Drink Buddies

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Modern Au

Rain was pouring and bouncing against the roof of Astrid's apartment. Which so happens that Hiccup was there with her. The reason why he's there is was because he had another fight with his father. His father wanted him to become a business man. He wanted him to take over the business that his father was in. Hiccup refused, he wanted to become an inventor. He wanted to create things that makes people lives easier.

Yet, his father disagrees and began to argue him. Which lead to a fight, a verbal fight to be exact. Hiccup had enough of it and stormed out of the house, not caring that his father was yelling at him. The first place that came to his mind was Astrid. Astrid was his best friend, ever since middle school. They have been through the toughest times and pulled through together.

Though, Hiccup has a crush of this fair lady. When he first lay eyes on her, he fell in love quick. Not caring the risks of it. But of course, he knew that she doesn't feel the same way. A boy that is a nerd and having father issues. Who would want to date a boy like that.

Astrid was on her couch, watching TV while Hiccup sat on a chair in the kitchen. He stared at the table, rethinking the events that happened to today.

"Hey Ast." Hiccup spoke.

"Yeah?" Astrid replied, not taking her eyes oof the TV.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a couple of days?"

"Not at all. You can stay as long as you want. Well... If you promise to help pay the rent."

Hiccup smiled. "Alright."

"You're still going to college, right?"

Hiccup scoffed. "Of course I am! Who do you think I am? Snotlout?"

Astrid began to laugh as she shrugged her shoulders. Hiccup smiles as he chuckled. But that moment lasted for a while before his smile faded. Astrid noticed the odd silence and turned to face Hiccup, seeing his frowning and staring at the table.

She looked back at the TV and began to come up with ways to cheer him up. After a few moments of thinking, she widen her eyes. Bingo.

She stood up and went to the cabinets in the kitchen. Hiccup gave her a confused look as he tilt his head. "Ast, what are you doing?"

She didn't reply. In fact, she took out two shot bottles and a bottle of tequila.

"Oh my Tho- how did you get this!?" Hiccup asked as he looked at Astrid surprised.

"Let's say a friend of mine got it for me." Astrid said as she smirked. "Anyways, I saw that you were going to that deep part of your mind. And I know how hard is for you to get away from that dark side so I thought we can drink a few shots!"

"Shots? Astrid... D-do you think this is a good i-idea?" Hiccup stammered.

"We'll be fine. Now shut up and prepare to drink!" Astrid said as she pour the tequila in the shot glasses.

Astrid grabbed hers and Hiccup grabbed his. "Ast, I-i never drink before..." Hiccup stammered again.

"Neither have I but it never hurts to try!" Astrid said as she raised her glass. "Toast to... Drinking!"

Hiccup hesitate but slowly raise his glass. "To drinking!"

Both put their heads back as they drank the tequila. Hiccup slammed his fist on the table as Astrid groaned.

"Agh, that burns." Astrid said.

Hiccup slowly nodded. "Yup." He wheezed.

Astrid grabbed the bottle and pour again. "Hiccup... You won't regret this."

Hiccstrid One Shots Where stories live. Discover now