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Stacie peeked over the hedge to see if Nilrem's guards were still stationed at the doors.

Sure enough they were there; as still as statues, never moving.

They were completely dark, covered in shadows except for their eyes. One could definitely know that they were working for the dark force with their yellow eyes.

The yellow orbs lit up the darkness and were a terrifying sight.

Stacie ducked back down and looked at her friends. They stared back at her with questioning faces.

With a sigh, Stacie crawled a bit closer to them to be able to whisper loud enough for them to be able to hear her and that the minions won't.

"Nope. They're still there," she stated disappointedley.

"Damn, do those things ever even move?" Cynthia asked while stretching her neck trying to spot said things.

"I don't know, but more importantly where's Beca? She's been gone for a while now and we're wasting precious time." Aubrey looked all around her to try and find any sign of the brunette.

They were all quiet again, just waiting for their friend.

A few moments later they heard the faint sounds of flapping.

At first they glanced at each other to see of one of them wasn't trying to make sounds or do something. Once everyone had the same look on their faces; they knew for a fact it wasn't them.

The flapping became louder and louder and soon the delinquents all looked up.

All they saw was a large dark figure fly over them and dart towards the guards. When it passed, Beca had landed in between them.

With all the attention on her she quietly whispered, "Now!" Then the werewolf made a straight line towards the front doors. The others had no clue of what was going on, but followed nonetheless.

As they got closer; the guards' heads turned to acknowledge their presence.

But before the two minions could react; a large beast tackled the one to the ground. The other one immediately turned its attention to the attacker.

Before it could react, a giant claw swiped at it. When the claw made contact with its mist covered body; it disappeared into thin air along with the other which was attacked before it.

Beca reached the doors first and gently pet the large griffin's head.

"Thanks Lucky. Now just keep them distracted and their attention off of us okay?" The rest of the group watched in astonishment as Beca was actually talking and getting through to the mighty beast.

It have out a small squawk and took off into the air, making as much noise as possible to draw out the shadow guards.

Once he was a distance away, Beca opened the doors and slipped into the dark building.

The others didn't hesitate to follow and soon they all disappeared into the pitch black darkness of the academy.
Once inside the doors slammed shut and there was nothing but darkness.

"Great," Jesse stated, but one could tell by his tone that he was being sarcastic. "We're in, but it doesn't help one bit if we can't see anything."

"I can help with that."

Jessica soon spread her wings and activated a soft glow that was radiating off of them.

The rest soon clicked as they remembered that fairies can have the power to manipulate light energy and use them for their own uses.

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