Family Picnic

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(Grab some snacks, this one is a long one)

Hiccup pushed a few bushes and leaves out of the way so he see what's front of him. With a sword, he slice through thick bushes, so he can make a path way for Astrid and his two children to walk through.

"Are we there yet?" Nuffink asked.

"Not yet, sweetie. We'll tell you once we're there." Astrid replied.

Nuffink nodded and reached out for Astrid's hand. He grabbed her index finger and hold it tight. Zephyr was in front of Astrid, having her hand running through the bushes. She looked around, seeing the new environment they were in. She looked at her father, seeing him slice a few more bushes.

"Can I help, daddy?" Zephyr asked.

Hiccup stopped and looked at his daughter. "Sure."

He took his daughter hand and brought her in front of him. He placed her hands on the handle of the sword, Hiccup's hand were still on the sword of course. "Keep a good grip on it, Zephyr."

Zephyr tighten her grip on the handle. He slowly lifted the sword in a angle, while Zephyr hands slowly follows. He then swung it slowly, slicing a bush in front of them. Zephyr smiled widely and giggled.

"Yay! I cut a bush! Did you saw that daddy?" Zephyr asked excitedly.

"Yes I did! I am so proud of you sweetie!" Hiccup replied.

"Mommy! Mommy! I cut a bush! Did you see? Did you see?" Zephyr asked Astrid.

"Yes, sweetie! Good job!" Astrid said, smiling.

"I wanna try! I wanna try!" Nuffink said.

Hiccup turned around and crouch to Nuffink's height, opening his arms. Nuffink ran to his father and jumped. Hiccup immediately wrapped his arm around Nuffink small body, while the other was holding the sword. He brought the sword close to Nuffink, as Nuffink placed his hands on the sword's handle.

Hiccup turned around and faced the huge bushes that were in front of them. "Remember, keep a good grip on the sword." Nuffink nodded and tighten his grip. Hiccup slowly lifted the sword as Nuffink's hands were following. Then he swung the sword, slashing the bush in half. Nuffink giggles uncontrollably and bounce a bit.

"I did it! I did it! I helped!" Nuffink squealed.

"Yes you did! You are so strong." Astrid spoke.

"Very strong. Maybe a little stronger than your dad." Hiccup added, joking a bit. Nuffink giggled once again.

Hiccup smiled and safely placed Nuffink down at the ground. He pushed his son a back a bit, then started to cut bushes again.

He slashed the last bit of bushes in front of him, revealing a place he hasn't been in years. It was quite small, with a pond no bigger than a hut. It was mostly grassland, only a couple boulders here and there. Trees surrounded this small area, there was small gaps in the trees, allowing rays of sunshine go through and lighten the place. Hiccup sighs, as many memories went through his mind.

"It looks exactly how we left it." Hiccup spoke.

"I remember this place, we used to come here whenever we want to get away from Berk." Astrid added.

The kids pushed forward, capturing the beauty of the place.

"Woah... It's so pretty." Zephyr said.

"Hey look! A small bird!" Nuffink said.

He pushed Zephyr a bit and ran passed them. He went up to the little bird that was on the ground. He kneeled down, and picked it up with his small hands. The bird panicked a bit, chirped in fear.

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