His Way

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" OMG! Y/n!!"
I felt a rough shake, and the loud voice continued to ring out waking me up.
"Y/n! Wake up we are gonna be late!!"
"WTF! JOHN, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TELL ME EARLIER!!!" I jump up and run into the bathroom sliping on clothes, putting on light make up, and styling my hair. As I walk back into the room rushing Johnny sits on my bed with a smirk.
"What do you want!? Stop sitting there watching me, I get it, we are going to be late."
Lazily he lifts up his shoulders and looks over to my alarm clock than back at me with a sly smirk.
And wouldnt yiu kniw the clock read: 4:00am.
He makes a run for it and I began to chase him down and around the house.
"What the fuck John! Its 4:00 in the morning and school starts at 8! Im going to kill you!"
"Youll never catch me!" He laughs, and ends up tripping onto the floor.
"Well, Karma's a bitch.." I run up to him hurringly and hit him in the chest multiple times.
"You hit like a girl!" He teases laughing at my attempt to murder him. With every next word I hit him as hard as I could.
"How dare you...wake me up this early!... I could of had 4 more hours of sleep!"
I stop abruptly.
"Wait, why are you of all people up this early anyway?"
He sits up and smiles at me.
"I being the nice brother I am. Decided to get breakfast with you, silly. Plus, sis, I wanted to celebrate your completed first day"
"Just another day.."
"You got to be kidding me! Its your now second day at school with me, your handsome big brother. We are going to get food, whether you like it or not. No getting out of this one. Anyway we have to get a move on we are meeting Jaehyun up at a secret fancy breakfast place."
"Secret Fancy breakfast place?"
"Yeah, aka his house. But trust me youll like it. However, will hurt him if he touches you so dont worry."
"Whatever, let me grab my stuff I guess."
"Thats the spirit!"
I get up walking up stairs to get my things.
Boy, John is sure in a good mood. I guess he really was excited to have me go to school with him. He only takes me out to eat every once in a while, but Ive never been over at his friends not even relatives of his. As strange as it seemed I was happy to see John in this carefree hyper mood. Even if he did piss me off with how early he woke me up..
As soon as I get down stairs Johnny grabs his keys smilingly and headed out the door.
"Alright, you took like another hour lets go already.."
I roll my eyes and head out after him.
The ride to Jaehyuns was quiet, but not awkward due to the loud music he played on the way up there. We arrived around 6:00am with Jaehyun waiting at the big door. He walks up to the rolled down window of Johnnys car.
" Yo John, your a little late you know?"
"Yeah I know but the traffic was really bad, plus i had to wake up this thing." I points at me.
"You didnt have to wake me up, you should have left me there."
He rolls his eyes and Jaehyun smirks at me.
"Hello y/n. Good morning."
"Morning Jae."
Johnny turns off the car and gets out. Before I could open my own door Jaehyun opens it for me.
"Uh Thanks."
"No problem." He smiles.
Johnny glares.
"Hey, hey, Im just being nice. I can't be nice to your sister!?"
John chuckles "Your version of nice and mine are different especiallywhen it comes to my sister."
We head into the huge house. In fact is was almost as big as our own dolled up mansion. However, it had more of a open glass feel and natural light to it.
"The maids have already made breakfast in the kitchen so you two cqn just help yourselfs. Im going to wake up my own little brother up stairs. Wish me luck." With that he departs up the stairs. John begins to walk in the opposite direction casually into a large kitchen and I follow suit.
"Here you two are." A maid had set a beautiful plate with all sorts of breakfast foods for the both of us smiling. Never in my life would I of thought breakfast would look soo elegant. Johnny laughs softly, "This is one of the reasons I come here, they have really good food especially in the morning."
"Whats the other reason?" I asked.
"Between me and you, his room has a whole video game set up. I mean my is okay but I prefer his. Its boy stuff you wouldn't understand."
"I see. Your such a loser."
With a chuckle I begin eating as does he. After about a minute or 2, Jaehyun walks back in sitting by Johnny.
"Gosh hes so tough to wake up, well most of time."
"Oh yeah?" John says.
"Yeah. But I told him that your here with your sister and boy did he get up quick. I wonder why. He should be used to having you here. I guess he knows Y/n or something. "
John raises a brow. "You dont say?." He sips his coffee taking a quick glance at me.
And as if on cue a familiar voice fills the room loudly.
We all turn and Jaehyun smirks.
"There he is! Good morning Chenle. You look like your in a good mood.."
Chenle walks up to me hugging me and whispers.
"Y-your not mad at me are you? Be honest! I really am sorry."
"Im disappointed but not mad per say.."
Chenle smiles brightly.
And yet another familiar voice fills the room behind Chenle.
"Oi! Its y/n!"
"Good morning Lix."
My big brother looks at me with a ' how the hell do you know these people' look.
"I met Chenle, and Felix yesterday during school. I have a class with Chenle and he introduced me to Felix and his other friends at lunch." I smile awkwardly as my brother investigates my every move.
"Ooh I see." He scoffs and speaks to them.
"You two best becareful, thats my little sister your friends with."
They both smile awkwardly at him and nod. Johnny turns around and continues to eating.
Felix breaks the silence speaking to Chenle out loud.
"Chenle, why would y/n be mad at you anyway? Did you hurt her?"
With that John looks back giving a glare.
Chenle panics and grabs both of our wrists dragging us to the living room.
He turns around quickly.
"Shhhh! I dont want Johnny to kill me. Did you see the way he looked at me when you said that!!"
"Oh. Im sorry I was just curious." Felix  said.
"Listen, the reason I asked y/n if she was mad was because Mark forced me to give up Y/n's number."
"YOU WHAT!?" Felix shouts.
"shhhh!! Shush! Keep it down Aussie boy! I know it sounds really bad. I had no choice."
"I wouldn't blame her for being mad. Thats some shit."
I added onto the conversation.
"Im upset not mad. Chenle gave it up for a reason. Honestly Im not excited to have him texting me.. but to make it up its the time to spill the tea and fess up on what really happened at least.."
As I look to Chenle he sighs.
"Well this is what happened..-"

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