Chapter 1 - Owen

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I will be switching POVs a lot just to let you know! But I will try to have one POV per chapter or if it is a really long chapter, a couple!

I appreaciate all your feedback, comments and votes!

Also, my computer has broken which means I won't be updating my books as often.


How did this mission go so wrong?

It wasn't anything we hadn't done before. In fact, there have been missions like this which were more difficult. It was fairly simple, then how did Kota go get himself kidnapped?

They are all more or less mature twenty years old. I look over at Luke who is hugging a chocolate bear. Some definitely not as far along in their maturity as demonstrated by some people in my Team. Where did he even find chocolate?  As oldest by three years with Sean, I am the one who has to take control when it seems everyone has lost. It's not like Sean is going to do it.

It seems that everyone has their own way in dealing with the trauma the most recent news has brought. 

Kota, our Team Lead, is currently in the hands of the enemy.

Our current mission was infiltrating a drug ring that has its' base located in Columbia, South Carolina. Normally due to personal reasons, I have a tendency to avoid such missions. The Academy has become aware of my habit and went through Kota to get us to agree to the mission.

The amount of favors that we will earn for completing this mission would be enough to get us to retire if we wanted. And for me, it might be finally enough to get my darling free. She was my little secret.

One that I wasn't ready to share with my brothers quite yet.

My attention is drawn back to all of my brothers who are not currently dealing with this crisis very well. Without Mr. Lee, it has fallen to me to get them all under control, a task I am not looking forward to

Letting my usual blank mask fall over my face, I speak up, "Quiet! Panicking will not get Mr. Lee back any faster."

I have quite the knack for making them shut up, "Mr. Morgan report!"

He looks up and says, "I tried to track Kota to where he could be help, but there was nothing. Their coding and fire wall is the best I have seen in a long time. I don't recognize the signature either."

I give him a stern nod and turn to the others, "Report!"

Mr. Taylor Junior scowls as usual, "Silas and I asked around and it seems that Kota was taken with some others when another group raided the place. They say that it was the Albanian Mob, μαλάκες! (assholes) Apparently they just settled here from a different city. It's a smaller branch, but everyone is terrified of them and have refused to hit them back."

I freeze when they mention the Albania Mob. Out of all the groups in the world it had to be them! Am I just having a bunch of bad luck lately

Mr. Morgan cuts in, "I know of them. They are one of the scarier mafias out there. Their focus is more human traficking, prostitution and guns, not drugs. If that's true, Kota and the others will most likely be sold into the trade or tortured for information. We need to get him out of there yesterday."

Mr. Griffin adds, "I am sure the Academy can get him out. It would cost a lot of favors and would take a while. We need to act now. If we go in, our covers would be blown and all of our work for nothing."

Mr. Coleman voiced his opinion despite it not being asked for, "I don't give a shit about this mission or the amount of favors it is getting us! We need to fucking go after Kota!"

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