Note on the future of this update

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Alright, I've returned for a 4th update!

Woo *Throws confetti* 🎉

When I say it's "this update", I really mean the previous one. So I hope that isn't too confusing!

So, I have an announcement, one that's obvious and that everyone knew was coming, as well as a note that I feel people can get stuff out of.


I will be uploading that fanfiction. I want to upload it this weekend, but I need to write, edit, reread, edit, and more to the prologue.

I hope that it interested a couple of you, but if not, that's perfectly fine! After all, most of this is just for fun for me, anyway!

Notes that you guys might like, you might not, who knows until you find out?

I guess I never implied this until recently, but it's always been open from the start.

If you have a LUMINE theory, and you for some reason can't post it/don't want to do it, you can PM me about it, and I'll talk with you about getting it posted here!

All you have to do is PM me with your theory, maybe point me in the direction of what episodes I can find said proof in(this route is if you want to give me a challenge or have a while before I post it)/tell me what proof you've found and in what episode(this route is for if you want the update faster)/written it already and just want it posted somewhere that it'll hopefully be noticed(this route is if you want an almost immediate update)

When posting your theory, I'll most likely tag you, unless asked to be kept anonymous or for you to be under a codename. I'll also tell you in our PM'S that I've uploaded it.

I may not support every theory, and I might tell you that. But if it means helping you find others that do, then I'm willing to post it.

I'm also open to oneshot requests, which you all probably saw coming after I posted the first one.

If you have a LUMINE oneshot request, you can either comment it or PM me about it, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

You can send in as many oneshots as you want, just know that I won't be able to get them all done right away. I'll most likely take breaks between and during working so I don't lose motivation, so several oneshots at once will take me a while.

If I take your request, I'm most likely going to be busy working on it, and may not remember to update you on how it's coming.

If you check in with me, and I tell you I haven't even started, please understand. I'm either working on other things, busy with IRL stuff, taking a small break for my health, or just not ready to get to it yet. I can promise you that I'll eventually get around to it, and try and update you on the progress.

I refuse to write incest, rape, pedophilic, etc oneshots. (An example I've seen is Kody x Aiden, which is one of the biggest ships I will forever hate. Sorry to those who ship it, but that's one of the major ones I cannot bring myself to do)

When working on the oneshot, every now and then I'll probably remember to send in a progress report. To which I'll check in with you and send what I have so far so you can know how it's coming along and what I have so far.

If the oneshot looks good, but have a few details you don't like/don't want, or you want different parts to happen instead in the filler part, then tell me kindly, and I'll try to fix it.

Unless you tell me you want to be anonymous or use a codename or something else, then I'll tag you when I post your oneshot/s

I hope everyone is pleased with this update, because I know I am.

I also hope the future of this book and the fanfiction that I will be uploading will all go smoothly, and I hope to see you all in the next one!

Thanks for reading!

Next time:

"Another thank you note + sneak peek of prologue"

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