Misunderstood Murder (Chapter 12)

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A small child tugged at an older mage's cloak. The older mage looked down at the child who sheepishly pointed to the candy store.

"You want some candy Blaez? Why not, let's go get some," the older mage smiled brightly and held Blaez's hand. Together, they walked into the small shop.

Blaez stared in awe at all the candy. He then looked at the prices and his face fell. The older mage then ordered the candy, with Blaez giving him a shocked look.

"What? You looked so down. You know I can't see you look like that," the older mage gently poked Blaez's nose. "Don't worry, it's nothing a little work won't cover for."


"-no buts. It's okay Blaez. You can ask for what you want. You're still a kid and you're allowed to do that. You don't have to be grown up alright?" The older mage smiled and then poked Blaez's cheeks.

"You're the coolest older brother ever," Blaez's smile widened. His brother shared the same lavender purple eyes but his were always softer. All his features were softer. Even his light blue hair. "I bet the pup that got kicked out could've used a brother like you."

"Yeah..." his brother's voice trailed off. The older mage turned to get the candy and gave some money to cover for it. "Here you go Blaez, enjoy it well."

"Do you want one Torak?" Blaez offered a piece.

"Well, since you're offering," the older mage gladly takes one piece of the candy and popped it into his mouth.

They walked out after thanking the store owner. Blaez held Torak's hand as they walked around the streets.

It's lively, the market center filled with all sorts of different shops and mages trying to buy whatever they need.

While Blaez enjoyed the busy streets, Torak was busy looking at the alleyways, a rather grim look was on his face.

"Can we we go see the sunset? It's setting!" Blaez excitedly points to the golden star setting in the distance.

"Yeah, let's go do that," Torak smiled before leading the way to an opening out of the market.

The two brothers ended up in an empty part of the market place. The ground is cracked and small plants are growing out of it. Multiple vents are surrounding them. Blaez let go of his brother's hand and rushed over to the edge.

A rusty railing blocked them from falling down the cliff. Blaez excitedly watched the sky turn different colors. He reached out his hand and felt the warmth of the sun on his skin.

"Hey Blaez, everything is okay right?" Torak asked as he stood next to his brother.

"Yup! I got candy and we get to see the sun set! And I'm with you," Blaez continued to smile. He held Torak's hand, he felt comforted.

"You don't have to be okay with this little..." Torak frowned. "Once I start making more money, I'll buy you everything you ever wanted."

"Torak," Blaez pointed to the cave where their pack used to live. It's a mere blob in the distance, but they could recognize it. "I know our pack died. I know we can't live like we used to then. But that's okay! We still have so much to be thankful for you know? You said it yourself, we're still pretty lucky."

"I know..." Torak's voice trailed off. "We are still pretty lucky. Did you see if there were any other packs we could join?"

"That's your job Torak. We can't join another pack, you gotta make another one! You need to find a mate!" Blaez grinned at his brother who simply sighed.

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