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Ant and Dec in a room... alone 😉

The smut for this chapter is in a separate book i'll post on my profile just go to 'AaD Smut for DSSCTM' - catchy title I know. This is just so people can avoid it if they want cause it makes sense without it anyway :)

Dec flung the classroom door shut and locked it while Ant stumbled into the bathroom and landed unceremoniously in a heap on the floor. Dec momentarily considered putting up a barricade of furniture before he remembered it was bolted to the floor. He staggered into the bathroom with his keys and dragged the heavy steel door shut, locking all three dead bolts.

He'd thought it weird, but now he was thanking every star in heaven that this was one of the nearby refuges in case of such things... like riots. He sank to the floor, very seriously out of breath as they listened to the distant rumble of thousands of feet and the roar of hundreds of voices as they rang out. Hopefully the other teachers had heard the sirens and locked up, hopefully everyone had gotten out all right... he glanced over at Ant who was sat, slouched against the wall in exhaustion, cradling his bruised knuckles. Dec scooted closer. "You okay?" he asked.

At first he just panted, but then a small chuckle leaked out, then Dec joined in until both Geordies were laughing so hard their sides hurt. "Yeah, m'fine," Ant groaned, shifting slightly where he sat. "Just a bit bruised. Are you okay?"

Dec shuffled closer, tucking himself into Ants side, trying to get comfortable on the cold concrete floor. He sighed into the tall boy's warmth "I'm glad... when I you get hit..." Dec shuddered, feeling panic begin to well up and threaten to spill out of his mouth.

He closed his eyes, concentrating on breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. A nice little meditation method... not really workable when you had a shitload of crazed and very dangerous teenagers waiting to break down the door and rip you to shreds. Or at least beat you into minced meat.

"Hey," a soft voice made him look up to find Ant watching him with soft, almost frighteningly tender eyes. "You didn't answer my question?"

"Yeah," Dec hastened to reassure him. He rubbed hands up and down his arms, trying to rid himself of a chill. "Just a little freaked out."

"It's your first riot, you own that right," Ant said reasonably. Ant held up his right arm and with no more than a second's hesitation, Dec snuggled underneath it. He settled down, awkwardly at first, but then he allowed himself to feel Ant's warmth mixed softly with his citrus scent, and he just melted into the boy's comforting presence. Slowly, his shaking ceased as Ant large hands made soothing circles up and down his back, relaxing the taunt muscles beneath them.

Dec felt like crying. This wasn't right, this wasn't what he was running from. He was running from a past long dead that wasn't his fault in the first place, a childish dream that had curdled and grown destructive in his heart. It had almost spoiled what he had here.

He realized that now. He leaned back and looked into the younger boy's warm brown eyes. He sat watching him with careful eyes, waiting for him to run, except there was nowhere to go, and Dec didn't want to run anymore. He was sick to death of it.

Dec caressed a shaking hand along his cheek, and brought his face closer to Anthony's until they could kiss, pressing his lips softly Ant's waiting ones. He began to shake again, and he didn't know why. The taller boy wrapped his arms around him, bringing him further into his warmth and love until he was completely caged in his flesh. And it was the sweetest place he could ever want to be.

Soft murmurs and light whispers half spoken around heated kisses hushed through the dimly lit bathroom, bouncing off the unforgiving tile and concrete to return to their human creators. Hands were everywhere as Ant pushed Dec's jacket off of his shoulders, mindful of the bruised ribs. Ant began to trailing hot, wet kisses up and down the exposed flesh of his neck, worshipping every inch of the older Geordie.

Smut goes here...

'Go to AaD Smut for DSSCTM'

Post smut...

Dec rested on Ant's chest before he thought his weight might be too much for the younger man. When he moved to get off, Ant's arms pulled him back down, wrapping around him. "Don' want you goin' nowhere," Ant mumbled, voice thick with the pull of post-orgasmic sleep.

Dec shifted his head so he could look up at the man who'd stolen his heart. "'M okay with that."


Hours later, outside the complex, the semblance of order had been returned with the introduction of fresh troops into the facility. Rob and Asher had been found tending to Officer Barlow, who was taken to be checked out at the hospital along with several others. Three inmates died.

Needless to say, this did not improve the Warden's temper. He was positively terrifying as he stalked down the hallway, a force of nature with a cadre of riot guards, a fully automatic riot gun in his hand and a bullet proof vest on over his suit.

"You three, that way. You three come with me," his snarled, leaving three men behind to check out the remains of the Literature hall. "Yes you can come too Mr Walliams." He added with gritted teeth and an eye roll as David skipped up next to him.

His shoes padded loudly along the desolate hallway, papers and a few computers strewn everywhere all making his dark mood turn black at the money this would take to repair. He opened the locked classroom to his left, Donnelly's. Hopefully he had fled here. The classroom was empty and the guard on point gave the all clear, letting him in. He strode forward, opening the bathroom door with his master key and peeked inside.

And quickly shut the door, his face set. "Gentlemen," he waved the guards away, "If you'd step outside for a moment, you may continue your sweep. I'll join you shortly." Once they were out, he gave David a weary look but that didn't stop the taller man from bursting into the bathroom, flicking on the lights. Ant and Dec blinked around, hazy with sleep and groaning at the hard floor they'd been laying upon.

David gasped in delight, practically bouncing up and down at the sight whilst Simons face stayed expressionless.

"Now, I know that this is a wonderful place to have your own private get away," Simon began softly, his lip twitching wildly.

Both men gave a small yip, scrambling to cover themselves, faces burning at being caught by David and even worse caught by their boss, their keeper, in a bathroom. Naked, too.

"However, don't you think you're carrying the 'Eat, Drink and be merry for tomorrow we die' thing a bit too far?" He smiled, unable to help himself. David still seemed lost for words, his mouth hanging so wide open it almost touched the floor.

Dec pulled on his trousers, blinking up at them with panic filled eyes. "Simon... Warden, please, we can explain-"

He held up a hand. "No need. Who am I to judge love based on its packaging? However, I am a little disappointed that you couldn't wait until Mr. McPartlin was no longer your student..." he said softly. They both turned away as David giggles. "Come on, you cannot report for inspection this way, just make sure you shower." They nodded sheepishly as Simon left.

Sending each other an embarrassed look before moving to collect the remains of their clothes, then froze.

David was still there.

They looked at him. "Can we help you?" Ant asked, annoyed. Stepping in front of Dec's partially exposed body, the thought of someone else seeing what was his not sitting well with him.

David began to giggle. "Nope, you've both made my week!" He burst into laughter, shutting the door, leaving them all blinking at one another.

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