throughout the whole ride home I couldn't keep my mind at ease. Because in a irritatingly weird way Jaehyun was right. It pissed me off thinking I had let a girl win over me agian. I thought about that night with her, I thought about how it felt to hear her say the things shes said to push me away. That moment when I texted her just then, I knew she didnt believe me. But in all honesty even if I was in denial over having any sort of feelings for her. She is completely and utterly one of most beautiful girls I have ever seen. God, why didnt I listen to my gut from the beginning, I knew it from the moment I saw her. It was the moment she had bumped into me and looked into my eyes the first day she came. At that moment, this girl was going to be a problem for me. She is My Dilemma. My perfectly beautiful Dilemma.
I just had to take on fate and it seems that fate had other plans for me. I cant take back my behavior or the words I have said. The regrets of embracing the person everyone wanted me to be has filled its cup. I wonder if I confessed, would it be too late?
"Y/n, I hope you'll forgive me."

My Dilemma ~ Mark Lee FF ✔Where stories live. Discover now