Dark secrets (7)

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Lissa's P.O.V


"If i were a psychotic freak bent on collecting powerful assassins where would I be?" Jordan was muttering under his breathe.

"You don't do that unless you know the person really well, and you do know that  people who talk to themselves out loud are crazy." I snapped. My sister could die and he was being an idiot. Great! Now he was thinking she was in Alaska.

"Maybe she's in-" Jordan started until I cut him of.

"No. Raksha hates the cold and would end up committing suicide." I curtly replied.

"Then how do you know she's alive?" Mathew asked. Now he was worried about her. So cute!

"She telepathically told me this morning that she's fine and will not tell me where she is so don't waste time asking." I answered. Crap! My eyes are watering.

"Look it's okay, we'll find her." Mathew said comfortingly. This is so unfair! Does everyone have to take care of me. If I wasn't so pathetic and weak maybe Raksha would still be here.

"Look it doesn't matter now what you could have done in the past is gone and Raksha's future is black.So unless we get her out of wherever she is, she's gonna have a very depressing future ahead of her." Mathew stated like it was an obvious fact. What he just said was something Raksha would say.

Without thinking i said " You know what you just said was something Raksha would say." Mathew stiffened and said nothing. I thought i stunned him until he said.

"I think I know where Raksha is." He said.

"See Jordan. He uses his brains." I smugly said. The answer was so logical and obvious that it made me feel stupid. Raksha would have told me if she was far away because I couldn't have gone to get her. Near enough to telepathically contact me to. God I was stupid.

Raksha's P.O.V


I loved sword fighting. Riley was still mad at me for publicly humiliating him. So the idiot challenged me, the poor thing had not realised that I'm good at everything here. Fighting physically and mentally were my best skills.

"Cynthia! Killian and Hunter want to talk to you!" Coach yelled. What now. Then since I had done nothing wrong ( Other than scare everyone here really badly ) I decided to do something I loved - thinking of the multiple ways to kill Killian and Hunter. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I did not realise I had walked into the room until I walked into a wall.

"Crap." I muttered.

"Hello child." Killian greeted

"What now." I grumbled.

"Hello Cynthia." Hunter greeted.

"Oh hi Hunter." I greeted cheerfully just to annoy Killian.

"We were going to test the amount of power and control you have over it." Hunter explained.

"Okay whatever." I said.

"Okay Cynthia we're going to monitor your brain waves while you're doing stuff. Okay. Beta waves shows you're doing something, Theta waves show you're drowsy. We are looking for Alpha waves-the ones usually associated with psychic activity." Hunter explained while Killian hooked me up to a machine.

"Okay just ignore the equipment and relax." Killian instructed. That made me mad. I gathered a little power and lashed out. Unfortunately Killian was standing behind a glass wall. The glass shattered and the machine broke.

"Impressive." Hunter said.

 "You are dismissed." Killian coldly said. A machine was printing out my results. Having nothing to do, I threw a bolt of power at him and then went to my room. Kestrel was there and was curious about what happened. 

"Are you going to ask or do you want me to tell you later?" I asked Kestrel.

"Just tell me now." She replied. She listened patiently without commenting while I related everything. "So what was Killian's face like when you threw that bolt of power at him?" She asked when I was done. I cracked a smile.

"Ridiculous. He almost fell out the window and gave me the look that said 'why did you do that you could have killed me'." I said holding back laughter.

"Look I was wondering...I hate it here I plan to break out...Do you want to help me?" Kestrel asked awkwardly.

"Heck yeah. My sisters would be worried about me. They would come get me out if they knew where i was but they don't. They aren't stupid, they'll figure out soon." I said confidently. Knowing them they probably figured out where I was. 

"Okay, if we break out of here, what will we become...as in we can't go back to our families." Kestrel asked.

"Good question. I don't know. I guess we'll figure out later." I said far more confidently than I was.

Delos's P.O.V


"You should have told me about them years ago!" Ash yelled. Ironic, two days ago I told him and he thought it was a big joke. Now he believes me.

"Look you can properly meet them later I need to find Dimitri." I said curtly.

"Your son is here you idiot! He is my Best friend!" Ash yelled. Wait, that aura, Jade did not follow me. "You should have told me about my sisters Raksha, Lissa and Jade years ago!" Ash continued yelling.

"Delos I have a BROTHER!!" Jade skrieked.

"Erm...Jade I can explain-" I started but she cut me off.

"Really I have a brother! That's so cool!" She yelled and rushed towards Ash. "Is it true! I'm Jade. How old are you. Do you know were Raksha is. What can you do." and then she hugged Ash. Ash looked stunned and overwhelmed. Thank god Jade was so easily distracted. I turned to look for them but they were gone. Damn. Now I needed to find them. Rashel why did you have to have THEM.

I sighed and went to Lissa. She was next best at finding Jade. Raksha of course was best but would kill me if she found out. And I was not suicidal.  

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