Odd surroundings

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I woke up feeling completely fine, but of course my first instinct is to go back to sleep.

"She's awake." Said a voice from somewhere above.

"Is she well?" Said another.

"We can ask but I don't think she's quite up yet, Sam. She wakes like a hobbit."

I was about to say, "Oh my gosh, Sam! I love your name! And you're Ringers? YES!" But I opened my eyes and thought I was dreaming. My eyes widened as I looked around.

"Hullo!" said Sam. "I'm Sam Gamgee, and my friends and me have been lookin' after you, if you follow."

"No. Way." I said.

"Can you tell us what happened to you?" Asked Aragorn. Yes, ARAGORN!!!

"Um, that depends." I said. I've read enough fanfics to know what to do here. I looked at Sam and asked, "Do you know who Tom is?"

"Um, no." He said.

Movies. I'd seen the movies more than I've read the books. Maybe I could play along. "Oh, um okay, just asking. He's very nice."

I was met by quizzical looks from Sam and Aragorn. "I don't know exactly where I am." I said. It wasn't a lie. I knew I was in Middle-Earth. But where in Middle-Earth, I don't know.

"We have just left the Misty mountains, not half a day ago. We lost a dear friend in the mines of Moria. You may know him as Mithrandir." Why would they not call him Gandalf?

"Oh, no." I said in false surprise, resisting the urge to tell them he comes back in TTT. "I've known Mithrandir for, um, for a while." I said, not knowing how old I looked or what race I was.

"We all miss him." Sam sniffled. I got up and gave him a hug. I have always wanted to hug the hobbits after Gandalf falls in the mines. I'd forgotten, though, the size of a hobbit. Sam was much shorter than me. In fact it made me feel a lot taller.

"Come, let us introduce you to the rest of the fellowship!" Said Aragorn. The rest of the fellowship!! Ah! I was trying not to look to exited.

"This is Legolas, son of The Elvenking of Mirkwood." Said Aragorn, gesturing toward a blonde elf whom we all know, holding a bow and gazing at the stars. I kinda wanted to go over and say hi, but he looked deep in thought.

"That's Boromir, son of Denethor of Gondor." Aragorn pointed to, well, Boromir.

"Hello." I said. Boromir looked glum, and didn't answer.

"That is Gimli, son of Gloin."

"Aye." Said Gimli. "This is the Elf-girl."

"What?" I said.


I reached up to my ears. They were quite pointed. I smiled to myself. I was an elf!!!

"Those are Merry and Pippin." Said Aragorn, looking over at two hobbits running around, apparently playing tag. But instead of tag, they said Tig.

"And over there, that's mr. Frodo." Cried Sam. I looked over at a small haunched figure sitting on a boulder. He turned around and said hi. I thought I was gonna pass out.

"Um, hi." What was I supposed to say? "I've heard a lot about you." Was that creepy? Yeah, probably. But if Frodo thought so, he didn't say so.


Once again, I was asked what happened to me. I had to lie, they didn't know what tv was or anything of the sort, so I said my horse spooked and ran off. It was hard to keep a strait face. My hand kept instinctively going to my newly pointed ear. Sooner rather that later, I was asked my name. "Manwathiel." I answered, my name in elvish.

"Purity. That is a lovely name." Said Legolas. It was the first time he spoke to me. I savored that. I was speaking to Legolas Greenleaf, something many fan girls would kill to do.

And now, I'm an ElfWhere stories live. Discover now