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~ Anti POV~

The next morning, I was sitting on the ceiling, playing P!ATD, sharpening my knives. I heard Jack screaming his intro in another room. I could faintly hear marks intro, introducing Jack for a colab. Thomas was probably still asleep. I heard some banging in the kitchen, so i went to investigate.

After glitching into the kitchen, i saw Roman with a sword, fighting another version of Thomas. It wasn't any of the main sides. I stepped in front of Roman and faced the evil side. Half of his face was covered in snake like skin. One eye was brown and the other was a yellow snake eye. He had on a fairly fancy suit, with a cape like thing and a top hat. He had a bigger knife in His hands.

"What the hell is going on here?" Roman looked past me, glaring at the other guy. "Well, Deciet here, decided it would be okay to pop up and hold a knife to my throat." Deciet smirked. He didn't notice the already huge gash on my neck, but he threw up hos arm and sliced my neck deeper.

I smirked back, when he saw i didn't die, he tried to fall back into Thomas' mind. I quickly grabbed him by the neck and held him a foot off the ground. "Tell me why you think it was a good idea to try to kill my buddy Roman here. And then try to kill a immortal Demon. Huh?" I tightened my grip a little. "Its my j-job." He stuttered.

I brought his gasping figure closer. "Now, give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you into my room and torture you until I get bored!" He gulped. "If you k-kill me, you k-ill a p-pat of Thomas." I smirked. "Did I say id kill you? No, I didnt." I glitched a large bloody kitchen knife into my hand. "Alright, puss. I'll give you another chance because im in a good mood. You stay away from me, you stay away from all the sides, you stay away from Thomas, and you stay away from my friends. Do you understand?" He gasped for breath and nodded franticly. I dropped him and he fell back into Thomas' mind.

I looked over at Roman. He was smirking and sheathing his sword. "Thanks for that, Anti." I shrugged. "Don't mention it, you let me watch Disney." He chuckled. "Ya know, I've got some pretty cool swords if you want one, or want to see them. I don't mind." His brown eyes lit up. He nodded vigorously. I giggled and glitched us to my room.

He looked around for a second, before turning to me. "Swords?" I snapped and my entire sword collection popped up. He stared in awe at all the sharp weapons. His eyes landed on a long silver and gold sword. "Whats this one?" He pointed. "Well, it came from around seven centuries ago, a knight in a castle fought for the kings rule and lost. His sword was lost, until my human at the time came across it. I kept it for... sentimental reasons."(????) I held it ou to him. "Want it?" He quickly picked it up and took a few swings. He smirked and in an instant he disappeared.

I scowled. 'So thats how he got away the first time.' I thought. I listened, my ears twitched and picked up some noise to my left. With a going eye, I picked up my favorite sword and swung his direction. I hit his sword, and got a satisfying clicking of metal. Roman reappeared, sword under mine, playful eyes looking me up and down. I smirked and grabbed another sword, duel wielding.

"CHEATER!" He quickly pulled out his other sword and blocked mine. I started smiling and laughing as we 'fought'. Eventually, he managed to get me down to zero swords. He playfully swung at me, but i reached out and grabbed the blade of the old sword. His eyes widened, and he dropped both his swords. I just smiled and shows him that my hand was unharmed.

"Demon, remember?" He slowly picked up both the swords. He sheathed his own and looked over the older one. "Are you sure I can have this, even you sid it had value." I waved him off. "Keep it, I had fun. Mabye next time we can invite Jack or somthin. He like that sort of thing." He nodded and waved. "Bye Anti! Thanks again for everything!" I smiled and waved back.

Once he was out of my room I sighed and plopped down on the floor. 'Now what?' I thought. There was some shouting coming from the recording rooms. Mark and jack were almost done. 'Wonder what dark is up to.' I slowly sat up, I crawled out the door and to the stairs. I noticed the railing was strait and sturdy. I pulled myself onto it, and pushed off the wall. I slid down the rail on my stomach. The ending was soon, and before I could catch myself, I went toppling onto the floor, face first.

I groaned and there was an audible low chuckle from the living room. I got my face off the floor and saw a certain Demon sitting on the couch reading. I slowly got up and cracked my neck. I walked to the grey Demon. "Hey Darkymoo~" he grimaced slightly at the name. "I told you not to call me that." "You said Darky. Not Darkymoo." I crossed my arms.

He rolled his black eyes, "Whatever. Why is your neck bleeding so bad?" I looked down and saw my shirt was soaked in blood. "Oh, an evil Thomas tried to kill me. He apparently hadn't seen that I'd already tried. Oh well." I started to walk away when a large hand gripped my wrist.

I turned and Dark had disregarded his book. "What do you mean by that, Anti?"

"I've already tried."

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