The Ent and the Wizard

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I woke up to find I was falling. I tried to put my arms out to stop my fall, but they were bound. I landed hard on the ground and heard Merry and Pippin as the hit the ground beside me. Nice wakup call.

"We ain't going no further!" Yelled and Uruk. "'Till we've had a breather!"

"Get a fire going!" Another yelled.

Merry squirmed to get into a better position. "How much longer can we go on like this?" He wondered aloud.

Pippin shrugged. "I'm hungry."

I knew what was coming up. It was an uncomfortable wait. How can one just wait to be argued over wether or not to be eaten?

Later rather than sooner, they questioned why they'd only had maggoty bread for three stinking days. Of course, the orcs looked our way.

"How about them? They're fresh!"

"They are not for eating!"

"What about their legs? They don't need those, do they?"

"They have something. An elvish weapon the Master wants for the war."

Pippin whispered, "They think we have the ring!"

"Shh!" Hissed Merry. "As soon as they find out we don't, we're dead!"

I closed my eyes. I wasn't in the story. What if they ate me? I shivered.

When the Orc got too close, his head was cut off. "Looks like meats back on the menu boys!" And of course, they are opportunistic cannibals. Ew.

Merry and Pippin nodded to each other and started inching away. Hey, wait for me!

I knew we were going to be followed. I braced myself. Although instead of Pippin being caught, it was me!

"Go on." said the Orc. "Squeal. Nobody is gonna save you now!" Of course, just then, a shaft of a spear popped out from his chest. The riders of Rohan had come!

I scrambled away. The Orc with the spear in his back grabbed Pippin's belt.

"The belt!" Merry called. Pippin snapped it off.

Wait, what about our bonds? We have to cut them! I thought. Uh oh.

Merry, Pippin and I ran to the shelter of Fangorn forest. We were followed.

"Up the tree, come on, guys!" I urged.

"What about our hands?"

"Do your best come on!" Which one was Treebeard? "That one!"

The hobbits scrambled up as best they could. I followed close behind.

Where was the Orc? Wasn't he just following us?

"M-M-Manwathiel?" Pippin stuttered. "Look."

So I did choose the right tree. Huh.

There were two eyes staring back at us. The ent picked us up off of his face Merry and Pippin in one hand, me in the other.

"Now Miss elfling! Hooraroom! Why are you in the company of two little orcs?"

I gasped. Treebeard was HUGE! I couldn't say anything. I just stared.

"The tree is talking Merry!" exclaimed Pippin, frightened.

"Tree! I am not tree!" said the Ent, slightly hurt. "I am an Ent, little Orc."

"We're not orcs!" Merry yelled.

"Don't talk to it Merry! Don't encourage it!"

"Hmm.. Young miss elf... What are these... Creatures?"

And now, I'm an ElfWhere stories live. Discover now