chapter 5:- honey, nothing is fishy, maybe it was the sushi that you ate

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*Katy POV*

"thanks Ty and Angeline for taking us to such an amazing party!" Zoey sang.

"yeah! Thank you so much Ty and Angeline! Today was the best day of my life," I beamed.

"our live," Zoey corrected.

"yeah, our lives," I agreed with a wide smile making Taylor and Angeline laugh.

"you remember Malaysian Satay? It is not getting out of my head! God! It was a delicacy!" Zoey moaned.

"I liked the soup. What was the name again?" I asked trying to recall how it tasted.

"pineapple?" Ty asked.

"no, the Chinese soup, I guess," I replied still trying to recall the name.

"sweet corn? Mushroom?" Angeline asked.

"Chinese darling, not continental," Ty sighed dramatically trying to hide his mocking.

"Yeah, I know that it was Chinese," Angeline pouted making Ty laugh.

"Manchow!" Zoey exclaimed making us all jump.

"have a grip on your voice Zo!" Angeline squeaked.

"sorry!" Zoey smiled apologetically.

"yeah! Manchow it was!" I agreed at the busy city as our car reached home. The car stopped in front of the garage.

"Angel, where is the remote control of the garage?" Ty asked Angeline for which she just shrugged.

"what do you meant by?" he shrugged just like her and then raised an eyebrow at her.

"what? 'I don't know' means I don't know. When I shrug I mean I don't know! It was you last time who touched the remote control, now don't look at me like that," Angeline blurted out as Ty continued to look at her with 'you've got to be kidding me, right?' look. He kept looking at her for a while and then turned front and sighed as he said, "guess, I have to do it manually," and then got down.

As soon as he got down, Angeline turned to face us.

"listen guys, I want you to offer to come with me instead of Taylor for the check up tomorrow. I don't want him to spoil his surprise," she whisper screamed.

"what surprise?" I and Zoey asked together but before she could tell what, Ty was back in the car.

"phew! That was really tiring," he remarked as we got down the car.

"now why the hell are you guys getting down?" he asked surprised.

"to go home," all the three of us exclaimed as we walked up to the main door.

"then why the hell did you guys wait here till now?" he grumbled annoyed as we just laughed at him.

"Fine! Do whatever! " he further added irritated.

"now tell us what is the surprise that you are going to give him?" I asked Angeline making at giggle at first.

"I'm carrying twins!" she squeaked making our mouths drop down.

"what?" I and Zoey exclaimed in shock and she immediately hushed us.

"he doesn't know!" she giggled, "he always admired twins and so this is a surprise. And I cant just let him spoil it before their birth," she added.

"sure! Anything for you," I replied with a great happiness brought by this news.

"yeah, anything for you Angeline," Zoey agreed.

"doing anything for what?" Taylor's voice boomed in the house from veranda. Then he was in sight.

"Nah-nothing! It was!" I blurted Angeline helped me, "yeah! I had totally forgotten, I had to buy a new...gown! Yeah! Gown!" Zoey kept nodding her head like a spring head doll. This made Ty to look from Angeline to me then to Zoey and back to Angeline as he rose his eyebrow at her and stated, "it was just last week that I had got you a gown."

"yes, honey. I know but...but Katy and Zoey want to buy a gown and I thought that...I could use one too!" Angeline fumbled making a quick fake story while I and Zoey nodded our heads in agreement.

"why do I smell something is fishy here?" Ty asked as he crossed his hands across his chest, exhaling loudly.

"honey, nothing is fishy, maybe it was the sushi that you ate," Angeline retorted mockingly.

"no, it was me," Philip farted loudly as he walked in and continued, "I ate chilli garlic prawns and my system is not digesting it at all. Oh god! My stomachs rolling again!"

"Ew...!!!" all of us said out of disgust. Well Philip was the housekeeper who came here once in a day to clean it. But now, instead of cleaning he walked up to the washroom farting loudly on the way again.

"Philip! For god's sake don't have sea food! Your body's allergic to it and your stomach will itself come out one fine day!" Taylor shouted as Angeline quickly sprayed the room freshener. While I and Zoey ended up laughing again.


We chatted and laughed till late in night. Taylor went to room and Angeline waited till he was out of sight and then turned to us, "get ready sharp at 9:30 am, my appointment is at 10:45 am," Angeline added before going towards her room after Taylor.

"yes, ma'am!" I saluted Angeline while Zoey yawned in tiredness.

Tomorrow is a big day! I better I go to sleep now.


hi guys! i'm so sorry that i took this long to upload. but here it is! and i wanted to discuss the cast,

Katy : Lucy Hale

Angeline : Mandy Moore

Taylor : chad michael murray

Zoey : Ashley Benson

so are you guys happy with them or should i change?

please please please vote-comment-share:)

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