Chapter 12 - North

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I want to recommend the Academy fanfic : 'In the Midst of the Unconventional (An Academy Fanfiction)' by ada_meyers_. It even just got updated recently!


By the way, this chapter might paint the Toma Team in a bad light. Don't worry, it will get better.


Could someone give me names of Academy Elders please? I need it for the next chapter.


I was cooking in the kitchen back at the Diner when Sang Baby ran in looking all flustered.

For the couple of days we all had met Sang, I had never seen her like this. Her walls were down and you could see everything she'd been through. Her eyes sung stories with sad endings, I wanted to wrap her in a blanket and tell her she'd be safe forever. Something must have scared her a lot for it to have this reaction.

I put my hand around her waist to stop her running around, "Sang Baby, what's wrong?"

She looked at desperately, "I have to go. Where is my bag?"

I handed it to her, "What's happening, Baby? Talk to me."

Sang shook her head, "There is no time. Something at work come here and I need to head out now before they catch up with me."

I let her go, "Okay, go! The bathroom is that way if you need to change."

Baby smiled, "Thanks North, see you soon."

She disappeared, leaving me in her wake. Sang Baby reappeared in her all black outfit. Does you just lug that thing around just in case? I simply watch as she creeps out without attracting anybody's attention. Soon, she's gone.

What the fuck just happened?

I see Marc and Brandon getting into it with Uncle and Luke. Knowing a fight is going to break out, I encouraged the people inside the Diner to leave. When everyone was gone, I locked the front door and put the closed sign up. I turn back just in time to see Brandon clock Luke right in the nose. I take out my phone and red-line my brothers. I know this is about Sang Baby and we all need to be here to defend her.

I rush over and shove Brandon off my brother, "What the fuck, Brandon?!"

Marc helps him get up, "Sorry, he just got annoyed with Luke."

I take a threatening step towards them, "That doesn't give you the right to hurt my brother."

Uncle walks between us, "Calm down, boys. I'm sure that this can be solved in a calm way."

Brandon defends himself, "That bird you are protecting is a murderer."

I see red and punch him right in the face. I had the same reaction when I met Sang Baby, but she's not that way. He has no right to judge our bird. I won't let him get her, not under my watch or that of my brother's. That is one thing we will agree on. Though we have barely even met Sang Baby, she's family.

Marc gets in my face, "What the fuck, North?"

Luke walks up besides me, "He had it coming."

Gone is my usual carefree laid-back brother in his place remains only seriousness. Lucian might not seem scary, but if someone hurts family, shit is going to hit the fan. Uncle seems torn about how to deal with us. Our family isn't usually like this, but neither is the Toma Team.

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