Chapter 01

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Grace P.O.V

"Gracie my dearest sister please freaking wake up!" A male voice said as he shook my body.

My eyes flutter open I look up at my brother's eyes, I groan and cover my head with the sheets. "I won't do that if you don't want, to get showered here" he warn.

Instantly I sit up and glare at him, I rolled my eyes he ruffled my hair "Hurry up you're going to be late!" he took a bucket of water as he left my room.

I groan as I dragged myself to the shower after a few minutes, I dry myself and walk out with my towel around my body.

I took a glance of the watch I have another ten minutes to spare, I sigh as I quickly slip on my undergarments with some random shirt and shorts. Not to forget my chucks I applied some makeup, I tie my honey brown hair into a ponytail. I quickly took my bag and rushed towards the kitchen.

I took my bowl and pour Froot Loops along with milk, I started munching it while looking at my older brother Trent and my seven year old sister Rose. They're busy doing their business.

Trent look up his eyebrows knit together at me "Grace you're doing the face again" his brown eyes stare at me.

"Yes Gracie you're getting creepy!" Rose whine. To be honest Rose look like exactly like mom, with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

While Trent his hair is the same as Rose both of them look almost the same, but he always made tons of girls swoon coz he's abit of a player for some reason.

I blink my eyes a couple of times "Uh sorry I was daydreaming again" I quickly finished my cereal and dump the bowl into the sink.

"Bye Rose I'm off first and you Trent your freaking phone is getting annoying" I pointed to it.

He smirk "This is because all the girls won't stop chasing me" I rolled my eyes as I quickly went into my car and drove off.


I shut my locker feeling so annoyed of begin late with tons of books on my arms, I sigh and enter my classroom.

"I'm glad you're here Ms Collins I thought you're not going to come" Mrs Green push her glasses forward while staring at me.

I had the urged to rolled my eyes "Well it was always a pleasure not come to school on Mondays, but I have too because it's a must"

I walk pass her ignoring her daggers, I slid my sit next to my best friend Samantha McCain, which it was werid to call her coz obviously it's like calling my first name.

She just a funny and cheerful girl, she's a redhead and had a pale skin with big chocolate eyes.

"Let me guess you're late coz you're dreaming meeting your Prince charming again?" She smirk.

I place my books on the table "Yeah yet again but this time is getting weirder"

"Like what? You're on the castle and he gonna save you, like Romeo and Juliet?"

"No it's was more than that, we're kissing in front of Eiffel tower with fireworks in the background"

"Woah that's really cliche but it's still sweet though"

"Yeah but the whole time I can't really remember his face, all I could remember his bright, emerald green eyes"

"Hmm whoever he is, let's hope your dream will come true"

I shook my head "Sam I don't think so, coz it's just a freaking dream nothing is real"

She shrugged her shoulders "Whatever Grace as long you're happy" I sigh and begin to write some notes on what Mrs Green have written on the board.


The bell rang I quickly pack my bag while waiting Sam to pack hers, after a few minutes we dump all the books into our lockers.

I shut mine and sigh in content feeling refresh from the weight from my arms, like seriously it's like I'm carrying those weights...

Sam linked her arm with mine as we walk towards the cafeteria, I sit on my usual spot while Sam sit opposite me. I look around the surrounding feeling something missing.

"Sam where's Jason?" I turn my attention to her, she shrugged her shoulders "I don't probably he's getting some lectures from the teachers again"

I shook my head "That guy seriously always in trouble" She nod in agreement, I begin to take a sip of coke feeling hot. Well not that hot hot I mean the other way round, note to people thinks that way...

All the sudden strong arms wrap around my waist, Sam smirk towards the owner. "Jason you should stop hugging me" I push him away.

He chuckle and sit next to me, introducing Jason Keion he's my best bud and my childhood friend. Girls will get crazy over him coz he's a bad boy I can say, due to his hair is jet black with hazel eyes and the way he act. But he's a good person actually...

"I'm just want to cuddle you like a koala coz you're so huggable" He pinch my cheeks.

"Jason I'm not" he smirk and peck my cheeks making my eyes went wide, I noticed his eyes are red and smell something weird.

I turn my head to Sam "Jason did you just smoke a pot?" She asked.

He laugh and turn his attention to Sam "No Sammy I'm smoking hot"

She rolled her eyes "Yes you are" Jason stomp his like a five year old. "Hey wanna me send you home? Coz you're seriously need to" I stare into his eyes.

He shook his head and open his arms to me "I'll be missing you later Gracie"

"Yo dude she's not cat or something and you're in need to take a shower" Sam wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Sammy are you jealous? Coz you don't get to smell this full hotness of me aren't you?" He gesture himself.

She rolled her eyes "Grace I'm going to send me home now, he'll be big trouble if any teacher caught him red handed"

Sam pull Jason as she drag him away from our table, Jason look at me with a cute grin on his face. He hugged Sam from behind, she tried to push him away but end up need to drag him that way.

Awww they look though...




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