Being Truthful

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This time, when I woke up, I wasn't hoping to stay in the same spot like I usually do. I'd been traveling with Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli for three nights. I was starting to get scared.

I had a dream tonight. The first time since being in Middle Earth. I tried to remember it but it swirled away as if someone had unplugged the drain in a bathtub. It felt significant. Somehow.

I reached deep into my mind, trying to remember it. It smelled weird, wherever I was in the dream (was it a hospital?). And everything was blue and white. I could feel arms grasping at me. These people had something covering their face.

I shrugged it off. Just a dream.

But seriously, if I was still with Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli, I'd admit defeat. I wasn't going to see Merry or Pippin or Sam or Frodo for a long time. Maybe even ever!

I waited to hear voices. Feet shuffling. Grunting. Anything that could tell me where I was without me opening my eyes. Nothing.

I carefully cracked one eye open. Then the next. I shot up and gasped.

I saw the sun. It was clear and bright, painting the sky beautiful pinks and golds. The clouds could not stop it's rays from reaching the Earth, nothing could. It was slowly rising over the peaks of a mountain. My eyes shone. My skin was warm. And I suddenly felt that I could do anything.

I watched the sun for a while, with that invincibility coursing through my blood. I felt great.

I heard a sigh somewhere to my right. I crossed my fingers, and slowly turned towards the breath. Relief flooded me. Two shapes stood out against the rock. Two shapes that I loved and missed. Both if the shapes seemed to be asleep, but I realized on further investigation, that one was not.

"Hey." I whisper. I scoot closer as the shape sits up.

"Hey." Frodo whispers back.

We said nothing for a while. Just stared at the sunrise. Savoring it.

Frodo broke the silence first. "Doesn't it make you feel... great?"

I nodded, but realized he probably wasn't looking at me. "Yeah." I say. "Really does."

"Um," The hobbit shifted his weight. "So, earlier, we were talking. And you said, well, something. I missed it."

"I don't know everything that I say." I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks knowing perfectly well what he was talking about.

"When Sam dropped his salt."

"Oh, yeah!" I said as if just remembering.

"You remember?"

"I remember the conversation."

"Do you remember how it ended?"

"Um. No?"

"Please." Frodo said. "Why did you stop?"

"I um, said something."

"Obviously." He said sarcastically. "It was a conversation, was it not?"

I sighed. "Yeah..."

"Manwathiel, why do you have to be so secretive? I'd tell you anything."

My heart soared. Like, past the glorious sun all the way out to, like, Pluto.

"I want to tell you." I said. "I really really want to."

"Then tell!" He exclaimed. "Please?"

"I can't."

We were silent for quite a while.

"Was it about your home?"

I looked strait into his face. "Yes."

"Okay, here's a start. Where are you from?"

"I can't tell you. I'm truly sorry." I put on my most apologetic face I could conjure.

Frodo looked at his feet. "Okay. I get it. Sorry for being so nosy."

"You're not nosy." I said. "I understand. I guess it's hard to trust me if you know nothing about me."

We sat quietly for a moment.

"Well, how about I get to know you?" He said.

I sat up. "What do you mean?"

"I mean like- What's your favorite color?"

"Hmmm..." I pondered. "Blue."

"Blue like what?"

Oh. When asked this question at home, I'd say like Elijah Wood's eyes.

"Like your eyes." I decided. "What about you?"

"Green." He said. "Green like the Shire. Or maybe the door to my home."

I smiled.

"What do you do when you're bored?"

Read LOTR. "I study history."

"You like history?"

Middle Earth history, yeah. "Uh huh!"

"My uncle is writing a book! If you like history, you should read it!"

I simply nodded.

"Okay, how about this. Do you have dreams?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Do you dream in color?"


"Me too."

He just kept asking me questions and I just kept answering. After a while, Sam woke up. He was groggy and sleepy, but woke and got up none the less. He had us both eat some lembas, though Frodo only had a nibble.

"Hey!" Sam complained. "Why'd ya let me sleep in so long? I missed the sunrise..."


Hey, guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again, sorry it's so short. I have a bit or writers block. Ugh. :P
Anywayyyyyyy, tell me what you think! Stay random!!! 💗

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