Chapter 8 - Sang

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If you need another Academy fanfic to read, check out  'WISH (An Academy Ghost Bird Fan Fiction)' by Nikimecool. She just updated recently too!


I was just reading an Bucky Barnes/Avenger fanfic (Dirty Laundry by h2oparx) and the ending made me cry so much. There isn't a sequel or I haven't found one and I just can't. Excuse my sobbing in the background. 


I groan as the light hits my eyes.

Fuck, my head is killing me. I roll over and stuff my head into a pillow. What the fuck happened last night?

I can't remember much past the game of Jenga where we all pathetically failed and kept knocking over the tower which meant we had to take a shot. Oh shit, then I remember about the jello shots. Those were just a bad idea that seemed like a good one at the time.

I slowly opened my eyes to examine my surroundings. I was only in Owen's shirt, but my bra and underwear was still on. Thank God because if we did something while his brothers were around us, I would never live it down. I am on the couch and everyone else is spread out on the floor. Owen is missing thought and there is noise coming from the kitchen. None of the boys are wearing shirts or shoes. 

When did that happen?

Luke is sleeping leaning against the wall. North is spread out on the floor, hogging the blankets and the pillows. Gabe and Nathan are leaning against each other. Sean is in starfish position with a singular blanket and pillow. Kota is on one of the armchairs. Silas is nearly falling off the couch. 

Where is Victor?

I looked behind the couch and there he was. Now, everyone is accounted for. I continue to look around to discover somehow exactly what the fuck happened last night. Several things were worrisome.

Like what the fuck happened to the TV?

It had been ripped off of the wall where it was and someone punched through the screen. What did it ever do to us? There were many, many alcohol bottles surrounding us. The only one I remember drinking is the vodka, tequila and armagnac. Where did the others come from? I think we drank the good stuff. I roll over and stare at the ceiling. Confusion and horror came over me.

How is there an entire pizza stuck on the mother fucking ceiling?

Note to self: Do not get this drunk with a group of boys again unless you are filming the entire thing. It was just slightly strange that I have no memory of last night, usually I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance and I assume the giants around me did too. I swing my feet off the couch and attempt to get up.

Only to slip in maple syrup?!

I have so many questions on that one. Like where did we get some? Did I have some? Did we just eat it like it is or with waffles and pancakes? As I get up, I find myself face to face with some Eggo waffles. Well, that answers that question. I continue on my merry way until I find myself at the door that separates the living room and the kitchen.

How punched a hole through it?

I shake my head and open the door quietly. The pounding in my head has not fucking stopped! I stumble into the kitchen and over to the cabinet with the pain killers. I open it, but they aren't fucking there. Whoever moved them better be ready because you will face the rage of a hungover person!

 I turn around to hunt the idiot down when Owen shoved some in my hand and a glass of water, "Here!"

I take them and sallow quickly, "Thanks."

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