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I keep on telling myself I should slow down with these chapters and give people a chance to read them and get excited for the next one but I can't stop myself I just really wanna share this story with you!! 😂

Okay I think I'm being rly dim... I'd made this character called 'Frankie' when I first wrote the chapter but now I can't remember who I based Frank off  of or wether it's an original character 😅 do Ant and Dec know any franks? 😂

It was cold out on the side of some forgotten highway. Cold, windy, and nasty. Ant looked up towards the bright sun twinkling from behind huge thunderclouds as they rolled in, every now and then making the world a little darker before the sun would come back out. He took a puff on his cigarette before dropping it and grinding it out with a deft twist of his foot. A terse bark from one of the watchdogs made him spear it and toss it into his trash bag. He looked down the road.

His buddies, nearly all of them looked up and shared a quick grin before going back to picking up garbage. Ants eyes drifted down to where some of Piers' buddies were working, huddling in their work coats against the brisk Northern chill. One boy in particular, Frankie, was doing everything in his power to kiss up to one of the guards.

Ant grinned.

He knew Frank from a while back. He was a good guy, but if you gave him anything about you that you didn't want to be held against you later, he'd make you regret it. His daddy had been a lawyer and he'd thrown his own son in jail for theft from the family business. Now, he seemed to want to make up for his bad play by ratting out anyone and everyone. Ant glanced at his gang again. They looked up and followed his line of sight.

None of them liked rats, but this one was a true pleasure to razz.

Break time was called and they were all sat down, food was passed around and the guards went off to have a smoke.

"So gents," Ant said as his fellows lined up around him, settling into the chill grass. He looked to his left. Robbie, Asher and Stephen. To his right, Jamie and Winston. His closest associates and partners. "What shall we begin the festivities with, I wonder?" None of them answered. They knew exactly what he wanted to do and grinned in anticipation.

Frankie was in a good sized line to the port-a-john and they all lined up at the very end, waiting patiently, watching their prey with excited eyes. Then things changed. A tall, burley boy, one of the newer ones strode forward, shoving everyone in front of him out of the way. No one complained or shoved back, mostly because you didn't do that sort of thing, but also because none of them thought they would survive his attentions. As Ant and the others watched with narrowed eyes, he stopped directly behind Frankie before landing a heavy paw on his shoulder. Frankie jumped and turned, looking up at his new antagonist.

"Yes?" he inquired, only his hands shaking.

"You're in my way," the giant murmured.

"No I'm not, I was here first," Frankie said lightly.

"Alright then, fairy boy!" The giant was absolutely delighted as he cocked a fist back and punched Frank square in the kisser with a muffled thud. He fell back against the door of the port-a-john and slid down, blinking dazedly as blood trickled in a fine stream from his nose to his shirt. "As I said," the tall boy gloated. "You're in my way."

Frankie glared up at him, then his eyes widened in shock as a hand settled onto the giant's shoulder.

The giant turned to come face to face with Ant. Even though Ant was a few inches shorter.  "Don't I know you?" Anthony asked, tapping his lips with a finger.

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