The best days

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I noticed Frodo had a hand around the Ring. That vicious little thing that does nothing but destroy. In the hand of such and innocent hobbit. I also saw that Frodo was not asleep. He was faking. I fell asleep with this thought in my head. I tried to shake it off and rest easy, but it sleep didn't come fast. I slipped into a dream.


This was the second dream I'd had in Middle Earth. It had to mean something.

I was definitely in a hospital. Everything was white and clean. I saw my mum in the corner, in a chair. She looked older. But she was crying.

I tried to get up and hug her, ask her what was wrong, but I couldn't move. All I could do was stare at her. It was painful.

Mum. I tried to say. Help! But she did nothing. Just cry.

I woke up again, still with Frodo and Sam. There was something different about him. I really didn't like it...

"Hey." I walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

"No." He answered immediately. "I saw something while you were asleep last night. Eyes. I think they belong to the creature, Gollum."

"What do we do?"

Frodo sighed. "I don't know yet. Just make sure Sam doesn't find out yet."

"Frodo," I started.

"No! Just... I'll tell him later."

"Frodo." I really didn't have much else to say. "Frodo."

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked, turning.

"Nothing." We both said at the same time.

I gave Frodo a look and then caught up with Sam.

"Hey Sam!" I said, happily as I could.

"Hey, Manwathiel!" He replied. "I'm feeling kind of sad..."

"Oh no! Why?"

Sam looked down. "I just want to hear some music. I haven't heard any song for a long time..."

"Hm... I could sing for you if you wish."

"Sure!" Sam cried.

Frodo perked up. "I haven't heard you sing before."

"Well, I suppose you're about to!"

I sang Into The West, which made me think... What about the end of this adventure. When the movie ends. I certainly wouldn't mind staying... But then again, the dream with my mum...

What can you see
On the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea,
A pale moon rises.
The ships have come
To carry you home.

I thought hard and long about the words, and realized, Frodo was going to leave. He was going to leave on the grey ships and sail away. He was going to leave Merry, Pippin, Sam... Me. What would I do then? Would I go with him? Would I stay? What if I went from here to there like I did now?

Before I knew it, the song was over. Sam and Frodo clapped at my performance, and I bowed jokingly.

"Did you learn that song from where you lived?" Sam asked eagerly.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"It was so beautiful." Frodo said. He had a slight smile, and his hair was being tossed around by the wind. "Thank you."

I grabbed his hand. "You're welcome. Any time."

"Again!" Sam cried, grabbing my other hand.

"Okay okay!"

And we sang and laughed and joked like this as we walked in circles all day. And my troubles and fears just melted away.


Sorry this chapter was so short and boring :P The next chapter shall be better. Probably.

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