Isnt It Romantic?

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As the second movie ended most the boys were dead asleep. So I decided to leave and sleep in my room. As I got up to leave I felt a hand grab my wrist in a gentle manner. Following it a raspy voice arose from the couch.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed. Im tired. I dont want to be in a room asleep with you nerds."
"Stay. Dont leave me here with Haechan, he moves too much when he sleeps and its annoying."
"You have Jae and My brother. Go back to sleep."
"But, I only want you to stay with me."
I pull away from him and begin to walk out agian. I hate him. Hes acting innocent agian what a joke. Does he not get the hint that I dont want him!? Its obvious I want nothing to deal with him. Id rather not be his next little victim.
As I walk upstairs, I hear a soft pat of foot steps walking behind me. I stop my movement and stand looking forward.
"Stop following me Mark." I whisper.
"I dont want to go back. Its no fun sleeping in there with them." He whines softly, I just ignore his plee and continue to walk to my room. As soon as I enter my room I turn around to see a smirking Mark closing and locking my door.
"Mark what the hell do you think your doing in my room. I am really tired. I dont want to deal with you right now. Im not playing with you its too late for  your bullshit."
"Than deal with me tomorrow.." He hugs me lazily and drags me towards my bed.
He cuts me off by my climbing into my covers. The black haired boy pulls me into his embrace agian.
I lay staring at wall. I was too tired to hit him or call Johnny. This was a bad idea but as far as I knew he wasnt really hurting anybody, well at the moment..
"Mark. Your gunna get me into hella trouble."
"Dont worry about it. I filled in Jaehyun. Ill be good."
"Jaehyun is not always going to save you."
"I know, lets not worry bout that, lets go to sleep y/n." He forcefully draggs me even closer to him and places his hands around my waist. Mark breathes in and out deeply, his breath hitting the back of my neck.
"H-hey, you know your too close.. you need to watch were your putting your hands Lee.." I scoot my self away as best as I could.
He laughs softly. "You should relax I'm not going to do anything.. well unless you want me too that is.."
I quickly turn to face him and press my hand on his chest
"I swear to god you try anything I will scream."
"Dont worry. Wasnt going to.. Now shush and go to sleep."
He pulls me into him and he closes his eyes immediately drifting into sleep. I watch is sleeping face. As cute as he looks and as sweet as he is right now, I still hate him.. but for now I had no choice than to leave it until morning. And so I drift off ever so slightly.

Knock knock~
"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!!" Johnny's voice calls from behind my door. I open my eyes to the sunlight and the messy empty space next to me. Did he leave? But I swear Mark was here.
"Coming!!" I answered.
I look around my room as I stretch and yawn.
"Wow, I guess that was a some kinda crazy dream or something.." I say speaking out loud to myself.
"A crazy dream come true.." Mark adds walking in from my bath room a big grin plastered on his face, "You looked so precious sleeping there y/n."
"Whatever. Why didnt you leave. My brothers going to catch you in here with me."
"Jaehyun told your brother that last night I moved myself into one of the guest rooms. And trust me none will walk in there. Im get upset when someone decides to wake me up in the mornings, they know I prefer to be alone."
"Ooh I see, such a prince you are." I get up and search my closet for clothes to wear.
"So this is what a girls closet looks like."
"Get out, im sure you've seen one before, being your so used to being off and on with girls and all."
"Salty. And Ive never really been to many peoples houses besides Jaehyun's and yours.."
He looks around at my small walk in closet and speaks agian, "They are all so simple tho. You know if you went out with me, you'd have an even better collection.. just saying. "
I turn off the closet light and walk off. He follows me.
"Im going to get dressed."
"Can I help?"
"No you can not, just stay here, stop following me around."
Mark laughs and sits back on my bed waiting around as I do my routine. About 30 minutes later I walk back in to see Mark laying on my bed cuddled into my covers staring at his phone cutely. He looks up and smiles at me getting up, immediately locking his eyes onto mine.
"You look great this morning princess." He gets closer.
"Dont talk to me."
"You know I really dont like these games your playing with me." He says.
Before he could get any closer to me I walk away and out the door.
"Come on! Not even a morning kiss?"
I flick him off as he follows me down stares. Walking into the hall, I pass John.
"Mark?" Johnny asks as he sees him following behind me.
"Hmm? Whats up?'
"Why you up so early? You never wake up this early..." he glares.
"I just felt like it. Tryna be Healthy ya know."
"Healthy, huh." Johnny says.
The three of us than walk into the kitchen at once. I walked to to the refrigerator and grabbed some milk than a glass. Haechan watches me and than looks to Mark who sits at the kitchen bar beside him. Whereas I grabbed some milk and poured it in a glass.
"Y/n. Can I have some too?" Haechan asks. I nod and grab a glass for him.
"Woow. Your such a flirt.." Mark comments, as I pour Haechan a glass.
"Really your going to go there? At least I didnt go off and buy a super short, sexy dress for her at Gucci. Or than proceed to constantly check her out behind Johnnys back." My mouth dropped as I handed Haechan his glass. Oh no.
"You did what Mark?" Johnny glares boiling.
"Thank you y/n.." Haechan whispers walking way innocently into the dining room.
I fast walk out of the room but before I could leave Johnny grabs me.
"No ma'am. Your staying right here."
" I thought it was Lisa who bought it. Boy was I wrong. Mark Lee. I knew you have been trying to flirt with my sister. Its so obvious! But the dress!?Explain yourself. Why did you buy my little sister a dress too short for her?"
"It not even that short John.." Jaehyun adds.
"Shut it Jae. Im talking to Mark."
"Mark. Lee."
"What? It was just a gift, I had a little pocket change. Besides, she wasn't interested in the dress anyway so she probably wont wear it. Its what friends do. They buy each other stuff."
"The fact you bought it for her tells me your up to no good. You can play every girl. But you Can't play my little sister. I dont care if your my uncle's kid, I will kill you if you hurt her." Mark stared at John than to me.
"Im not going to hurt her Johnny,  besides y/n only sees me as a really good friend. Right?"
They both look at me for answer even though clearly didnt want to even speak.
"I dont want to even be your friend but sure think what you will." I rolled my eyes, than I looked to Johnny than to Mark. Honestly I swear I could see something different in his face. Sadness? God Ive said it so many times to him why is this time any different? No, no. Couldn't be, The boy is just notorious for his acting and charm. Shouldn't he be heartless and cruel? Maybe Im thinking to much and maybe im thinking this way because he ,in some way, is actually getting to me. I highly doubt that someone like him could feel sadness. Its all in my head. John and everyone else they are right. This boy is only out to hurt me. I mustn't let last night's little sweet show get to me, its what Mark wants of me.
"Can I leave now Johnny?" I ask.
He lets me go and I quickly walk into the dining room. As I sit down, Haechan speaks.
"Dont kill me about the whole dress thing Y/n."
"I wont. I dont even care about all of it anyway. Me and Mark aren't anything in the first place so it shouldn't matter."
"Thats not what Mark told me.." He sips his drink shyly.
"What did he tell you?.."
He lowers his voice.
"He told me YOU were madly in love with HIM and that I should back off."
"Bull shit, when did he tell you this?!."
"Im not lieing.. he told me this morning."
"This morning- how!? ugh, I hate him soo much.. I swear.."
Haechan looks as if he is going to speak to me until Jaehyun walks in the room followed by Mark.
"Mark. Your lucky. Johnny almost killed you for trying to fuck around with her. You even made me cover for you this morning, while you two were probably doing god knows what last night."
" Wait. You told Jae that we have been messing around?!"
Mark walks over by me sitting besides me.
"Yeah. I may or may not have told him a bit more. Wow, Isnt it romantic? I ship us."
"No!" I exclaim.
He chuckles and kisses my forehead. I look at him glaring furiously.
"Can you not, and Can you please sit him away from me Jae before I kill him?"
"Why would I do that, aren't you two a like thing? You two act like a couple if I ever seen one. And from what he has told me, you two should already be dating."
"Hell no. I dont know what he told you. But me and Mark are nothing. I dont like him like that, Id rather die." Looking over briefly, I see Mark staring at me with his soft sparkly eyes and a sad blank expression. There I sat trying to read him but I couldn't. I was lost in this new feeeling he displayed. So lost. But as seconds turned into a minute, In that moment I couldn't handle it. I finally knew what he was trying to do. After seeing my reaction to the first time, he playing a whole different card. And I am not going to give in even if it did seem genuine.
I get up slowly and sit far way from him as I can next to Haechan. As I do so, my big brother Johnny walks in the room placing himself next to Mark.
We ate in silence until Jaehyun spoke.
"Chenle's birthday is coming up soon, y/n. I thought I'd tell you since your friends and all."
"Oh really thanks for telling me. Will there be a party!?"
"Oh Yeah its next weekend."
Johnny speaks, "Your having it at the house this year?"
Jae nods, "Yep, im thinking something big this year though since he finally going to be 18. " He smiles, but suddenly gets up quickly checking his phone.
"Damn, I gotta go. My mom wants me to stay home with Chenle and help plan everythingout for next weekend." Just as he is about to walk out a certain someone calls to him.
"Good luck." Mark comments.
Jaehyun raises a brow smiling looking back at him and then to me.
"You too Lee."
With that he leaves.
I sigh and push myself out of my chair.
"Where you going y/n?" Haechan asks.
"My room, I got a drama series to watch and papers to study."
"Oh okay, have fun."
I begin to walk out towards the stairs making quick steps in fear of a certain someone following me. But thankfully noone had. Im sure Mark had got the hint that I didnt want him or thats what I hope had happened..
"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Turning around I see Johnny standing there staring holes into me.
"Yeah?" He walks me to my room and closes the door.
" How did you really meet Mark?"
"I thought-"
"Yeah I know what Jaehyun said, but I know its a lie. So tell me."
"I was walking around the school trying to find my class and I just so happened to bump into him, literally. I didnt know anything about him.. and I still dont know much."
Truthfully I told him.  I only scrached the surface, but it wasnt a lie. I didnt know much about him then and I still dont know who he may be now.
"Okay, just becareful.. He seems like he bothers you so, let me know if you really are being bothered..give me an answer y/n. I cant help you if you dont tell me..Does he bother you?"
I thought for a second and relived every moment with Mark in my mind.  As much as I want to tell Johnny that he was indeed bothering me. My mind was going wild at this point with voices saying, 'Yes! Thank god you asked! Please keep him away! Im so happy you asked!' Apparently, theree a part that over turned every voice and was the loudest. This voice was a simple whisper but yet it managed to gain every control and I replied to John with no.. A mistakeful no I couldn't take back because John smiled in satisfaction.
Curse that moment that keep replaying in my head. For it was that moment a while ago when John flipped and I casually said my piece. It was that moment in the dinning hall when I told Jae Id rather die. His face. An expression so unreal, I still dont know if it was just my mind playing tricks or if it was a face full of lies to make me pity him.
John nods and walks out of my room. Slowly getting back up I locked my door and set myself up with some snacks on my bed ready to enjoy my day alone.
"What is going on with me?"
I stared at my computer that was placed in between my snacks and paperwork. Did I really lie to John.? And for what? I needed to tell the truth, to end it all, right in that moment. But I decided to say no. I must be over thinking things. Thats it, I always over think everything. All I did was say no. Im sure I dont need Johnny to defend me when it comes to Mark.
That being said, the rest of my night was boring. Just like every other day as if I was back into old habits of being locked in. The days before joining Neo City University. Just a slave to my own home with nothing but a computer screen to guide me in my worse moments.

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