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A/N (Hello , everybody {theres probably no one here} welcome to my story! I wanted to go ahead and do this story while my others are in their not yet complete stages. This is a quick little not to say this one might be a quick little story, maybe there will be a sequel, who knows? Anyways, hope you all enjoy this story, Here it is)

~Anti POV~


Jack rushed around the small house we call home, I stared in disbelief. "WHAT TA HELL, JACK?! I CANT MOVE! YOU FINALLY GIVE ME A ROOM AND THEN YOU RANDOMLY DECIDE TO MAKE ME LEAVE?! No, what if I mess up and kill someone, o-or have a panic attack?! I don't wanna leave."

Jack groaned and threw a suitcase at my head. "Anti, pack your things,please. And what are you going ta do wit your knives?" I snapped my fingers and my favorite knife appeared im my hand. "NOT MY BABIES!!" Jack chuckled and pushed me to my room.

"Just put them in my Mindscape, and get packed." I groaned rather loudly and glitched into my room. I sped around at lightning speed, in a couple seconds everything was away in some suitcases. Time to sort the knives.

I walked over to my secret stash of weapons. I concentrated on Jacks Mindscape, and it appeared in front of me. Once I quickly threw all my weapons in, i closed the portal. Then there was a knock on my door.

"What?" I groaned. Jack walked in and sat on a chair. "Anti, your going to have to stay in my head until we het there, are you okay with that?" I rolled my eyes. "It's fine, when are we leaving?" "Like, right now!" I growled lightly and reopened the portal. Once I closed the portal back, i walked over to my little set-up.

Every couple of weeks Jack needs me to stay in here, so every couple of weeks i steal some cool stuff without him noticing. There's one giant monitor on the big wall, I can see everything Jack does, feels, and thinks. I was content on watching how anxious Jack got in big crowds, but no one noticed him, to my disappointment. It got boring after a while.

~Jacks POV~

Once I got off the airplane, i quickly grabbed all my luggage and ran to get a taxi. Once I got in, I told him the address, and we were off. Thankfully, no one noticed me. "Jack, where are we and when are we going to get there? I'm hungry!" Anti complained, in my head, of course. If I thought, we could hear eachother, never listen to his thoughts at night though, it's disturbing.

'Its a surprise, and you don't eat.'I thought. "I'm tired then!" 'You don't sleep.' There was a small moment of silence."FOOK YOU." I chuckled a little, causing the driver to send me a weird look.

Soon enough we stopped. And without another word from Anti too. I paid the guy and he drove off. Once he was gone, i walked up to the door with my bags. There was the pitter patter of dog feet on the floor inside. I knocked quickly, causing the patting to tur into barks. The dog was hushed, then the door opened.

~Antis POV~

After Jack laughed at me, I left the monitor and headed over to one of my stolen goods. A music player. One of my first steals, and by far my most favorite, non-weapon steal. I loudly started playing music in my ears. I sat in the middle of the floor and sharpened my knife.

I was so caught up in my work, i didn't even hear Jack calling me, until he pulled me out forcefully. I landed on my stomach, knife too close for comfort to my chest. "JACK, WHAT THE FOOK!? I COULD'VE DIED! OR WORSE, scratched my knife." I cradled the knife im my arms before looking up at him. "What do you want?" He pointed around the room.

"Tis is your room, decorate how you feel, and get unpacked, tis is our house now. Might as well get comfortable in it, Right?" I nodded and shooed him out of the room.

The room was a plain spare bedroom. The walls were a grey color, and the floor was concrete. There was a desk in the corner, and a small bed in the center of the room. The doors were black, and the ceiling was also black.

I snapped my fingers and the walls turned a dark green. The bed moved over to the corner, and the desk moved to the middle. The walls were also covered in nails. I opened the Mindscape and got all my weapons out. I hung all of my favorite knives on the wall, along with some pistols too. Once they were all hanging on the wall, i looked at the last nail. I walked back to the Mindscape. I grabbed my dart board, and some computer monitors.

I hung the dart board up and set the monitors on the desk. Once I got the computers up and running, the door opened. Jack walked in and looked around. "Great, now follow me. I got someone I  want ye ta meet!" "Wait, I'm going to meet someone!? Since when?" Jack rolled his eyes and pulled me out of the room.

I was pulled down a hallway, and to a staircase. Jack finally let go of my wrist when he started down the stairs. I walked halfway down when I saw another person. He was a taller , Korean looking man. He he had black hair that  fell carelessly over his brown eye. Jack was already beside him, smiling.

I glared at Jack then looked at the male. "Who are you?" I asked. The man sent me a small nervous smile. "Mark. I'm assuming your Anti?" I smiled, maniacally. 'I'm gonna scare him' I thought. Without giving Jack any time to respond, i had already glitches in front of him.

My neck started bleeding profusely, and multiple versions of me gathered behind me. Some , slicing their own neck, some pulling at their hair, some floating. I walked closer to Mark, who was stepping back. I made a knife appear in my hand. Jack was holding back a laugh. I smiled a toothy grin, and everything went back to normal. "Antisepticeye, at your service. Hope i didnt scare you too much!" I giggled a little. Mark untensed a little, then gave a little chuckle.

"It's fine, I'm used to it, and I'm happy you've both come to live with us!" Jack and I sent confused glances at eachother before turning to Mark.


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