With Every Story, Comes A Beginning

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(Lite taps against the cold marble floors are heard through the room next door. The door is closed and locked, and against it sits a heartbroken woman who's just about ready to explode. A knock is heard on the door.)

"Regina i know you're in there, the lights are on. Open up." Emma spoke, as she stood on the other side of the mayor's office door.

There was no reply, only silence.

"Regina...look we have to discuss what that thing you defeated in the woods today was and who created it..." Emma explained, whilst leaning against the closed door. "We also need to talk about what happened last night."

"There is nothing to talk about. The man who according to Tinkerbell is my soulmate, seems to be living it up with his resurrected wife and son, meanwhile here i am...left to drown in my own tears and sorrows." Regina let out ever so dully and quietly, thinking Emma did not hear her.

However, due to the mayor's office being occupied with only Regina locked inside, and Emma on the other side of the door, the place was awfully quiet; especially at this time of night. Emma heard every word that Regina let out. Her reply being-

"That can't be true. Although over the past few days is the happiest i've seen you, it seems like you and Robin are still slowly figuring things out. Please trust me when i say this, i never knew exactly who Marian was, only that she was captured by your men and was ordered to be killed the following day. Due to my so called heroic actions in fixing things that shouldn't have occurred in the first place, she had to vanish elsewhere because her death was prevented by my decisions. I did not mean for things to turn out this way Regina! Not like this! Not upon you and your happiness, NEVER! Mostly for Henry's sake...but also because i've had enough of fighting with you. I want us to be able to agree with each and get along, for the sake of Hen-" Emma pauses for a second, 'no' she thinks. If we're doing this, we're doing it right. "for the sake of OUR son." she finally finishes.

Emma waited to hear if Regina would say anything in reply to what she had to say, but there was nothing.

"Look Regina, i came to storybrooke to bring back happy endings, including yours and i promise you i will find a way for you to have your happy ending." Emma explained, before turning around and marching herself out of the building.

The entire time Emma was stating her point, Regina had buried her head in between her knees and her stomach, positioned with her legs curled up, whilst she sat on the cold marble floor.

Her voice cracked as she mentioned, after Emma's exit "Villains do get happy endings, there just not for me." Raising her head with a disappointed look on her face, eyes red and puffy, and face as pale as a ghost, she let the tears flow down from her face once more.

Author's Note: 

To whoever is reading this in 2017, 3 years after i'd originally written this, know that i've changed a few things. I've edited words that i clearly didn't know the meaning/difference/spelling of, way back in 2014 when i was in year 12/form 6 (12th grade for international readers). I've also changed the way some paragraphs were written, either changing it completely or just switching out certain words. Anyway, to anyone who plans on continuing through with this story, i hope you enjoy it. And to those who have already read this story and are reading it again, here's to letting you know somethings have changed :)

xx Precious

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