The fair

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It hadn't even been a full day yet and Beca already regretted the whole moving in together thing.

Instead of being woken up by two obnoxious girls; she was now being woken up by a whole house of obnoxious and loud girls.

"Come on Beca! Get up quick!" Cynthia whisper yelled to her.

"Noooo," the werewolf whined. "It's too early. Let me sleep."

"No seriously Beca, you have to come and see this," she heard Stacie comment.

"Fiiine," Beca pushed the covers off with a groan and followed the girls down the stairs. All of the girls were gathered outside on the front lawn.

"Ok so what is all this a-...... oh my," the brunette giggled as she saw what was on the grass.

The girls had managed to bring out their two mattresses along with Donald sleeping on his own. Benji, Jesse and Bumper were carried out thanks to Flo's magic and placed on the two mattresses.

The four boys were totally asleep and only wearing their boxers.

"Is this really necessary?" Emily questioned with an almost guilty look on her face.

All the girls looked at the young brunette in surprise. "Hell yeah it is!" Aubrey exclaimed, but not loud enough to wake the boys.

"If you think about it, it's basically to see if we can trust them after they crashed a girl sorority," Chloe shrugged while the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

"So when they wake up we run in and lock the door?" Ashley asked earning yet more nods from the girls.

"But how are we going to wake them up?" Jessica asked and everyone realised that they hadn't thought about that yet.

Lilly stood in the back and pulled out a knife with a huge grin on her face as she held it above her head. Surprisingly nobody noticed it.

Luckily for the boys Flo spoke up. "In my country we would usually wake the chickens up by making the calls of a banshee that returned from Hell and found her husband sleeping with a medusa."

No one knew what Flo meant and stared at her with questioning looks.

Flo groaned in frustration as if she was expecting them all to know what she meant. "It means we scream really loudly."

"We really have to investigate your country a little," Amy said with squinted eyes.

Soon all the girls tip-toed towards the boys until they were all close enough.

"On three," Beca gestured to the girls.

She held up one finger, but added another. Once she held up three fingers all of the girls yelled at the four guys.

As soon as Bumper heard the screams he started to shriek in a high pitched voice, while the others nearly jumped out of their skin.

Laughing, all of the girls ran back into the house and locked the door.

When the guys realised that they were only in their spenders, they used the mattresses as cover and hid behind them.

Bumper was holding one which covered him and Donald, with Jesse covering himself and Benji.

They quickly made their way on to the front porch and reached the door.

Donald tried the doorknob, but come to the conclusion that it was locked. He then started banging against the door, "Come on guys! This isn't funny!"

"We think it is!" they heard Stacie's voice from inside.

Benji soon had an idea and spoke up. "Don't worry guys, I'll just use my magic to get us in." He started to fiddle with his fingers searching for his ring. His ring was actually his wand that he could turn into a ring for when he didn't want to carry a stick all the time. His eyes widened as he couldn't feel his ring.

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