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~Anti POV~

Mark bit his lip before answering. "Me and Chica of course! Who else?" Jack rolled his eyes. "Who's Chica?" As soon as I said that, a big golden retriever walked in. Mark scratched behind her ears, Jack smiled at her, and i did this...

I jumped onto the ceiling and screamed. I quickly teleported to my room and slammed the door shut. There was a sigh from downstairs. 'Anti, what the hell? Come back.' 'You know I don't like dogs!' 'Seemed like you were scared.' He taunted. 'I WAS NOT SCARED!' 'Then get you skinny, Irish, was down here!'

I groaned at glitches back to the room."I'm sorry, I'm here now, I'll stay." Mark chuckled. "Who wants food?" Jack jumped around,"MEEEEEE!!" Mark flinched at the loud yelling then turned to me."How about you?" I looked up at him."Thanks for the offer, but i don't eat. Or sleep."

Mark stood there like an idiot, gaping mouth, wide eyes, messy hair. "Oh, right. I forgot your not a human. Well, I'll cook, you can just... do whatever, i guess." I rolled my eyes. "ILL BE IN MY ROOM!!" I glitched off before he could protest.

Once I was back in my room, i started playing some loud music, and started sharpening one of my knives.

~Marks POV~

After Anti went back up to his room, there was some loud music. Jack just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. "I'll be right back, you are free to do whatever." I ran up the stairs and to my own room. Once I shut the door, i called out a name."Dark! I need you!" I whisper yelled.

Seconds later, a very annoyed looking Dark walked out. "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes at his monotone voice. "I need you to go into your weird shadow form, and go into the last door on the left. Dont come out of shadow form, stay silent, and be careful. Okay?"

Dark groaned."How many times do I have to tell you, I am the most powerful thing in this house, whatever it is wont hur-- Not anymore." I cut him off. Dark groaned yet again, but complied. He melted into a shadow, and slithered under my door.

'Hopefully, he won't die.' I thought.

~Darks POV~

Why would Mark think i needed to be safe? Why did he say im not the most dangerous, and powerful thing? I am The Darkiplier, the most feared demon. I guess I'll just have to see for myself.

My shadow slid underneath the door that Mark told me, there was some very loud music playing. I went into the darkest corner and watched.

There was a man sitting in the middle of the room. His back was facing me, but i could make out some features. He had vibrant green hair, that defyed gravity. His ears were almost elf-like. They had some gages in his ears too. He was hunched over, sharpening, what looks to be, a kitchen knife.

Soon enough, the song stopped. His ears twitched, and he stood up. He wasn't very much shorter than me. Once his ears twitched again, he looked my direction. His throat was slit, and bleeding. His teeth were like blades, super sharp, and white. The most intimidating thing about him, was his eyes. One was green and blue. The other was black and red.

The knife he was previously holding, was gone, and replaced with another. It was dripping with blood, and was as long as his forearm. He smiled maniacally, and stalked closer. His body began to glitch in and out of exisance. Multiple versions of him were all around the room. The original man stopped walking.

"WhO  Ar..E YOu, COmE OuT B--Efore I KiLL YoU!!" He screamed. I stayed were i was. He got closer. Then the door slammed open, causing the man to glitch over to it. "WHAT THE FUCK, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?!"

Another man stood in the doorway, glaring at him. They looked almost identical, apart from the eyes, teeth, and bleeding neck. "SOmeOnEs In MY RoOm, JAck!" The man, Jack,  glanced around the room before landing back on the other guy. Then Mark walked in. He stared at me, as did the other two.

'Come out before it gets any worse.' Mark thought. 'Fine, if you insist.' I slowly took back my human form and walked out of the corner. "Hello, my name is --MARK!EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!"Jack screamed.

"Jack, Anti, we will talk about it downstairs, ok?"Jack stormed out of the room, followed by Mark. But this Anti character glared at me, then glitched away. I sighed then used my shadows, and went downstairs.


Jack sat down on the couch with Mark, while I sat on the ceiling. The Mark look-alike   came out of the corner again. I was three things, furious, confused, and intrigued. Not only was there another demon, but he looks like Mark.

He wore a dark grey suit. His hair falling effortlessly in front of his pitch black eyes. His skin wasn't tan, but more of a grey color as well. He stood tall, properly. He looked like he would be fun to torment, and anger.

He stood under me. "Where is the glitch?" Hos voice was even deeper than Marks. Jack flinched, knowing my hate for the name, even mark seemed to get a little tense. "HERE, YOU EGOTISTICAL BASTARD." He looked up, and I sent a spine tingling glare. If looks could kill, he would've been long gone.

His posture seemed to falter, leaving a slight ringing in the air. It was amplified for me, but I tuned it out. "Mark, care to explain why you also have a demon who looks like you?" Mark sighed. "Anti, Seàn, this is Dark,or Darkiplier."I chuckled."What a name." Dark seemed to be having a hard time controlling his temper.

"You mean like in your videos? That was real?" Mark nodded. "Lucky, whenever I try to put Anti on screen, he just messes the recording up with his hitching. Then that one time you tried to kill me, oh, and when you almost fu---" I glared at him and he shut up immediately. "Yes, now we all know i cant be on a camera, what are your intentions Dark?"

We all looked at Dark, who was casually standing there. "My intentions are classified, to at least you all. Now I shall excuse myself, GoodNight." And with that, he shrunk back into the shadows.

Jack looked up to me. "What do you mean by, 'What are your intentions'?" I sighed.

"I swear, I've told you this before.... Okay. A demon is sent to a certain human, with shared traits. Us? We are almost identical. I was sent to earth to mess with your mind. You see, i am pretty high on the charts, in Hell. So I am allowed to do more than just twist you up. Demons ask other demons what there purpose here is, and if its classified, then it's usually pretty important.

"Mark, how long has Dark been with you?" He shrugged. "Three, four years. Why?" "Wow, I've been here since he was born. Usually demons with a bigger task come at a later time. Like, hunting another demon, mabye. Or... it could be anything."

Mark stood up."Great talk! Now, let's get cooking!" He rushed off into the kitchen with Jack following. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room.

~Torture ~ {Danti} (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now