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Okay it's the penultimate chapter everyone 🙈 this is my fav so hope u like it!!

In the official report filed by the Warden, none of the faculty was seriously injured, Officer Barlow returning to the job after being diagnosed with a slight concussion and in need of a couple of stitches. Asher and Robbie were put up for commendation with the parole board. Teacher's Mr. Schofield and Mrs. Willoughby were safe in the booth with the reporters, the riot having never reached them while Mr. Donnelly managed to reach the safe room with in his classroom, later joined by Mr Walliams.

The Warden never told on them, which made both Ant and Dec nervous as hell, especially when he spoke with them. He never said or did anything to suggest his knowledge of the omission from the report, and when asked, just smiled cunningly before wandering away with a pleased smirk on his face. The two Geordies, however, didn't want to test his patience with this gift, and so were forced to limit their contact.

The drama class was unfortunately shut down, being deemed the cause of the problem, and the project was aborted despite strong protests from the Warden,  his teachers and the students. Repairs and clean up were under way immediately.

And just when everything was settling it's mussed feathers, all hell broke loose once more.

Frankie had come to Ant shortly after the riot absolutely terrified out of his wits. So much so that all of Ant's crew had crowded around him offering their own small bit of comfort. It seems that Frankie had found the perfect way to pay Ant back for his good deed during halloween Hell. One of the casualties in the riot had been Patterson's 'payment'. Since that boy was out of commission, Frankie had been selected as the runner up to keep Patterson's darker tastes happy and his eyes blind.

The others had embraced the shaking boy, particularly Stevie, who seemed extremely upset by what had happened to Frankie. Ant had stalked away to think, face absolutely terrifying in its rage. He had what he needed now. And it would never happen again.

That was all that really mattered.

"I told you Morgan, I ain't doing this shit no more." Ant spat at the smaller boy, who was leaning coolly against the wall in an empty hallway. "People have died, and I found out that one of your crackheads started that fuckin' riot! And guess what? More people died! No, I'm not transporting that shit anymore, not when it's gonna kill people already too stupid to stay outta this place."

Piers picked his nails. "Come now, Anthony, we had an agreement. I make sure you don't get caught, you import my goods."

"Yeah, well it ain't even safe no more, 'cause a bird decided to sing," Ant snapped.

Piers sobered instantly, smug look falling faster than a bowling ball outta an aircraft. "Who?"

"Why the fuck should I tell you? You didn't tell me who you had in your pocket in the first place!"

"Tell me you smug faggot, or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Bite my ankles?"

"Damn you 'Partlin, tell me the names or I'll have your boyfriend." Ant felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. How did he know about that? Dec was not supposed to be dragged into this conversation. It could ruin him. Destroy his teaching career. Morgan saw the panic on Ant's face and smirked. "Yes I know all about your precious fling with-"

"Okay, alright dammit," Ant growled, using anger to hide his panic. "I'll tell you his name. It was Patterson."

"Ha!" Sessions barked. "I don't believe you. We have him how do you say? Hook, line and sinker?"

"'Parently not, 'cause the moment Warden showed him pictures and the 'payment's' testimonial, not to mention the police report of your buddies making the shit on the outside, he cracked easier than a raw egg."

"You're lying!" Morgan spat suddenly, stabbing a finger in Ant's chest. "You have no proof! He took the boy under our watch; no one could have been around for pictures! Besides, my father's warehouses aren't even in this bloody, fucking town! You cannot trace them!"

Ant smiled widely, a feeling of bliss filling him. "Well ain't that just ducky?" he said loudly.

Morgan blinked at him, uncomprehending for a second before cops flooded in, shouting for them both to hit the dust. Ant did so, but Piers took off, getting as far as the entrance to the next hallway before five officers tackled him with a resounding thwack onto the linoleum floor. Ant, cheek resting on his fist as he lay comfortably on the ground, watching the action idly, a big grin on his face. An expensive pair of shoes appeared in his field of vision and he looked up to see the Superintendent looking down at him with a disapproving smile. Hell, everything looked disapproving on him. He was just that kind of guy.

Ant rose, working out the kinks in his back from months of slouching, stretching to stand his full height before snapping a salute.

"Good work McPartlin," the Chief looked over at the squalling boy with a scowl. "We've been trying to get at him for quite a while. That was some excellent acting, I must say."

"Just a little improvisation, sir." Ant tugged his shirt out, unbuttoning and removing the wire. A little brown haired technician, Scarlett somebody Ant thought, came out of nowhere and swooped away with it, barely registering who had given it to her.

"Indeed. I wish I'd caught the Drama performance by the way, I hear it was quite something," the Chief of police's face twitched into a semblance of a smile as Warden Cowell strode up, a confused Officer Barlow at his heel.

"Hello Father."

"Evening Son, just congratulating the man of the hour," he patted Ant on the back. Ant smiled at Simon, nodding politely before something caught his eye over his shoulder.

Dec and David stood, stock still, papers forgotten on the floor at their feet.

Dec and David had been heading home for the night, class being over for the day, when a loud commotion caught their ears. Ant, lying on the floor as dozens of cops poured out of every door and tackled another boy, Morgan, to the floor. Dec made to move forward, to reach Ant, but David held him back as a well dressed man with medals and ribbons all over his chest approached Ant. When Ant rose, he was a completely different person, snapping a practiced salute, conversing with the Senior officer with ease while removing a wire. Simon joined them shortly with Barlow, smiling and shaking Ant's hand. Then Ant looked over and saw him and David.

Dec felt something in his heart go... snap.

David glanced between the two lovers, not knowing whether to be shocked, glad, angry, or... he didn't know. All he knew was his mind was buzzing, trying to interpret this enormous fact and failing miserably when he saw his friends in pain. Dec turned on his heel, papers left where they had fallen.

Ant launched out of the circle, leaving Simon to distract his father as he ran after Dec, grabbing his arm and turning him. "Decky, I... it was a job, just a job..."

At any other time Dec's heart would have melted at the pet name but he was numb to it. His face darkened, a riot of confusion and hurt. "Oh?" he asked politely. "Well, have a good time on your next job. Congratulations on catching the bad guy," he smiled, eyes empty of everything as he pulled out of Ant's limp fingers. Ant felt his throat tighten as he looked from Dec's retreating back to David, who stood leaning against the wall, watching him.

"You lied to us Ant," he said softly.

"I had to." Ant's voice sounded weak, even to him. "It was for the job..."

"Good point. In this line of work, you can't trust anyone." David nodded, before walking off, hands in his pockets. Catching up to the other man he wrapped a strong arm tightly around Dec's trembling shoulders.

Dec leant into David, so thankful for his friendship right now. He bit his lip, knowing that if he turned around and saw Ant, he'd cry. And he didn't want to cry here. He didn't want to cry here.

He just didn't want to cry.

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