The begining of everything

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"How old are you?" Merry asked as we rode along on Treebeard.

"I am... Uh..."

"Tough one, Manwathiel?" He joked.

Pippin butted in. "Everyone knows how old they are, merry. That's obvious. You just don't ask women."

"No, it's alright." I said. "How'd you learn that?"

"The hard way." Pippin replied. "Lobelia Sackville-Baggins."

Merry said, "We got it Pip, so if its alright, then how old are you?"

"I'm," I thought quick. "I'm 3014."

Merry let out a whistle. "That's older than lady Arwen."

"Were you around when the world was created?" Pippin asked with wide eyes.

I laughed. "No. Not that old."

Pippin folded his arms. "I've always wanted to know how everything got here and such." He thought for a moment. "Treebeard, were you by any chance around at the dawn of time?"

"Shortly after." Treebeard replied slowly. "Shortly after the dawn of time."

"Great. Now I'll be left wondering forever."

I laughed. There was a long pause before I said, "Eru Ilúvatar."

"Bless you." Pippin said.

"He created the world. First the Arda. Then Middle Earth. The um, Ainur, too."

Pippin sat up straiter. "What? Tell me more? Who's Ero Ilvidar?"

I laughed. "Eru Ilúvatar, Pippin. He was a god."

"What did he look like?" Pippin's eyes were shining with wonder.

"Well, he isn't of this world. But I imagine him with long, silver hair. Like the color of a blue shining star."

"Merry, are you hearing this?" Pippin asked excitedly.

Merry was looking at one point off in the distance, unblinking. Deep in thought. "Isn't of this world..." He muttered.

Pippin took that as a sign he was paying attention. "Did he have any children?"

"No. And yes. Kind of. There were these angelic creatures called the Ainur. They were like his children. They came from his imagination."

Pippin was fascinated. "What did they do?"

"They sang."

"What did they sing?"

"The Music of the Ainur."

"What did it sound like?"

"Well, at first, they all sang something different. Beautiful but different. Then they sang in small groups, hearing each other's music and changing it to fit one another. And they did this until they were singing in unison. It made Eru very happy."

Pippin's mouth hang open in awe.

"Eru Ilúvatar decided they were making great music, and that it would spread harmony. He called them the Ainur and bestowed upon them the Flame Imperishable."

"The Flame Imperishable." Pippin whispered. "What did it do?"

"Um... Made them Imperishable."

"Like elves?"

"Not unlike elves, yes."

"Do elves have it?"

"Um... I don't know."

Pippin looked skeptical. "I think you'd know if you had the Imperishable Flames in you. Anyway, what did-"

"Thank you Manwathiel for that enlightening little history lesson. But I think all this talk of gods and music and immortality is going to Pip's head. May we continue it later?"

"Um... Sure Merry. Sorry." Why was he being so snappy and out of character...?

"Don't be hasty, master Meriadoc. Perhaps Peregrin wishes to learn more." Treebeard said, wisely.

Pippin nodded.

"Pippin!" Merry said, exasperated. "I kind of have to tell you something. It's important!"

"Can't it wait till later?" Pippin said. "I didn't learn about the beginning of the world yet!"

"After what I'm about to say..."

"UGH. FINE! What is it?"

Pippin and Merry whispered for about half an hour, not glancing up once.

I thought for a moment. That was only the first page of the Silmarillion. First page! That's a lot of information for one page...

"Treebeard!" Merry called, it was the first thing he hadn't whispered in 30 minutes. "Where are we going, exactly?"

"Gandalf said to keep you safe and safe... Is where I'll keep you."

Sorry for the abrupt ending. In case you can't tell, I have just purchased the Silmarillion, but my parents won't let me read it yet. YET. But I read first few pages and already LOVE IT. I can't wait to actually read it.

Having a liiiiiiitle bit of writers block. It's more like writers... Um... Writers slight resistance. Either way, it's not fun. I'll be glad to get some ideas?

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