7. Comfort

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Kat and Dom came home to Dom's house again after a while. The whole trip home was completely quiet. Sometimes, Kat turned her head to Dom to study her face. To see her emotions and how she felt. But it was blank. Usually she could read Dominique very easy but now she couldn't. And that made her heart broke a little
After a while, Dom couldn't take it anymore. They wasn't even in the same room. Dom had screwed things up so bad and she couldn't have a person that hates her in her home anymore.

"You need to leave" Dom quickly said and looked down at Kat who sat on the couch, half asleep.

"What?" She was so confused. She wanted her to leave?

"Yeah, leave"

This made Kat's eyes well up in tears. Did she really hear it right? Did Dom want her to leave?


"Because?! Don't act like you have no idea what's going on. You're not stupid, Katherine. You haven't talked to me in hours and it's pretty clear that you hate me and why would I want a person in my home who fucking hates me?!" Tears were now starting to well up in Dominique's eyes as well. Bloody hell.

Kat on the other hand was speechless. What had she done to make Dom feel like she hates her? She was disappointed in herself.

"What are you taking about? I don't hate you!"

"Yeah sure, you have a pretty good way showing it" Dom muttered.

"Dominique Provost-Chalkley! I don't hate you! Where is this bullshit coming from? I didn't talk to you because I thought you didn't want to talk with me! I have for heaven's sake spent the entire night figuring out what I am gonna say to you!"

"God, I'm so sorry... I'm-I'm..."

"It's okay. It's okay. Just, talk to me instead of shutting me out. Okay?" Kat softly said and grabbed Dom's hands. But Dom shook them off.

"Just... Don't touch me if all you want is being friends" Kat now figured out to make this to a joke. To light up the mood.

"Nah ah. I'm gonna touch you anyways" She said and then started to tickle over Dom's whole body. She knew all of her weaknesses and one thing she knew about her, is there she get the most tickled. Her stomach.

"Hey, stop! Seriously, I'm gonna punch you if you keep going!" She giggled. She lost her breathe cause of the laugh attack.

They then collapsed on the couch and fell asleep after a while, and that was stupid.
The next morning when Dominique woke up she felt a body pressed up against her back. And arms wrapped around her body. She heard a soft snoring and that's when she realized it was Kat. She panicked.

If Kat woke up like this, she would probably get disgusted that she slept beside Dominique, like this...

She carefully grabbed Kat's hand and took them away from her body. So carefully so she wouldn't wake up.

She then got off and went straight up to the desk to write a short note to Kat. She couldn't stay. Too much things was happening around her.

First of all, she had started to feel that her heart wasn't really right. And it was honestly just a time question when it would get decided to stop working. She hadn't told Kat though. She did not want her to worry.

Second of all, Kat probably only said yesterday that she wasn't mat at her or anything just because making her feel better. Deep inside, Kat hated her and probably just waited for her to disappear. Dom's brain had convinced herself that's how it is.

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