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Beca was frozen and felt too weak to even stop the projectile if she tried to get up.

All she could do was watch it fly.

Gravity did all it could to bring the flying projectile down or off course, but it wasn't enough.

Nothing could stop it.

Nothing could change it's direction.

Nothing was all the arrow cared about.

It's only job: hit the target.


Beca watched in utter horror at what had just happened.




Aubrey walked through the door she had chosen, heading off to help her friends.

She walked into yet another hall, but something didn't seem right.

It was too quiet.

No sound of any sort of struggle. Not a single Cry for help. There wasn't a sense of commotion from any form of a fight of any sort.

The vampire was constantly on guard, but kept moving quickly. If she took too long she might not be in time to help her friends. But the only problem is: Where are they?

Her answer came in the form of one of the shadow guards being thrown through one of the hallway walls.

Aubrey jumped back and saw the guard just lay there, not moving a single muscle. When she was certain that he was unconscious, she peeked around the hole in the wall where he came from.

She found the source of the guard's demise as a huge version of Bumper was throwing shadow figures around left and right.

Close to him were the rest of the gang, each handling their own situation.

Cynthia was in her minotaur form while throwing guards into the air with her horns as she charged through them.

Flo and Benji were back to back, firing magic all around the room. They used multiple spells ranging from small shields for themselves as well as the others, to bolts of lightning that struck their opponents dead centre.

Amy and Ashley were busy in the air, keeping the air guards away from Jessica.

Jessica had lit up her wings to full blast, using a lot of her energy. The light shining from her was the only source of light illuminating the room. She had her eyes shut tight as she focused all her strength on putting her wings on full power.

Aubrey had to duck to avoid an incoming shadow guard rocketing towards her. Jesse had his lower horse half out and had used his powerful hind legs to sent the opponent flying before going off towards the next one.

Donald had a weapon of his own creation. Being a dwarf, he usually invented all kinds of gadgets.

At that moment he was using some sort of gun that shot small plasma spheres.

The one who looked like they were having the time of their lives; was Lilly.

The elf had several knives on her and she was using them to deadly effect. But what frightened Aubrey most; was the huge smile she had on her face as she was fighting the guards.

However Aubrey looked around for one particular member and her heart raced when she saw a big white wolf pounce a guard, shake him a few times and throw him against the wall. Then several opponents jumped on the canine at once, pulling her to the ground.

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