7. Skrewed up

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"Kat, we don't have to do this" Dom said in a serious voice.

"Don't you not want to?" I said in a little shaky voice. I didn't want her to push her to something she didn't want.

"Of course I want to. But I don't want you to be annoyed on me or something for not feeling well" she said and slightly tilled her head down a little.

"Hey, don't think like that. You're not annoying me, honey" I said softly while putting my fingers on her chin to bring her up so she would look at me.

(I won't now write in person anymore, whoops)

Dominique's heart stopped. She looked into Katherine's eyes and there were some beautiful sparkling in her eyes. And it was absolutely beautiful. She looked so deep into her eyes until Kat cleared her throat and shifted back.

"Shall we go my lady?" Kat said in a cocky voice and took Dom's hand in her own.

"Oh god you're so silly" Dom said and walked out from the house with Kat. Kat just smiled at her and let her take the lead.
They took a cab to the city and explored a little around the town since Kat never have been here. Dom showed her favorite places and one of them was by a waterfall there you could watch the sunset.

They sat on the grass and just enjoyed the silence and the peace around them. Kat looked at Dom a bit and saw her looking down and playing with her fingers. That's when she knew something was wrong.

"You okay there?" Kat softly said and gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Dom answered a little too fast.

"You know, you don't have to lie to me"

Dom didn't answer on that. She just kept looking down and playing with her fingers. Kat took that like she didn't want to talk about it. And she accepted that. She knew that Dom would come to her if she really wanted to talk. But she wasn't going to push her. That's not how friends do.

"I always come here when I'm thinking about the people I love and miss" She suddenly broke the silence.

Kat looked up at her with slightly furrowed eyebrows. She locked her eyes on hers and listened to her.

"It makes me relaxed" she looked at Kat with a small smile and continued. "It's when I'm thinking about the fact that I'm gonna die. I always come here and thinking back to all the good memories I had with all the people I love"

"I don't wanna die, Kat" she said with a broken voice. She then broke down and started to cry in her hands.

"Hey..." Kat whispered and took Dom's hands away from her face and held them in her own hands. "It's okay, shh, it's okay" She wrapped her arms around Dominique and held her close to her chest. Not wanting to let go. It was hard to keep Kat'a tears inside. Seeing Dom cry made her own tears fall. But she couldn't cry. Not now. She had to be strong for her.

They sat there for a long moment. Just holding each other. Dom's face buried in Kat's chest and Kat balanced her chin on the top of Dom's head. While hearing the waterfall falling down. Until Dom spoke.

"I need to tell you something" She said while still holding Kat.

"Okay" Kat answered softly.

They shifted away from each other a bit so they could look into each other's eyes. Properly.

"So... this will get so emotional, I'm so sorry" Dom said and Kat could see that she was very nervous so she rubbed her back to show her some support. Which Dominique appreciated.

"I have been thinking about this a lot. And I wasn't even going to tell you. Ever. Because I know that things will now mess up between us. But here I am, just waiting for dying. And I wanna die with having this told. And I hope that's okay for you" Kat had a little feeling of what she was gonna tell her and she was a bit scared. She had no idea what she was gonna say. But she nodded and let her continue.

"To be completely honest with you, Kat. The feelings I have for you is a bit more than just friendship feelings. Which is fucked up, I know. And before you say something" I said and held up a finger. "I am so sorry for kind of falling in love with you... When we are just supposed to be close friends. I'm sorry" Dom said and tears welled up in her eyes. This was nothing she wanted. She didn't want to fall in love with Kat. Because Kat was married and she did not want to make things weird between Kat and Ray or between Dom and Kat. She felt so bad for feeling like this. So, so bad.

Kat stayed quiet for a while. She had no idea what to say. Of course, sometimes she had been thinking about her feelings with her. But she had never made it official that she loves her in a romantic way. Kat is married. To Ray. And she loves him. He's the one who have supported her through this whole journey. Even though, some days he didn't like it. But he was also a supportive husband. And Kat loved him for that. But... she also had slightly uncomfortable romantic feelings for Dom. Which she honestly hated so she was just trying to ignore them and continue their friendship and Kat's marriage with Ray.

Dom noticed that Kat was thinking a lot and that she didn't even want to look at her face. Which made her very nervous.

"Oh god. Shit. I'm so stupid. You can leave Brazil if you want. T-there's no reason for you to be here. I'm just gonna mess things up" She said in a very stressful voice while she was looking around her and shaking her hands and legs.

Kat saw how she almost got a panic attack and put her hand on Dom's leg to calm her down. It was a very bad idea but no matter what she had to support her.

"You want me to leave?" She said, a bit hurt.

"No, no of course not. But you probably hate me now and you shouldn't be here babysitting me, waiting for me to die" Dom said and stood up, ready to leave. Before she got to stand up completely Kat reached for her hand and softly dragged her down.

"Can you please listen on me for a second, will you?" Kat softly said while still holding Dom's hand. Dom nodded and let her speak. Terrified of what she was going to say.

"I... I admit I. I have small, small romantic feelings for you. That I don't wanna admit. But now I am. But.. We can't happen. We just have to work these feelings away. But just so you know, I won't stop liking you as a friend less now cause of what you told me. I still love you, very much. But... Just as friends. Okay? Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, of course I am" Dom quietly answered while looking down at the ground.

"Come on, we should probably get going home" Dom said and let go of Kat's hand and started to walk away. Kat just sat there and looked at her. Fuck, looks like I just made her feel bad. She thought. She never wanted her to feel bad. But what was she going to do? She couldn't do this to Ray. And... She just couldn't do this to... anyone.

"I have important feelings solve out" Kat mumbled for herself and followed Dom.

Author's note:

I am SO sorry for posting this chapter so late! My mental health was not going so well so I needed to focus on myself for a while. But I will try to post more now. Pinky promise.

Anyways. I was actually going to make this easy. Kat having clear, real romantic feelings for Dom as well. But. That's not how life is. We all know that Kat loves Ray and I wanted it to keep steady and real. I also wanted to be respectful. But we'll see if things will happen later...

(If you're okay with that!!)

/ @ earpcs / @ d.omkat (Leave some feedback please! This chapter took SO long to write)

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